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Info | Make a Successful Blog in a Short Time

“Time is the biggest factor in building a successful blog. You can never get success in a day or become famous over night. It’s your continuous works that will bring success to your life. Making a blog is easy but developing it and turning it into a successful blog is real hard. A blog always needs some sufficient time to become popular and gather a readers base. But sometimes it takes more time which it wouldn’t have taken if you would have followed some important points. And this post is all about that.” -Avi

Sangram, one of our new guest authors will tell you how to get a successful blog in a short span of time.

Whenever we launch a new blog the most important thing is to promote it in a daily basis and use correct techniques. If you don’t promote your blog and the articles then no one is going to find it. There are many thing you can work on in order to promote your blog.

Key factors to get a successful blog in a short span of time:

1) Relevant sharing:
Sharing or promoting your blog in relevant places.
Targeting like-minded people only.

Writing relevant tweets or status is the most important thing. Many people make this kind of mistake which can hit you back resulting in that many people will unfollow you on twitter or ignore your updates. Writing relevant tweets and status is directly proportional to getting more no. of readers. Sharing articles on social networking sites is key to getting more traffic. However, that doesn’t mean that you need to spam.

2) Content that goes viral:
Writing content that goes viral, what people actually want.
Writing list posts or post which has some real and successful experiments.

People love to share articles if it’s worth of sharing. You might have seen articles on StumbleUpon getting up to “100K Thumbs Up” as soon as it is posted there. So it’s very important to write content which can go viral in no time.

3) Building reputation for blog:
Helping people on forums (Leaving a sign is must).
Giving credit (No sarcastic comments).
Giving useful suggestions.

Earning reputation for a blog takes a lot of time. However, if you follow the simple points given above that will surely help you because many of the other bloggers don’t do that as well.

4) Giving people a reason to love your blog:
Building relations with your readers and increasing engagement.
Solving your reader’s queries or providing the answers to their questions.

I should have mentioned this earlier but as you know, we should always respect our readers because, without them we are nothing. So whenever any one asks you a question as a comment on your posts it’s very important to reply back. If you follow these simple technique people will love to keep coming back to your blog.

5) Submitting articles to best directories and guest blogs:
Good directories like can help you to get more love from google.
Guest posting in authority site will help you in many ways.

This comes under link building. Submitting articles to high quality directories can help you get indexed in search engines in no time. Guest blogging on good blogs can helps you to earn links and also a good readers base.

6) Writing consistently:
Searching for new blog ideas and writing about it.
Posting articles in a regular manner.

Consistency is the key to a successful blog and blogging career. Many would agree with me over this. Writing consistently will result into more people coming to your blog. Readers should get some new posts to read from time to time.

I hope these techniques will help you in the long run of your blogging career and make a very successful blog.

Info | The Best Time To Write Blog Posts

Happy new week to you my valued reader and, I hope you had a fabulous weekend. I’m happy I’m back again for us to continue where we stopped, the ailment that caught me recently really took me away for a bit long but, thank God it’s all over now.

Now, based on the question I asked on the title of this post, I know the answer will certainly be different for each of us but, I just wanted to share with you something I discovered for some time now, you know it’s all about sharing our experiences right? I guess.


There is something that really caught my attention to write this post, it’s not as if this is the first time it happened but, I never made up my mind to write about it until now so, let’s get the point.

It’s all about writing blog posts and I ask you again……What time do you normally write your posts? I hope you will answer this question on the comment thread.

I discovered that it’s normally very easy for me to write in the morning, I mean, very early in the morningthan any other time of the day.

Initially, I can write at any time especially late in the night because, that’s the time I’m always less busy and have less distraction so, I usually utilize it to work on my blogs but recently, those time no longerwork for me when it comes to writing.

I can certainly do any other thing on my blogs but, not to write a blog post. I’ve tried so many times to write at night as usual but, each time I opened my PC and word document to write, the inspiration will not just be there, I will always find enough reason not to write.

However, the next thing I normally do after I’ve done every other thing on my blog is to go to bed. This same thing also happened last night, I tried everything I could to write, all to no avail in fact, what you’re reading now is not what I planned to publish here today but, I just changed my mind to tell you about this rather.

Why am Writing About This Now?

I know that there is a thing called writers block and many of us surfers from it at one point or the other in fact, most people don’t even know how to handle it.

What am I saying? The reason you normally have writers block may be attributed to the time you always choose to write, do you agree with me?

Yes, think about it based on my own experience. I can’t write very well at any other time except early in the morning and since I discovered that, I don’t know what writers block is again. Once I open my PC to write in the morning, the ideas will just be flowing and flowing unstoppably until I decide to stop now, isn’t that amazing?

This is the same reason why I’m asking you, when do you normally write your own blog posts? You really need to answer this question because; it might be a solution to your writers block problem you know.

If you normally experience writers block whenever you’re writing, why don’t you change your writing time and see what happens next? If you normally write in the afternoon, why don’t you try writing in the evening or at night?

However, I also noticed from my experiments that, majority of writers also prefer writing early in the morning than any other time of the day so, why is it so?

I don’t know really but, I think it’s because our brain is usually very calm and fresh at that time of the day because, we just woke up and have not had any form of distraction or something to think about but, after going through all the daily struggles, we normally feel weak and tired and therefore, our brain might not be able to function well again when we try using it in writing.

I don’t know if this is the reason but, that’s my own thinking.

Finally, I think I’ve already made my points, what I now want you to do now is simply to give what I said here a shot. If you finds it difficult and challenging to write at any given time then, why don’t change the time and see if that works for you, it’s all about trying so, JUST DO IT.

Don’t forget to answer my question and also tell me your own opinion based on this post via the comment thread; I always love to hear your opinions. And please, share this post with your friends if you enjoyed it, use the buffer button to tweet.

Thanks for reading my post today and, may we all have a productive week.

5 Ways to Build Values for your Blog

One of the most important characteristic of a successful blogger is that they know who they are, what they want, what they believe in, and what they stand for in blog-o-sphere. Most newbie bloggers are confused about their goals, values, ideas, and what they can stand for in the blogging community, and that is the more reason why they find it difficult to accomplish their blogging dream. -


To be frank, life is the ability to leave from the inside-out. The value you created for your blog makes it what it’s today, and the look of your blog solely depend on the value inside of you. The greater clarity you have regarding your blog, the more precise, and effective the possible outcome of the blog.

Thinking of target with concentric rings: You can imagine your blog value, personality, and authority by thinking of targeting concentric ring. Your blog value, personality, and authority is made up of FIVE good rings which begins with the value you place on your blog as the topmost priority, and radiating outwardly as a result of good job you have done on your blog to the next circle which I will call your RELEF.

Below are crucial ways to create value for you blog.

1. Your blog value determine people believe

If your blog is valued by you, definite; you will do everything within your reaches to make it the best by posting quality contents, building quality backlinks through guest blogging, comment, and some forums that allow dofollow.

2. Belief

Some bloggers don’t believe in themselves that they can do it without been tutored for months/year(s) by an expert. Gone are those days when I was in the university, either I attends lecture or not I will have to read on my own rigorously without anybody putting me through, though it may not be easy but try to confide in your innate ability. I chose blogging because I love what the internet offers as the second largest community after the planet earth. Believing in yourself will give you the courage to accomplish your blogging dream and will enable you to set a precise target with a specific time.

3. Expectation

Blogging is like a computer; garbage in, garbage out, and there is no gimmick about that. The more you determined, the more your zeal increases, and the more consistence you are determines what the later tale of your blogging career will offer. Like my secondary school tutor said and I quote “No manner will fall from heaven”. Yes! And it works in blog-o-sphere. Write down what you want to accomplish, and work to leave for it, and not leave to work for it.

4. Altitude

Your level in blog-o-sphere is determined by your outward manifestation or reflection of the charisma you are carrying in you. The level of the value you place on what you are doing, belief, and the expected outcome, is determined by your altitude in the community. For instance, if you belief blogging is a community that needs talented men and women and you are not one, then you need to make yourself one. And before you know what is happening, your service will be honor in the community.

5. Action

Action speaks louder than voice so they say; the action you take toward your blog will determine the level. You cannot only add value to your blog by thinking and writing down what you want to accomplish with a credible action, and if you are the type that procrastinate it is high time you put and to it and take action.

Final word: What you achieve in blog-o-sphere is a result of your inner mind which reflects itself in your action.

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