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Easy to Make Your Blog Popular

Blogging is getting popular nowadays as it is a famous hobby and income generating source for the people.

Building a blog for business needs thousands of daily visitors and some genuine ways should be handled to drive lot of traffic to a blog.

If you have just started your blogging career, then the next thought in your mind might be “how to make your blog popular”?

Or if you have started your blog since few months and still wondering with stumpy number of visitors, this post would help you to make your blog popular.

Let’s discuss some imperative strategies with which you can get a prevalent blog certainly.

Effective tips to make your blog popular

1. Personalize your blog design

Personalizing the blog design by having a unique theme with personal touches enhances you to stand out from other bloggers.

How to personalize the blog design?

Select perfect (premium) theme and add suitable logo to it.

Have a custom default Gravatar & style author comments, use your footer space effectively and ensure your sidebars with comprehensive archive by adding your popular blog posts and your well performed guest posts.

Incorporate your social media profiles in the top place of your blog and engage your readers with it.

2. Publish worth reading blog posts

Publishing worth reading blog posts is the basic promotion which could make your blog popular effortlessly.

How to publish worth reading blog posts?

If you focus only on your fascinating stuffs and not providing the solutions for your targeted visitors, then it is quite difficult to shout about your blog.

Instead, keep publishing the killer blog posts by providing superior solutions for your readers which would make them to come back regularly.

Speaking generic stuffs with your own voice would help you to get good reputation and to retain your brand name.

3. Build social proof

Building social proof helps the new visitors to confirm that you are in the right path of giving keys to your audience.

How to build social proof?

You can make use of popular social networks and get enough social signals from the viewers by sharing your pillar articles.

Using social plugins (limited no) would invoke your readers to share your amazing blog posts on their network.

Including case studies and testimonials would help a bit in building the social proof and encourage your visitors to leave their valuable thoughts through comments.

4. Create valuable Relations

Creating valuable relations would definitely support you to make your blog popular.

How to create valuable relations?

Mentioning other bloggers and providing links to exceptional blog posts aids to create good relationships.

Next effective method is to perform guest blogging with your excellent posts. If the blog owners drive quality traffic through your guest post, then it builds your strong relationship with them.

Sending newsletters to the subscribers, offering bonus and giveaways for the readers and hosting the contests for bloggers are the genuine ways to create valuable relations.

5. Optimize blog posts for search engines

Focussing the readers and writing for them is good but the basic optimization is needed to please the search engines.

How to optimize the blog posts for search engines?

Do keyword research and select eye catching blog title with popular keyword. Add Meta tag description, optimize it with long tail keyword and avoid using special characters in it.

Make use of relevant keywords in the main content and bold it.

Optimize the blog post images with alt tag and add suitable name to it. The basic optimization is enough for search engines to get good SERP and avoid keyword stuffing.


Blogging have great importance in today’s online world. Making the blog popular is the dream of every blogger.

So it is imperative for the bloggers to formulate a splendid blogging schedule and stick to it.

Just try to reach the reader’s heart with your exceptional posts added with humour and personal experiences. Also follow the imperative ways which I discussed above.

Speak with me now!

How do you make a blog popular?

Just tell the ways which you are handling to stand out from the crowd!

Attention! Sponsored Posts Can Ruin Your Blog Completely

No one can deny the fact that most of the bloggers including you and me are attracted to the sponsored posts. And if those posts are found to be very much similar to the content that is being produced on your blog then we tend to accept them.

We don’t look after the things such as backlink that will be pointed through this blog post and how it can ruin your blog completely.

I do check my Facebook account a lot and I’m always wondering how one can accept any type of blog posts just for the sake of earning few dollars.

Well, there are reasons and I’ve been through the same phase. That’s why I’m sure that I can convince you to stop accepting certain sponsored posts.

I think it’s time to talk about the facts. It’s time to talk about how sponsored posts can ruin your blog.

So, let’s first talk about the type of sponsored posts that are good and bad.

There are two types in which a sponsored posts can be categorized i.e., Good and bad.

Good sponsored posts are those which are talking about the subject deeply. They are certainly the one who are written for the purpose of building network and trust. Also, they don’t really link back to spam website. Usually, they will put a backlink to their company website.

On the other hand, bad sponsored blog posts are those which are not well-formatted. Those posts are written for the sole purpose of putting some spam or casino website.

Remember, linking back to the casino websites will affect your blog’s search engine ranking. So, you better shouldn’t accept the sponsored posts which are linking back to casino website.

Reasons Why Bloggers Accept Sponsored Posts

It’s important to get to the roots to find out why bloggers are accepting sponsored posts.
Quick Cash

This is the real reason and in fact I would say the most important one. Everyone wants to earn money from blogging however not each of them succeeds in earning.

So, they start thinking that this is the best way of earning the money. However, if you accept irrelevant backlinks on your blog, you’ll definitely be penalized sooner or later.

Well, I don’t feel that there is any other reason except the one that I’ve mentioned. If there is any, do let me know via comments.

Now, coming back to our original topic of discussion.

How Sponsored Posts Can Ruin Your Blog Completely
Poor Quality Article

You need to pay an extra attention to the quality of these posts. Generally, the advertiser tends to provide low quality blog posts because that’s easy to produce.

In fact, some advertisers go ahead and provide spun article which might have grammatical mistakes.

Readers? Don’t you care about them anymore?

Did you forget that you started your blog to help out others? That’s when you started having readership around your blog.

Well, then it doesn’t sound good to force them to read sponsored post which poorly written or which is totally unrelated to the topics that you’ve been covering.

If that sponsored post is not adding value to your blog, it’s totally useless to have one.

Selling links?

Well, you’re definitely selling backlink if the advertiser is asking for a link back to their site. And according to the terms and conditions by various companies such as Google, this is illegal.

If it is found out that you’re selling links, your blog’s page-rank will be ripped off. You may even lose search engine ranking.

Low quality backlink

I know that I’ve just talked about the fact that selling link is illegal however I know that there are thousand other bloggers who simply ignore it. So, I decided to include this section of low quality backlink.

What I mean by low quality backlink is the quality of the website that is being linked through the blog post.

If the website is found to have spam content that would certainly put your ranking down.

Is it worthy?

Well, there is a slight line between accepting good and bad sponsored posts.

  • When you decide to accept such type of blog posts, you need to take care of things such as –
  • Will it affect my blog’s search engine ranking?
  • Will it affect my position that I’ve been able to create in the minds of my readers?
  • Is the content really worth posting?
  • Is it adding value to your blog?

What are your thoughts on accepting sponsored posts? How do you go after them?

Feel free to add your opinion in the comments below.

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Searching The Best Platform For Your Blog

There are several free blogging platforms, but only two of them have become quite popular. Yes, they are WordPress and Blogger. Both of them are facing huge competition. The pros and cons of both Blogger and WordPress are mentioned below, to let you decide which one is better. 

The advantage of Blogger

Blogger provides you the below mentioned advantages.

1. It is easy and free

Possibly the biggest benefit of using Blogger is that it is free, fast and easy. If you are strapped for cash and are a new user, Blogger can be a great solution. It gives you experience before investing your time and money into self-hosting the blog.

With Blogger, you do not need to purchase any hosting or domain name. Also, it has a user-friendly interface, which does not require any technical skills. Only some clicks, and there you go.

2. Google advantage

Google owns Blogger. Many inbuilt services and features of blogger are quite helpful for new users. It also provides you services like:

  • Robust Hosting 
  • Better Security
  • Hacker-proof 
  • Low spam attacks 
  • Fast Indexing 
  • Social sharing 
  • Integration with other web features like YouTube, Gmail, and Google+ 
  • Native support for Ad sense 
  • Monetizing option for your free site 

With all these features, it is easy and simple to use. However, like the other face of a coin it also has some cons that are mentioned below.

Drawbacks of blogger

Although is a great place for the new users to start, but it also has some downsides.

It lacks several important plug-ins that are vital for improving the functionality of any site. 
The design features are limited. It makes every other blog appear the same. 
You cannot own any blog although you are hosting it. 
Google can remove your blog anytime (Mainly due to your one wrong step). 

Despite of all these disadvantages, it is a great blogging platform. It is the safest version of all the blogging sites.

The advantage of WordPress

It is available in two version the free and the paid. Once you know this, you would be interested to know the advantages. Some of them are mentioned here.

1. Free Hosting

WordPress is managed and hosted by Automatics. You need not to worry about spending money for hosting because it is free. You can easily get a domain-name in the format –

They will popularize your blog more and more if you pay $15. It is worth doing this because it makes your blog popular, which helps in increasing your business.

2. Customizing option

Unlike blogger, WordPress allows you full control over blog customization. This feature helps in making your blog look unique.

Although WordPress provides these features they are very basic. Moreover, you have to pay to increase the count of features.

Drawbacks of WordPress

The downside of WordPress is more than that of Blogger and is mentioned here.
It is not for monetization 
Google Adsense is not allowed 
You have to pay for each additional plug-in 

The free version is ideal for those, whose primary aim is learning and not business promotion or money making.


If you want to clear the basics free of cost blogger is meant for you. Whereas, if owning a website domain is your aim you should go for WordPress. WordPress appears daunting and expensive in the beginning, but it provides a better professional platform than blogger.

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Author Bio: 

John Conor is an experienced blogger and he believes in upgrading his knowledge and skills by passing various certification exams. If you’re looking for properly well organized study materials to complete your exams, then you should also visit Testsexpert website.
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