If you are reading this post right now I guess, like me, you are still here on Earth… unless of course there is Wi-Fi in heaven.

For some of the more devout, the letdown of not ascending into heaven must be great, and for that I do sympathize. Especially when I read an article yesterday in the International Business Times that explained how devastating the non-Rapture really was for some believers:

“There were people who sold their entire savings to live up the last days on earth and then rapture to heaven. Now, they will have to take care of rather more mundane realities — like finding a house to stay and paying bills.”


There are other reports of Harold Camping’s more devout followers spending their life savings, selling their homes and even quitting their jobs. Although things may seem bleak for them right now, it’s not the end of the world.

Much like the Washington Post’s article discussing what we can learn from Harold Camping’s failed May 21, 2011 prediction, We  also like to offer a few pieces of advice for those followers who now have to put their careers and financial lives back together.

1) Update Your Resume – When embarking on a job search you will need to update your resume. It’s probably a good idea to remove all the ‘End-of-world / Rapture’ references, because realistically an employer may be hesitant to hire you if there is any chance that you may suddenly disappear one day. A professional resume writer can help to update your resume and get you an interview.

2) Keep Your Skill Set Current – Consider how a major disappointment can teach you to be prepared the next time. By keeping your skill set updated you will not only be more employable should you choose to change careers, but you will also be in a better position for when it comes time for promotional decisions.

3) Expand Your Job Search – As we mentioned in a previous post about finding a job, it is a good idea to not limit yourself to job boards alone. Networking, whether real life networking or social networking on the Internet, remains one of the best ways to hear about job opportunities. You can also seek out a recruiter who can help you to find a job.

4) Brush Up On Your Interview Skills – In previous posts we talked about the importance of being prepared for the interview. Getting a feel for what kind of interview questions you may be asked and learning how to properly answer them will go a long way to securing you a new job in the post-rapture world.

We understand that times are tough, so we would like to offer you a chance to win a professionally written resume for free. All you need to do is fill out the short survey and supply us with your email.

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