You have just entered college and there is a chance that you know very few people, if anyone at all. This is going to cause you a few problems in the beginning, although you should not worry too much, as you will find that you will naturally make friends as you go about your daily business. However, if you are a little bit worried about it, then here are a few tips to help you get things started.

1. Meet the friends of your friends

If you have a friend or two that has gone to the same college as you, then meet their friends and intermingle. Bring your friends along and have them bring their friends along. You will find that this trick works even better if you keep it going, if you have your new friends bring their friends along, you will soon have a large network of friends.

2. Join groups in college

There are always groups that you can join in college. You will find it very easy to join quite a few groups, and you will find that you naturally make friends within them. If you happen to get very good at whatever you happen to have joined, you will soon find that some people will want to be your friend on the back of that.

3. Compete in a few sports activities

Again, if you happen to be good at a sport, then you are going to make a few friends if you join in on sports activities. In many cases, if you are on a team then you are going to make friends with your team mates. Or, you will often find that it is easier to talk to strangers during sporting tournaments, when hopefully the mood is light and friendly.

4. Sign up for electives

A lot of people make friends through the people then met when doing a music course or taking part in art classes. You will often find that people who have similar interests in electives are often similar in other ways, which is why so many people often find a few friends through the elective classes they take. They may also be good for finding a partner, as you may pick classes that are male or female heavy in order to increase your chances.

5. Go to parties

If you are invited to parties, then go to them. You do not have to take part as if you are on a teen movie. You may simply go there and mingle with other students in order to make friends. It is also good if you know a few people there already, and if you are invited along with a friend, then meet up with that friend first and go at the same time.

6. Get a job

If you work a job with other students then you will automatically make friends with a least some of them because you have something in common. Plus, the slog of working is often eased by having other people to suffer with.

7. Join online groups

There are people like you who are having trouble finding friends at college, and are probably on a lot of online groups too. However, make sure you take this process offline. There is no point in having online friends who are not willing to do things offline with you. Do not spend much time doing this, as it is one of the most unproductive ways of making new friends. This should be your last resort for if you cannot get any of the other tips to work for you. However, in that case you may wish to have a quick personality audit and diagnosis and see if there is anything you may change about yourself in order to make you more “friend bait.”

8. Become more approachable

This may include becoming more confident, less awkward, or simply involve raising your level of cleanliness. You should watch a few lectures on self improvement, but be aware that a lot of lectures and books (even highly regarded and/or funded ones) are not always good or effective for you. But, making a point of changing yourself for the better and maintaining that change is a good idea. Make a point of continuing to change and make sure it is an ongoing process.

9. Volunteer at places where other students volunteer

The volunteer groups are sometimes tight-knit little circles who are more than happy to have new people join. However, if you find that you do not make a lot of friends very quickly, then consider quitting your volunteering. There are companies that will put you through a hard day’s labor where you meet almost nobody else all day. So, try to make a few friends as quickly as possible or get out of it. There are always other volunteer programs that you can try.

10. Just be yourself

Do not try very hard to be liked by everyone. Friendship can not be Built on deception or insincerity. Just be yourself, do what you have to do – then people will be drawn to you.

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