A lot have been said about web traffic, every webmaster and blogger knows the important of web traffic to a website/blog. Without web traffic to your site, that site is as good as dead no matter how well designed it may look. There are different types of web traffic and also different sources, while some focus on one more than the other I will recommend otherwise in this article.

There are basically three different types of web traffic namely organic traffic (from search engines), direct traffic (when someone directly types your site address on the browser) and referral traffic (from links all over the internet). It is ideal to drive traffic to your site from all three different types/sources of web traffic because search engines see them differently and have different valuations for them as well.

Types of Web Traffic

Organic Traffic: Organic web traffic is the type of traffic that comes when your article is found on the search engines and followed to your site. This is the best form of web traffic as even Google and other search engines have confirmed. Organic web traffic is considered most important and often valued more than any other type of web traffic. It also has a higher CPC than the other types of web traffic named earlier in any PPC campaign.

How to get Organic Traffic: To get organic traffic you need to publish quality articles on your site, optimize them properly with good keyword usage. When you rank high on the search engine results then you’ll surely see a lot of organic traffic to your site. This type of web traffic requires a lot of hard work and takes time as well, but I assure you if you learn the intricacies of writing a post that will immediately appear on the first page of Google search result or any other search engine you will see how easy it is to drive traffic to your site for free.

Referral Traffic: Referral traffic is yet another type of web traffic as a result of the backlinks you have built all over the internet, when someone follows your link from another website to your website this type of traffic is termed referral traffic. This could be as a result of links you left via blog commenting, guest posting, social media sharing etc. Referral traffic constitutes the second/third source of traffic to my blog after organic traffic.

How to get Referral Traffic: Referral traffic as I explained is as a result of the links you left all over the internet as a result of blog commenting (especially on blogs with CommentLuv plugin), guest posts, social media shares etc. It could also be email signatures, forum signatures, link exchanges, content curation like from Scoop.it, from lists like List.ly etc.

So if you want to improve your referral web traffic then you have to take these things seriously, don’t concentrate only on your own site, help others promote their site by commenting, sharing and guest posting, that way you can attract same favor and the more links you have out there the better for you general site traffic. Remember not to spam as Google won’t hesitate to de-index your from their search engine. Please avoid all black hat SEO methods, concentrate on the types of link building strategies I have shared on this blog in the past.

Another type of traffic would’ve been the Social Networks traffic but most times its little and is easily parsed as referral traffic. But if you have a very active social media page, you can drive huge amount of traffic from there to your site. Do not ignore the potentials of the social media in promoting any brand or product in this case your website.

Direct Traffic: Direct traffic is yet another type of web traffic but not from search engines as organic web traffic discussed above. When someone directly types your site address on the browser address bar and hit the keyboard enter button and arrives at your site, such traffic is what is known as direct web traffic. This type of traffic is mostly associated with popular websites, when you have promoted your site very well and have built yourself a brand then people can remember the name of your site easily and visit your site even without seeing the link anywhere. This type of web traffic often constitutes the second/third largest source of traffic to my blog after organic traffic.

How to get Direct Traffic: To get more direct traffic to your website you have a lot of branding and promotion to do. You have to become popular for people to remember your name. Let me let you in to a secret that works always. Print your website name on a T-shirt and share it to your friends let them wear it always and people will see it and over time will remember the name. You can also create stickers; a little charity will also be good. Create banners; use your site name as your Facebook cover image etc.

General advice: As more and more of your contents are being published, try as much as possible to adequately promote your contents, build links the genuine way and over time you will begin to reap the result of your hard work. Publish only quality articles, well optimized for search engines and engage productively on the social networks, join as much as you can handle and make new friends, join groups and help others to be helped as well.

These methods I shared here in this article have greatly improved this blog and I assure you it will also improve yours. Now you know the types of web traffic and how you can get them, take advantage of my advice and improve your site traffic. Let me hear what you think of this article, use the comment section below to share your taught and also don’t forget to subscribe to my RSS feed so you won’t miss interesting posts link this one.

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