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Promote Your Blog In An Effective Tips

The basic definition of a blog can be framed as an internet site or a page which is updated regularly or keeps on updating. Blogging has been very popular in the recent times. Many people are going for it and there are many who have a number of blogs they own

How the question comes how to promote your blog???

Well if you have the same question then here are some of the key points about blogging and tips on promoting your blog.

Connect to google+ : Google is the best and rated number 1 search engine in the world and you can take the benefit of it by just switching to google+. Once your blogger profile is switched to google+ then you will enjoy the benefit of automatic sharing.

Quality of content matters a lot : what is the use of hard work if the output is not proper or desirable. If the quality of your contents is not good then it will leave your visitors panicked and sometimes confused. Nobody wants to use extra mind when they are reading something that is supposed to be perfect.

I hope you all make use of my tips to produce more high quality content.

Target on Search Preferences : Search Preferences are a special feature provided to bloggers. Special because it gives you an opportunity to target on some of the words which are preferred and your content containing those words will be on the top of search results.

Email this post : Using this feature on your blog will create a platform for the people to send and share your posts with various people and in various places or sites. This will increase the reputation of your page. You surely want this to happen so eagerly. This feature is a plus one for bloggers.

Subscribe option : You will come across to “subscribe to our site feed” or “subscribe us” while surfing on the internet. This enables you to get the newsletters from your blog. The more they get newsletters from your blog, the more are the chances that they will read it eventually. If you have quality content and interesting topics then it will be a matter of a trial for them before they start reading your blog feeds on a regular basis.

Update on a regular basis : People visiting to your blog will not want to see the same content all every time they visit. They would want to read something new. Contents also have a life and make sure that the contents of your blog have a very short life. Updating on a regular basis will improve the overall quality of service on your blog which will eventually make your blog among one of the favorites to people.

Blog URL in your email signature : This will increase the possibilities of your blog getting the attention of many people up to a very great instant.

Target on blog search : You just have to submit your blog address to various search sites and enjoy the visitation of people on your blog. Searching at those search sites is easy to find what we are looking for and thus people frequently use those sites. If your address is there and your SEO is good then you have a lot of scope.

Effective Ways to Generate Huge Blog Traffic

We all realize how important it is to get more blog traffic. Being a blogger the most important works you need to do are content writing and trying to get traffic to your blog. When you publish articles you get some good amount of blog traffic but you don not get that much blog traffic because you don’t give much effort in some key areas. Here in this post we will talk about getting huge blog traffic by working with Promotion, SEO and SMO.

Important Notes:
  • Content is King no doubt, but Promotion is the queen because without any promotion our article will not reach the right audience; and in that case, our works will not be seen by anyone.
  • Getting organic traffic is always good as it’s a long-term traffic source. And so Search Engine Optimization can do a lot good to rank for important keywords.
Again, it’s not always easy to rank for each and every keyword and in that case the main source of traffic is social media. So, Social Media Optimization is really important.

In this article I’ll share some tips which will finally help you to increase your blog traffic:

1. Good content and grammar:

Everyone likes good content and so you should always find good blog ideas and write unique content for your readers. Then you should determine whether your content is well composed with exceptional sentence structure, punctuation, obviously fitting spelling and grammar or not. Provided that, employ a supervisor to tidy things up for you. Relying on the sort of altering included, editors may be expensive; however, having clean and well-composed articles will assist your site get the credibility that it needs.

Always value your content because it will not just help your web index standing but will also make your webpage as a great place to get updated. This will increase engagement on your blog and will also bring returning blog traffic.

2. Continuous Promotion:

Promotion through Twitter

One of the fastest and effective ways to get traffic is using Twitter for promotion. Tweeting is quick and simple to do -and your trust is that some of your supporters will “re-tweet” it and will make it reach more people (considerably more than just your “follower base”). You can use JustRetweet to get more retweets and blog traffic from Twitter.

Using Video to Promote

Not always but sometime you can use a fast 30-40 second ad of your article. You can post it to YouTube which will not just draw blog traffic but will also make an additional link back to your article on your blog.

Using Facebook & LinkedIn

Status may as well head off to every last trace of the social sites you are interfaced to. Some will even give you a chance to set up auto-connect. At the time you declare your new post on Facebook it mechanically tweets the greater part of your follower. You will discover that the social site is driving traffic to your blog. Again, you can use LinkedIn to drive traffic and heavy leads too.

Participate in other blogs

You can participate in other blogs either by blog commenting or guest blogging. Either way is effective and drives great amount of genuine readers and blog traffic. You just need to be active there through your comments. You need to try to stand out in the crowd and engage with the people over there.


3. Pitch it to another Blogger:

Keep a record of different bloggers who have High Traffic Blog Sites. Meet them or try to contact them via social sites or mail. Keep a good touch with them and once you prepare something of genuine quality shoot out a message by offering them to post it. Now since you had a good relation with the blogger he will take care of you and will finally post your article in his blog. And this will help you to get traffic from his blog.

Again, you can also make good connections and share content of a top blogger with your followers. If you continuously do so, that blogger will also do the same for you.


4. Make it easy for people to share:

When you actualize the plans above, you should to be getting some blog traffic. Now you need to make it simple for them to share your content with others. The least demanding path to do this is by the utilization of incorporating social media buttons with your blog.

There are various plugins that will do this for you. Anyhow I emphatically propose that you don’t over compensate it! A couple of basically set catches or choices are helpful. You can try social plugins like Flare, Socialize and WP-Socialite.

5. Search Engine Optimization:

As I said above, getting organic traffic is always good as it’s a long-term traffic source. Search Engine Optimization can do a lot good to rank for important keywords. SEO is not hard but some bloggers don’t work on it as they think it’s hard. Simply, SEO means optimizing your content for search engines.
Steps you need to go with to get a perfect SEO article and drive blog traffic:

  • Find a topic which is mostly searched by people by using Google Trends.
  • Write a unique piece of content with detailed info to discuss that very topic.
  • Find the best keyword which is mostly used by users to search that topic.
  • Use Adwords Tool to find the most searched but low competitive keyword.
  • Then install a free plugin like Yoast WP SEO or paid plugin like SEOPressor.
  • Now optimize your article by using that plugin. This is On-page optimization.
  • Then do guest posting and blog commenting to get dofollow link to that article.

It is always great when a low competitive but mostly searched keyword is targeted. If your content is unique and has good quality links from other blogs to that article then your post will easily rank in Search Engines. And you will start getting huge blog traffic.

I hope you found this article helpful to drive more blog traffic. If you know some more ways to get blog traffic then do share with us.

What Happens When You Blog For 5 Straight Weeks?

The guys over @ Tresnic Media, a NJ online marketing company, did an intriguing case study on the frequency of blog publishing.

I first heard about it from Ryan. You can read the results and learn more about their findings here.

The challenge was to measure the growth in traffic (and business) over a period of 25 business days of straight content publishing.

The solution: writing and publishing 50 blog articles on their website, twice a day. That’s 10 articles a week.

“I can honestly say that at no point throughout the five weeks did I feel a stress on myself for a deadline or fear of missing a day. How was this possible? By having a solid blogging plan and efficient routine and multiple sources of content inspiration”, says Todd Giannattasio. 

This post is written by John Gibb about Aggressive Blogging – A case study. He explain how blogging twice a day can be a powerful content strategy to uplift your blog to the next level

It was really an aggressive blogging strategy!

Traffic results after blogging twice a day:
  • Website Traffic Increase (overall traffic): 481%
  • Search Traffic Increase: 427%
  • Referral Traffic Increase: 440%
  • Direct Traffic Increase: 570%
  • 50th post went viral.

Business growth results:

In Todd’s own words…

“The first way we generated leads was that people found via a Google search for one of the almost 500 keywords that we’re now ranking for.

Another was via LinkedIn Discussions where we highlighted certain tactics (SEO or lead generation) in an article and people were interested in learning more about how we can help…

… But the best, and my personal favorite, once post #50 went viral, people started calling ready to hire us to do what they saw we did for ourselves. This is a brand new position for me, where the customer is no longer looking for a service and wants me to sell to them. But they are actually calling to hire us because they already know we can deliver results. It is a great feeling and well worth all of the time and effort put into this blogging experiment.”

How does aggressive blogging apply to you?

To me, blogging more often as a way to grow traffic was an instinctive strategy. After reading reports like the above and seeing the type of results others were getting, I knew I was onto something big. So I went ahead, refined my aggressive blogging strategy and created a crazy plan.

I am now at war and we (I and my partner) are on a mission to write and publish (with the help of my partner) 30 guest posts a month (each and every month) on other people’s sites. Within a year I’ll have 365 unique articles back-linking to my home page and different posts/urls on my blog.

That’s not all… I will also write 30 articles per month for my HWA blog (which is the core source of generating traffic and leads). Plus, I submit 200 premium comments a month as well. Within a year, I’ll have an additional 365 links from relevant sites and more importantly, a whopping 2,400 premium comments, sitting on other people’s blogs.

These comments often look like mini articles, and provide real value to readers. They aren’t one line or small blurbs written just to steal a back-link in return.
How to blog often and with passion, like never before

“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.” ~ Anthony J. D’Angelo

If you want to grow your site traffic, you cannot expect miracles. The reality is you have to get up and work like mad. Turn your company/marketing team/yourself into a 24/7 premium content factory. Be the Google replica in your industry. Start your aggressive blogging journey!

Finding new ideas is EASY!

You don’t have to rely on Amazon or online blogs alone, although these two methods could bring you mountains of cool and practical ideas.

I’ve once seen an article that reads…

What a great title and concept I’ve said to myself.  And I started to create similar content myself.


You can replace “lessons” with “tips” or “techniques” and take over the web with this concept alone.

Smart, isn’t it?

Here’s another way to find remarkable and proven content ideas: browsing through local magazines and newspapers… it’s a method that most people are often overlooking or ignorantly neglecting.

Editors and journalists are always looking for the latest trends and red-hot topics to cover in their writing. They’re doing the heavy research for you. Blog on the same (or similar) topics if they’re relevant to your niche, and if not, MAKE them relevant.
How to make boring topics hot, and leave your competitors behind

You can connect two unrelated things into something new and relevant to your audience. Like how I did with social media and Donald Trump.

You can also turn boring ideas into hot topics. Your imagination is the only limit. Example:

“There are no boring topics, only boring content creators”. ~ Pratik Dholakiya.

Want to expand and enrich your imagination? There’s a single way: read and learn. Study novels. Watch movies. Read cartoons and illustrations. Buy the latest shopping, tech and travel magazines. All of this is fun and enjoyable anyhow! While I’m playing on my I pad for example, I’m still learning. Now is the generation where we an play and learn at the same time!

The more you read and study beyond your industry, the better and more often you’ll be blogging, with a twist. That’s what will set you apart and zip you miles away from competitors.

The question is: do you gave the guts to aggressive blogging? To blog twice a day or let competitors out-score and out-profit you?

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