In order to receive as much traffic from those search engines it is vital to make up the web page correctly, immediately from the start. Below follow 10 tips and pointers on how to do this the right way.

1. Proper SEO use of the “Title” tag

The Title tag is a standard part of the HTML make up of any web page. It usually is the first text spiders from search engines read when visiting the page. Therefore, it is important to know that most search engines only read the first 73 characters of a title, so make sure that your main keywords or key phrases are located in those first 73 characters.

2.meta tags

Meta tags are special HTML tags on a web page that contain information for spiders and bots. Even though large search engines like Google and Bing no longer read them, but lots of smaller search engines still do and therefore it is still important to include the meta keyword and meta description tag. It should go without saying that in there your main keywords and key phrases should be present.

3. Make search engine spiders revisit

Once your web page has been discovered by the search engines it is important to make sure they revisit the page within set intervals of time. For this a special meta revisit tag is used. Normal usage sets the revisit value on 14 days, but if your page updates frequently it is allowed to set it to a shorter period, like 7 days or less. This way you get more control over when your updates get indexed by those search engines.

4. First text

Now your tags are in place it is time to put up the first paragraph of text on your page for search engines, like google and Bing who do not read meta tags. Those search engines will take the first paragraph of text instead. It is important to know that from this paragraph only the first 143 characters are actually read and indexed by search engine spiders, so make sure your main keywords and key phrases are in the first part of the paragraph.


With the above tips and tweaks we have the basic structure ready, so now it is time to write up the rest of the content and use your keywords and phrases correctly. With the recent Google updates it is important not to repeat your main keyword too often. A keyword density of one percent usually does the job just fine, while overusing them will actually hurt your rankings. For example, if the content of your web page consists out of 500 words, repeat your main keyword 4 to 5 times maximum and you will do fine in terms of ranking and indexing. 

6. keyword variations

When you picked your keywords, and did your homework you also made a list of synonyms of those words, to use in your content. This way you can catch and rank for all variations of your keyword, and make optimum use of the SEO power of your web page. For example: If you have page about guns, you can also use pistol, rifle and other variations to beef up your text with added SEO power.

7.Keyword stuffing

Not so much a tweak but a word of warning: Don’t use keyword for the sake of adding keywords. Make sure your text makes sense and remains easy to read. Overdoing it will be picked up by the larger search engines, like Google and Bing and it will penalized with lower rankings or worse de-indexing of the entire web page. So use common sense and keep your readers in mind, even when adding SEO elements to a page.

8.Unique text

When writing for search engines always ensure your text is unique. Copying and pasting texts partly or in whole from other places will get recognised by the search engines and your page will be penalized for it with lower rankings.


Really Simple Syndication(RSS) can be a powerful means to get your web page listed on the search engines fast as well as get some fast traffic from other sources. If your site has the ability to use RSS feeds, make sure to enable it because search engines index those too and so called “RSS aggregators” might pick the feed up.
Social media

Once your page is ready and optimized with the above tweaks and pointers, be sure to publish them on sources like Twitter and Facebook. Search Engines love social media sites and will find your new web page almost instantly once you posted a link on there. In case an RSS feed is present you can even automate this process by using services, like Feedburner.

10.Always do your SEO homework.

The above tips, tweaks and pointers assume you already did your homework and have done the appropriate research in order to find all relevant keywords and key phrases as well as their variations ready before you started constructing your web page. Preparation is half the work, and this hold particularly true when it comes to optimising your sites for the search engines.

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