This post provides information for the online job seekers to make money online with micro job websites.

The internet technology has changed our lives by providing unlimited information and helps to connect with the world through social networks, emails, video chatting and so on.

We should thank to the internet as we could work and make money from home in many different ways. Yes, there are plenty of ways to earn money online without investment.

Now days, most of the people are looking for the sources to earn money online as it has various advantages like comfort of work from home, work without travel and not much skills are needed to perform them.

While saying the words “online money making” then the three popular ways named Blogging, Freelancing and Affiliate marketing strikes my mind. But all these need consistency, dedication and patience to thrive in it.

Then, you might ask “How come the people with little skills can make money online?”

Here is the answer!

Since the outsourcing is working well for big businesses, it is logical for the medium and small businesses too. So they need workers to perform short and easy jobs for small fee to get their job have done effortlessly.

As the growing number of people are ready to work from their home at spare time, many start-up organizations are overcoming the frustrations by getting the required jobs done on time from them.

Working with small projects and earn money with it? Yes, it is called Micro lancing and let’s discuss in detail.

What is Microlancing or Microfreelance?

Micro lancing is a freelancing job where the type of jobs could be done in a short period of time.

In other words, workers can complete the mini projects with little experience or even with no experience and get paid for it.

What are the advantages of doing micro jobs over freelancing?

Workers need not to work hard to fine the micro jobs and little time is required to complete these types of jobs.

Unlike freelancing, most of the websites offer the jobs without the bidding system and it is possible to earn money without any specific skill.

Moreover, not much reputation and attractive profile are needed to perform the micro jobs.
What are the types of Micro jobs?

There are various types of microjobs and let’s check some of it.

Online services marketplace:

  • Workers offer small service for buyers with a little fee.

Simple online tasks:

  • Buyers posts simple tasks on microjob websites and get the work has done by the people who are willing to do it.

Writing and commenting on blogs:

  • Busy blog owners required workforces to write short articles and comments for their blog.

Real world tasks:

  • Some types of buyers need to finish the jobs which cannot be done online.

Crowdsourcing jobs:

  • Some online companies hire people to complete small tasks for their large projects.

Surveys and reward programs:

Many online businesses pay money to the people to participate in surveys and reward programs to improve the quality of their product/service.
Useful Micro Job websites to make money online


Many websites acts as a platform between the businesses which need to get a variety of small jobs to be done and the people with various skills who want to make money online.

Within a short period, the micro jobs has become popular among the people to earn money online as it requires simple tasks without bidding system.

Search for the legitimate microjob websites and register in it. Offering quality work to them rather than focussing to make money with it would improve your presence among the buyers and so you’ll getdirect offers from them.

Most of the microjob websites are paying money through Paypal, so it would be better to create a Paypal account to withdraw the payout.

I earned some bucks with Fiverr and iwriter with my writing skill.

What do you say about make money online with Microjob websites? Speak your opinion

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