Blogging is getting popular day by day. Millions of people start blogging daily but they quit the same after sometimes.

There are so many reasons for this but bad selection of topics is also a major cause as well.

I don’t want to confuse readers with the word “Niche” here so let me clarify its meaning. Actually blogging Topics is generally termed as “Niche” in blogging. There is an important question asked by newbie bloggers – “Should I start blogging with multi-niche blog or not?”

If you also have the same question then this post is your answer.

or example-The niche of SEOMOZ is search engine Optimization, the niche of Mybloggertricks is Blogging, the niche of ShoutMeLoud is small business and internet marketing etc. People always find it difficult to choose subjects before starting their blog. Normally they think that they will write about everything in their blog.

When I asked a simple question “What would be the field of your blog?” to new young bloggers.

I received so many similar answers -”I am an allrounder so I can write on so many topics like Making

Money, Blogging, Fashion, Photography, Travel, Health etc. My Blog will contain all these topics. People will find it quite useful because they will get so many things at one place and I will also get plenty of topics”.

If you are a new blogger and your thinking is also same then wait.This approach is completely wrong.If you are doing this then there is maximum possibility of your failure.

Why a new blogger should not start Blogging with Multi-Niche Blog?

First of all answer my simple question-What blogging means to you? Do you write just for fun or for making money from it? If you only write for fun then there is no need to worry about anything like traffic and SEO. Just Go for it.However if you are really serious and want to get traffic and money then you should not start blogging with multi-niche blog. Now a days,everyone appreciates the specialists not the allrounders. The following points proves this fact.

Can’t Create Readership

It is quite natural as well.Just assume that you visited a blog which write about Blogging. You loved such contents and subscribed to it as well. Next time when you returned there, you found articles on cars, fashion, health etc.

What will you do?

You would love to unsubscribe from it (I guess).

That’s probably the reason why I always support specialist rather than allrounders. From a reader’s perspective, I would love to subscribe to blog which writes articles of my interest. If I like articles on blogging then I will love to visit a blog which delicately talk about it rather than visiting the one which creates confusion by posting contents from so many fields or niche.

Gets Lower Ranking in Search Engines

The title is enough to tell, what I actually want to say. I don’t know whether you know about SEO or not but simply assume a common scenario. Lets consider yourself as a search Engine like Google and Yahoo. Your task is to rank different website based on different topics and keywords. The topic to focus on is “blogging” and you have two options:

One is a blog which writes only about Blogging whereas the other one is an allrounder blog which writes about blogging and other subjects like photography, Technology, Photo, Games, Product review etc then what will you do? I think you will give much more preference to the blog which writes only on blogging because you are focusing on “blogging” subject.

Same is the case with Google as well. Google team is bringing new algorithms regularly just to make sure that only quality Blogs/website appears in SERPs(Search Engine Result Pages). So don’t go with Multi-Niche blog.

Advertisers Always Give Preference to Specialist Blog

So many people can ask-”what are you saying? Why advertisers will not contact me. They need traffic and my multi-Niche blog has enough traffic”. If you are also thinking in the same manner then wait again. Let me make it simple for you to understand it through simple example. Lets assume that you have a company who sells android phones on internet. You have limited budget and you want to advertise your product on a blog which can give your maximum benefit.

You have two options-A multi-Niche blog which gets 60,000 page views per month and a blog on Android mobiles which gets 60,000 page views per month. I am sure that you will love to choose the later one i.e the one who writes on Android Mobile because you will get more quality traffic.60,000 page views per month on multi-niche blog means their traffic is divided in different categories which is not the case with any blog which writes on specific topic.

So What To Do?Is there any way to write on Multiple Topics?

If you are new blogger then I will suggest you to focus on one blog only. Try to popularize it and make money from it. Once done, you can think to start another blog on different topics. Since you have made your blog popular now, it would be better for you to use your sub-domains for your new blog with different topics.

For example:

  • – Blog on Technology
  • Blog on Fashion
  • – Blog on Health
  • – Blog on Making Money online etc

Your Time Now?

I think, I have made my points clear. I never recommend a new blogger to start blogging with Multi-Niche Blog because i haven’t seen so many such blogs on internet normally, a naive user starts this kind of blog.When they realize that it is not good for them then they choose a specific topic and continue with it.

So what are your views about it? Do you want to start a Multi-Niche blog or not? Share your views through comments

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