Blogging is getting popular nowadays as it is a famous hobby and income generating source for the people.

Building a blog for business needs thousands of daily visitors and some genuine ways should be handled to drive lot of traffic to a blog.

If you have just started your blogging career, then the next thought in your mind might be “how to make your blog popular”?

Or if you have started your blog since few months and still wondering with stumpy number of visitors, this post would help you to make your blog popular.

Let’s discuss some imperative strategies with which you can get a prevalent blog certainly.

Effective tips to make your blog popular

1. Personalize your blog design

Personalizing the blog design by having a unique theme with personal touches enhances you to stand out from other bloggers.

How to personalize the blog design?

Select perfect (premium) theme and add suitable logo to it.

Have a custom default Gravatar & style author comments, use your footer space effectively and ensure your sidebars with comprehensive archive by adding your popular blog posts and your well performed guest posts.

Incorporate your social media profiles in the top place of your blog and engage your readers with it.

2. Publish worth reading blog posts

Publishing worth reading blog posts is the basic promotion which could make your blog popular effortlessly.

How to publish worth reading blog posts?

If you focus only on your fascinating stuffs and not providing the solutions for your targeted visitors, then it is quite difficult to shout about your blog.

Instead, keep publishing the killer blog posts by providing superior solutions for your readers which would make them to come back regularly.

Speaking generic stuffs with your own voice would help you to get good reputation and to retain your brand name.

3. Build social proof

Building social proof helps the new visitors to confirm that you are in the right path of giving keys to your audience.

How to build social proof?

You can make use of popular social networks and get enough social signals from the viewers by sharing your pillar articles.

Using social plugins (limited no) would invoke your readers to share your amazing blog posts on their network.

Including case studies and testimonials would help a bit in building the social proof and encourage your visitors to leave their valuable thoughts through comments.

4. Create valuable Relations

Creating valuable relations would definitely support you to make your blog popular.

How to create valuable relations?

Mentioning other bloggers and providing links to exceptional blog posts aids to create good relationships.

Next effective method is to perform guest blogging with your excellent posts. If the blog owners drive quality traffic through your guest post, then it builds your strong relationship with them.

Sending newsletters to the subscribers, offering bonus and giveaways for the readers and hosting the contests for bloggers are the genuine ways to create valuable relations.

5. Optimize blog posts for search engines

Focussing the readers and writing for them is good but the basic optimization is needed to please the search engines.

How to optimize the blog posts for search engines?

Do keyword research and select eye catching blog title with popular keyword. Add Meta tag description, optimize it with long tail keyword and avoid using special characters in it.

Make use of relevant keywords in the main content and bold it.

Optimize the blog post images with alt tag and add suitable name to it. The basic optimization is enough for search engines to get good SERP and avoid keyword stuffing.


Blogging have great importance in today’s online world. Making the blog popular is the dream of every blogger.

So it is imperative for the bloggers to formulate a splendid blogging schedule and stick to it.

Just try to reach the reader’s heart with your exceptional posts added with humour and personal experiences. Also follow the imperative ways which I discussed above.

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How do you make a blog popular?

Just tell the ways which you are handling to stand out from the crowd!

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