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10 Simple Ways To Create Amazing Landing Page

How does a Landing Pages affect the profitability and performance of a PPC campaign? The answer is simple: A lot. 

However at times we come across web projects that are resistant to create and adapt specific landing pages depending on medium and channel. 

When managing Google AdWords campaigns where cost control and profitability is very rigorous, we find this kind of problem: landing pages that do not provide a good user experience with call-to-actions widely dispersed or navigation structure on-page very confusing. This is reduced to a very high bounce rate (a waste of clicks that are not profitable any)

At times, users and CEOs tend to believe that by simply appearing in the top positions, they will automatically reach success and their ad will be a boom in sales thanks to AdWords. Obviously, a good ad position regarding competition means more visibility, more relevant, higher chance of clicks by users, and what sales? The PPC optimization work does not end here, it is all done. The objective will be fulfilled when the user find what they are looking for and decide to buy the product or service to you, and that is a quality landing page.

Below you will find 10 important ways to maximize your profit:
  1. Be specific: Although often used destination url’s corporate website itself, the most optimal is to create a specific landing page depending on the products or services that we offer. For example, a car rental site should have a specific landing page for each vehicle that appears on the web (cars, vans, motorcycles, etc.). In this way, we ensure that the user gets all the information you are looking for and not lost with other information that is not so important for him.
  2. Simple and useful: A good landing page should be simple and have a clear structure, where you can quickly see all the information that the user is looking for, without leakage points. The time between that clicks on our ad and make a purchase must be as small as possible, so we must be very clear and precise on the information we offer.
  3. Quick charging time: What attributes should be taken into account when creating a landing page? Focus on details and avoid too many flash animations that are just messy.
  4. Dynamic Keywords: It is very important that the keywords for which you have accessed through Adwords are present. For this, the text has to be dynamic, that is, which varies with the keyword that the user has entered the search. Another valid option would be to identify the keywords that we get people interested in our product usually find and add.
  5. Call to action: The call to action, such as a “Register Now!” Or “Buy now!” It must be actively present.
  6. Dynamic image or customized by theme: The image must be displayed according to the search for which the user has accessed the landing. Easy access to purchase / registration. Visually, access to the cart or the contact form must be what most highlights, as this is where we want to go our users.
  7. Security: Important safety information is transmitted and this must be clear and accurate. Do not leave anything unexplained. Each client is a different world, which is why we cover every area of ​​this insecurity with commitment. Your customers can also help by providing feedback.
  8. Shortly Text: The important thing is to call the attention of the user to enter the next level, either the registration or sale. Therefore, the less time the user loses our best interests.
  9. Offers. Putting an existing offer is a great firming sale, because you show the user the advantage you gain from buying your product. For example: discounts up to 70%.
  10. Brand. They see a clear brand identity; this can be done through the company logo.

The specificity and simplicity of our landing page reduces bounce rate and increases the fidelity of the user. The information you receive is more relevant regarding the ads and search terms that triggered it, so we’ll see increased conversions at a lower cost, which ultimately will result in a significant increase ROI. But it does not end here; the task is difficult when trying to find the perfect formula for increasing online sales. How about a Web Testing of different landing pages and analyzes the most optimal performance? Sometimes small changes can increase conversions.

Developing a website that will actually generate sales for your business is an efficient approach. For instance, generating more income in relation to the amount invested is not an easy task under any point of view- much less today, where competition is extremely complex. While there is no single magic formula to implement a 100% perfect landing page, there are guidelines we can see from the outset to achieve excellent results. Wrapping it up, focus on a single value proposition and get going!

The second mistake many people make is the fact that they prefer to save on design. Unfortunately, when you’re working online, saving on the design of your website is a serious mistake to avoid. Reliability, security, transparency, and trust are points the customer sees in the first instance- this is reflected through the design of our site. This is because the design has the responsibility to convey the quality of our work to the end user.

The better the design, the more professional and better it will be converting customers into sales and revenue for our online development trips. Compare a sloppy design without coordinated structure with a good one. This is priceless!. Always use safety methods. To conclude, another point that we can use and we must use to our advantage is to implement security systems for customers at closing the sale. Nobody is going to use your credit card without being absolutely certain that the medium has every precaution to safeguard your private information. Following this tips will help create amazing landing pages.

Little known Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Blog

Thousands of new websites and blogs are created every hour of the day. How is anyone going to see yours?

When you have worked long and hard to create the perfect blog to showcase your work, your writing or your worldview, you want as many eyes as possible on this masterpiece.

Since the early days of the web, developers and marketing professionals have fought fiercely to bring their content and business to new customers.

The majority of people in North America spend so much time online they should be sent to addiction rehab centers. But how can you get them to pay attention to you?

Guest Posting

In the business world we call this cross-promotion. Blog viewers want lots of content and they require a certain frequency of posting.

You can’t really post any less than once a week or people will stop coming to your site. Guest posts significantly increase your ability to post.

Guest posting doubles or triples the amount and quality of content available on your site, with little effort on your part. Guest posting allows you to create backlinks to your site, increasing your SEO value.

Having a popular and well-respected blogger from another site write content for your blog will give your work a new legitimacy.

Why not share your audience while creating a new community of loyal blog readers?

Create a Community

If your blog focuses on a specific topic, city, music genre or business philosophy, there may be other people writing on similar topics.

Build relationships with them.

The best way to make your blog stand out and to promote yourself at the same time is to start commenting on your favorite blogs.

Commenting on blogs allows people to see your point of view or maybe laugh at your jokes; then they will follow the link to your blog.

Give it Away Now

Many successful bloggers started out with tiny sites but took a gamble on increasing traffic to their site through contests and giveaways.

Everyone loves a free gift, and nothing drives readers to your site faster than a chance to win something. Find a local business to donate prizes or create an irresistible item or product that people want.

Then, offer anyone a chance to win the prize by subscribing to your site, following you on social media, commenting, or any other way you want to retain your audience.

Everyone wins when you offer something of value in addition to your great writing and interesting content.

Diversify Your Content

You are proud of your blog and the content you’ve created. Now show it off in other formats to attract whole new audiences.

If your blog is primarily text-based and full of interesting articles, now is the time to add video and audio content. It’s easy and inexpensive to record audio interviews with leaders in the field of your blog topic.

Video can be produced with just a phone these days, so you have no excuse not to make short videos and post them to YouTube or other video-sharing services like Vimeo.

Don’t try too hard to create a “viral video.” We never know which of our videos will suddenly become crazy popular.

All you can do is create content that is funny and informative and then send it out on every social media platform.

Send in tips to popular blogs encouraging them to feature your new content, and soon you will be exponentially increasing traffic to your blog.

Focus on photos

It can be incredibly difficult to constantly create content, write and edit it, film or record it, then upload everything. An easy way to increase the amount and quality of your blog content is to make a daily or weekly photo series.

Blog readers love to share the spotlight, so have them really interact with your site and send in photos. High-traffic blogs almost always focus on photos and pictures, GIFs and memes to engage viewers and bring even more people to the site.

Host an Event

Finally, you want to celebrate after all your hard work creating a popular blog. A great way to create loyalty with your audience is to host a fun meetup!

People love to meet and talk to the “man (or woman) behind the machine.” It gives your readers a sense of community and participation to meet with fellow blog enthusiasts.

Now you know what to do to make your blog a total success: host a great event, post colorful and engaging photos, explore new formats, offer contests with prizes, strong commenting and guest posting.

In no time you will have thousands of new and loyal blog readers. Then it’s time to monetize.
Image courtesy of xedos4 at

Top 5 Ways to Do Keyword Research

Providing quality and unique content for your website has to be coupled with the right keywords. Using the right keywords targets the right viewers. With keyword research, you can achieve maximum exposure on various search engines. This is primarily one of the reasons why keyword research is a must for SEO. To optimize your SEO efforts, you have to effectively use keyword research to your advantage. How do you go about that?

Identify the Search Term Length

The length of any search term can is one aspect that you have to consider in doing keyword research. Knowing the relevant number of words to be used affects traffic quality. For instance if you are using one or two keywords, these short search terms get more traffic but with lower quality unlike three or more keywords. Long search terms usually get lesser traffic but they can have higher quality. In fact, 70% of online searches can be attributed to long search terms. The rationale behind this is the fact that users know what exactly they are looking for. To achieve quality traffic, you need to work on long tail keyword research instead of having general keywords.

Actual Content of the Search Term

Now that you have some idea when it comes to the length of the terms, you now have to focus on the actual contentof the search term. In using certain words like cheap, deliver, prices, compare, review, best, etc., you get to improve traffic quality. When doing keyword research, always be in the position of your target audience.

Keyword Research Test

The next thing that you have to do is to test the keywords based on keyword metrics. Keep in mind that there are several scoring systems. But one important thing that you should keep in mind is that you have to run keyword tests based on the following criteria: keyword ranks, rank position where there is opportunity for traffic growth, anchor links matches, etc.

Use of Keyword Research Tools

To make things easier, you can actually use a keyword tool to help you pertinent details when it comes to the specific keywords that are used in online searches. For instance, if you are going to use Google’s keyword tool, you get to see the average search volume per month. These data would include both local and global searches. By using keyword tools, you get to target the right keywords based on actual behavior and actual keywords used. Some of the best keyword tools include Keyword spy, SpyFu and a whole lot more.

The Importance of Analytic

Part of your keyword research is to assess and evaluate what specific keywords are working and what are not. The best way for you do that is through the use of Analytic All content management system tools have their own modules/plugins that can enable you to view the data and other figures pertaining to your website’s ranking and performance. With the use of analytic you can easily see if all of the keywords actually work.

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