Okay I'm posting a funny picture making fun of Miley Cyrus on an art site I'm a member of and some lame person gets all up in my face and defends her with. "She's just trying to grow up and shed her Disney image". 

What a load of bovine scatology. If Ms Cyrus The Virus really wanted to show some true maturity and get rid of her so called "Disney Image" perhaps she might try doing it the way Kurt Russell and Haley Mills did. IE make stuff people might actually want to see and learning to hone the craft you chose in life as opposed to acting like a trailer park tramp. 

Yep I said it! So she wonders why Liam Hemsworth gave her little Jar Jar Binks looking tuhkess a boot to the curb. Well durp durp durp who wants some hillbilly strumpet doing some crap to garner all the attention? Heck he could just kidnap Honey Boo Boo and get that treatment! I f Billy Ray were my brother I'd kneecap the putz. There were plenty of child actors who did goodfolks. Ever hear of Ron Howard,Billy Mumy,Lisa Welchel,Mellisa Gilbert,etc who didn't act like some sort of sleazebag.Of course what would this old raccoon know he's an out of touch baby buster who thinks Mr T and Mark Harmon are cool and that Rachel Weisz is a hottie

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