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Using This Gadget You Won't Losing Keys Again

Losing keys is embarrassing and creates a situation of inconvenience. Kim Ji Soo, Kim Jeongmin and Chung Boogun, the three anticipated designers made a solution of this common life problem. If you are also one of those people who forget to pick their keys after placing them somewhere, then this bracelet key concept is made for you. 

This is not an ordinary bracelet, as this product transforms your key into a fashion bracelet. The bracelet is designed in a way that the key shaft makes one end of the bracelet and other turns to be the lock. You can release the lock by pressing a small round button near the connecting point. The band is made up of silicon and it fits perfect in the wrist.
So now if you don’t want any embarrassment or inconvenience, then you should consider buying this awesome gadget.

Awesome! Using props to create Illustration Art.

Alex Soils, a Chicago based illustrator, loves to transform everyday objects into humor packed art. Alex keeps posting his interesting work on instagram. Here are some of the collections of his work. Check out the gallery below

Fuel Your Sales Funnel Using Social Media

The most powerful tool of internet marketing is the social media as it attracts millions of viewers every minute. Social media is not just about updates, friends, photographs and links, in this era of time it has a developed into a significant medium in the industry of online marketing. Marketing through social media is the best way to understand the demands and requirements of the public. However the difference in the perceptions of the marketers has aroused many questions about the significant importance of social media in internet marketing

Marketing on Social Media – Boon or Bane

Some marketers believe online marketing through social media is a boon while others agree that it is a bane. The marketers who believe understand the value of social media and use it properly to advertise and promote their business online attracting thousands of customers as well as attaining huge return on investments. As for the later group, they lack the knowledge of efficiency ofmarketing through social media and hence fail to use it to gain return on investments. More often people are just access social media as a part of their personal habits unaware of the fact that it’s beyond friendly interactions and has more important and exclusive features. However it is essential to understand the proper use of social media for promotion and huge return on investments.

Concentrate on Content Marketing

Social media does not sell products or in other words it does not act as a shop. However it helps in the promotion of the brand, products, services and company’s identification through pages and communities. Social media can be utilized efficiently by interactions among the people about the brand and the products. Concentrate on content marketing as suggested by initiating and involving in various conversations with group of people. These activities will lead to the reception of ideas and opinions and expand the scope of improvement and generate profit.

The work of the marketer is almost done if the large number of audience turns themselves into subscribers and follows each update of the product and company’s services away from the social media. Through emailing various newsletters and inviting the fans to the webinars would increase their knowledge as well as interest in buying the product and availing the services frequently. This is the core step to increase sales of the business through providing the customers wider platform of transparency of the services and quality.

Inspire the Audience to Attend Webinars

Converting webinar attendees into customers is an easier approach to increase sales as marketers who have effective traits are capable of converting large percentage of attendees into customers. With every webinar, the number of customers increases increasing sales simultaneously. With the help of social media software programs one can attract new followers after seeding the content.

Corporate Web Marketing Using Seo Strategies

Presently corporate world fully depend on Internet marketing for advertising and management. But interestingly there is no official textbook on proper strategy or tactics of internet marketing. If you are a business owner then it completely depends on you and fully strategies can be performed with search engine optimization (SEO) with professional firm or individual(s).It will be done as you or your business wants. As per my 4 years experience in marketing and SEO consultant, I have applied a lots of new or fully invented methods to maintain corporate web marketing SEO strategies.

It is seen that a large number of SEO professional as well as marketers are doing mistakes in theirSEO strategies. My article tries to find out a few of them. Just check these mistakes and avoid them to start healthy web marketing SEO strategies.

1. Real Time Onpage content strategy:

There was no problem before Google’s Panda algorithm update but time has changed and with out value added content , you site will never come to top in SERP . Just you have to add value able content to your site. Content must be related to your business. A few suggestion about value added content

  • Content with quantity and quality.
  • Social sharing with quantity and quality.
  • Real Time grammar and spelling.
  • Real time text formatting.
  • Using of subheads
  • Informative length of content
  • Natural inbound and outbound links

Your first criteria in SEO startegies are valued and informative content which may be ever lasting effective.

2. Poor offsite content strategy:

Offsite SEO strategy normally depends on link building and article marketing. On the other hand inbound links are the heaviest-weighted factor in Google’s ranking algorithm.

As it is known to all that links are like roads to your website which can bring potential clients and customers. So your link building strategies must be white hat and natural. Content marketing (guest posting) is one of the best white hat method of link building.

Using black hat method is the easiest way to shut down your website as well as your business too.

3. Time management Concentration:-

A large number of online marketers fail in their SEO strategies due to lack of time .When you hire some to start SEO strategies then you must be involved in the strategies. This will give more interactive in online community which is one of the most effective path of trust worthiness among the clients and customers.

4. Lack of enough budgets for campaign:

It needs to hire high quality SEO experts to start your strategies such they can do with devotion on your site as well as your business too. So high quality firm or individual can provide your needs .Unfortunately, a large number of low-budget SEO providers are stuck in a pre-Penguin era of Search Engine Optimization helps business owner via spamming (black hat tactic) but it quite impossible now.

5. Unequal distribution of workload:

Now this days , Online marketing is too vast field of business , so it is quite impossible to manage by a single person . That is for why, it is needed to hire freelancer or virtual assistant to distribute your work among them. Work distribution can safe time and energy which can manage more clients and customers.


Your SEO strategies depends on your activeness and willingness. If you hired some one experts but you must monitor their works in real time basis which may be a source of your business success . So my best point in this context , if possible then must try to know your basis SEO strategies .

Using CSS3 Page Break To Organise Print Pages

Although we are currently leaving in a digital era where everything can be accessed easily, there are many people who still prefer reading long text on paper. There is a chance that a number of your users will print out your content to read offline.

The capability of styling or porting content from web to print has existed for years. We can do this with the @media rule within the stylesheet, as follows:
          view plaincopy to clipboardprint
  1. @media print { 
  2. /* Style rules */ 
There are several properties that allow us to format our web content when porting to print, and we are going to discuss one of it: the Page Break.
What It Does?

If you have been working with word processors like Microsoft Word and Pages, you should be familiar with the Page Break menu; this allows you to break your content to the next page.

This module does that; allowing you to control on how your web content should be split, page after page.

Using Page Break

For demonstration purposes, I have created a dummy page that I’m going to print. Here, I have found an unstrategic break, as you can see below.

It would look better if the heading and that orphan starts at the next page.

To do this, we can use the page-break-after property and set the value to always to force the following element to “break” to the next page.

view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
  1. .page-break { 
  2. page-break-after: always; 

Then, you can either create a new element with the class in between the elements, or assign class in the preceding element like so.

view plain copy to clipboard  print?
  1. <p class="page-break">With the <strong>Eraser</strong> feature, you can take composites of a photo, then put all of that together, to get the background without the extras you don’t. </p> 

  2. <h3>The phone to travel With</h3> 
  3. <p><strong>S Translator </strong>is going to be a great tool for your travels as ... </p> 

Now, you should find the heading and the orphan at the following page.

Widows And Orphans

The method above can be tedious if you have very large amounts of content. So, instead of forcing the content to break, it would be better to set the minimum threshold of the widows and orphans.

In typography, widows and orphans are the unfortunate names used to refer to the left over words or short lines that seem to have been abandoned by the rest of the paragraph on another page.

By using the orphans and widows property, we can specify the threshold. Given the following code example, we can specify at least three lines remain at the bottom or at the beginning of paragraphs where page breaks occur.

view plain copy to clipboard print?
  1. p { 
  2. orphans: 3; 
  3. widows: 3; 

Further Resource

We have discussed the basic of controlling page break in print media for your web content, and we hope that this encourages you to consider print styles in your website so your content will look good both on screen and on paper.

For more, you can head over to the following reference.

  • CSS Paged Media Module Level 3 — W3C

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