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5 Helpful Steps To Building Self Confidence

Do you want to become confident? How to build self confidence? 

People who lack self confidence usually suffer from lack of confidence due to the thoughts they think and keep saying to themselves. If someone keeps thinking to himself that he is not good enough and stays focusing on what he lacks, his subconscious mind hears these words and get programmed with these negative thoughts, hence it affects his emotions.

To learn how to build self confidence, follow the quick steps below:

1. Examine The Causes

The first thing you need to build confidence is to examine the causes of why you lack confidence. Do you lack confidence because you are shy? Lack a certain skill? Lack knowledge? You have to understand the causes first, so you can build self confidence.

2. Learn New Skills

Once you have examined the root cause, begin to learn new skills that will help you improve yourself confidence. For example, if you are not confident to give a speech in front of others, then work on developing your public speaking skills. If you want to be confidence to talk about a certain topic, then learn all you can about that topic. Whatever the cause is, there are skills that you need to learn to help you overcome the causes of lack of confidence. 

3. Practice

As you have heard, practice makes perfect. After you learn the new skills to become confident, then you need to practice as much as possible. For example, if you are a singer and want to work on improving your singing voice, you have to practice until your range expands. The more you practice, the more your voice range expands, hence you will become more confident in singing. 

4. Smile

Your smile says a lot about who you are. With your smile, you display confidence and ease without ever saying a word. Smiling shows you are comfortable with yourself and with who you are. Your mile affects your whole body. 
From now on, when you pass by someone smile and see the effect that it has on your confidence.

5. Give To Others

There is a universal law that tells us that when we give without wanting anything in return, we receive. The gifts you get in return will be more than what you have given. It could be an increase in your salary, finding the love of your life, peace of mind, among other things. Start giving to others from your heart, so you can start experiencing this powerful law of giving.

Group Discussion

Please share with us what other tips you have for building up self confidence.

4 Helpful Tips to Maximize Adsense Earning

Here I discuss some tips to increase your Adsense earning that you can apply directly. These suggestions are based on my experience and I’m sure they will work great for you as well. 

However, if you are already earning thousands of dollars per month, obviously, this post is not for you. I’ve not crossed thousand/month milestone yet. But wait, you can add some value to my post by sharing your experience and your different approach to make those thousands! 

I run a couple of blogs. I monetize them using Adsense and Infolinks – the two most reputed revenue sharing systems. We’ll find some other day to discuss about Infolinks, but in this post, let’s focus on Adsense – how to increase the monthly revenue.

Bloggers worldwide are enjoying Adsense – the best publishers network and the most reliable as it is owned by Google itself. There always exists a discussion whether you can really make huge money with Adsense, at the same time, there are numerous case studies Google is proud of.

If you are already in this game and earning some money from Google, lets discuss how to increase it.

Optimizing your site and optimizing Adsense Ad units is really easy, and yes, it makes difference! I hope you are well aware of the terms like CPC and CTR. To make it sure, let me put it briefly because these terms will be referred many times in this post.

CPC stands for Cost Per Click that is simply the unit of money you’ll earn when a user makes one click on an advert in your site. CPC varies widely and depends on many factors.

CTR stands for Click Through Rate, which is the percentage of clicks against the advert views. If there are 3 clicks made when Ads are displayed 100 times, your CTR is 3%.

Though there is no direct method to change CTR and CPC numbers, you can take some actions to affect them positively.

Tips to Maximize Adsense Earning

You can do many things to increase your Adsense earning out of your existing blog. I will discuss some prominent ones below:
Geo-Targeting Content & Promotion

The CPC (Cost per Click) is not same for every advertiser nor for every visitor. The same Ad may earn much higher when clicked by people in USA, UK, Australia (I’ve experiences with $10-$27 for 1 click from those countries) while you’ll see very low from India, Nepal, Pakistan and so on (often it is $0.01-$0.10).

People talk about Adsense high paying keywords, but the keywords only can’t ensure maximum money. You may have very high paying keywords in your post but your visitors are only from India – you won’t earn that ‘high pay’.

I guess people in US, UK, Australia and the like are very used to of online purchasing. The volume of online transaction in those countries is much larger compared to the countries in our part of the world. Where there are more customers, there are more advertiser’s willingness to spend more!

Thus, if it is Adsense to earn for you, you better create content for people in those countries. You should focus your promotion efforts to those geographical areas. If you have keywords that are high paying for click-through from Britain, target that country for traffic.

This may increase your Adsense earning many times than what you are currently earning!

Geo-Trageting Keywords

Many times, there are situations (like with my where you can’t change the originating traffic. Your site is already established and you are getting considerable traffic from certain country. Your content is best suited for the visitors from that country. The only problem is the CPC for the clicks from those countries are very low.

PS Exam has more than 60K/month unique visits and nearly 80% are from India. Now rather than trying to target different country I could target for keywords that are high paying for India. By increasing $0.01 keywords to $0.02 keywords, I simply could double the revenue from Adsense I was getting!

Just expand the Advance option in Google Keyword Tool to choose country you want to research against.

This will result in doubling or more your Adsense earning!

High CTR but Low CPC

While analyzing your Adsense account if you find your CTR is really high but CPC is too low, it’s time to do some experiments.

When you have high CTR, it means you are getting targeted Ads and your readers are clicking on it generously. But, the problem is that the Ads are very low paying and thus you got low CPC.

Try reducing the number of Ad units on your blog. This will offer less Ads for your readers to click but at the same time, fewer Ad slots for the advertisers. This will increase competition among ads and better ones will appear on your blog.


This will result in increased earning!

High CPC but Low CTR

This is opposite situation than what I discussed above. You are getting high paying Adverts but your readers are not clicking on them. It may be due to various reasons:
  • Your Ad placement is not correct. You don’t have Ads where your visitors engage most.
  • Your Ads are not blended – too bright Ads won’t get much clicks. Try not to degrade the look of your blog due to the Ads.
  • You have too few Ad units – you have very few Ad units and visitors did not get enough places to click

If you identify the cause and fix it, you can increase Adsense earning considerably.

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