Presently corporate world fully depend on Internet marketing for advertising and management. But interestingly there is no official textbook on proper strategy or tactics of internet marketing. If you are a business owner then it completely depends on you and fully strategies can be performed with search engine optimization (SEO) with professional firm or individual(s).It will be done as you or your business wants. As per my 4 years experience in marketing and SEO consultant, I have applied a lots of new or fully invented methods to maintain corporate web marketing SEO strategies.

It is seen that a large number of SEO professional as well as marketers are doing mistakes in theirSEO strategies. My article tries to find out a few of them. Just check these mistakes and avoid them to start healthy web marketing SEO strategies.

1. Real Time Onpage content strategy:

There was no problem before Google’s Panda algorithm update but time has changed and with out value added content , you site will never come to top in SERP . Just you have to add value able content to your site. Content must be related to your business. A few suggestion about value added content

  • Content with quantity and quality.
  • Social sharing with quantity and quality.
  • Real Time grammar and spelling.
  • Real time text formatting.
  • Using of subheads
  • Informative length of content
  • Natural inbound and outbound links

Your first criteria in SEO startegies are valued and informative content which may be ever lasting effective.

2. Poor offsite content strategy:

Offsite SEO strategy normally depends on link building and article marketing. On the other hand inbound links are the heaviest-weighted factor in Google’s ranking algorithm.

As it is known to all that links are like roads to your website which can bring potential clients and customers. So your link building strategies must be white hat and natural. Content marketing (guest posting) is one of the best white hat method of link building.

Using black hat method is the easiest way to shut down your website as well as your business too.

3. Time management Concentration:-

A large number of online marketers fail in their SEO strategies due to lack of time .When you hire some to start SEO strategies then you must be involved in the strategies. This will give more interactive in online community which is one of the most effective path of trust worthiness among the clients and customers.

4. Lack of enough budgets for campaign:

It needs to hire high quality SEO experts to start your strategies such they can do with devotion on your site as well as your business too. So high quality firm or individual can provide your needs .Unfortunately, a large number of low-budget SEO providers are stuck in a pre-Penguin era of Search Engine Optimization helps business owner via spamming (black hat tactic) but it quite impossible now.

5. Unequal distribution of workload:

Now this days , Online marketing is too vast field of business , so it is quite impossible to manage by a single person . That is for why, it is needed to hire freelancer or virtual assistant to distribute your work among them. Work distribution can safe time and energy which can manage more clients and customers.


Your SEO strategies depends on your activeness and willingness. If you hired some one experts but you must monitor their works in real time basis which may be a source of your business success . So my best point in this context , if possible then must try to know your basis SEO strategies .

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