Here is the revelation of my online earning sources. Because you already know, I share the truth as I saw it, you can expect no hype but rather the different ways you can attempt to make money online.

Some bloggers who’re blogging for months but earning literally nothing wonder if there really exists any online earning sources!

Different Sources I Use to Make Money Online

Before proceeding any further, let me confess that I’m not an expert in online earning and do not make a 6 figure income. Whatever I write here are based on my experience and my online earning sources.

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Selling Products as Affiliate

This is probably the best method for bloggers and online marketers to make money online. However, selling affiliate products is not one night job, it really requires you to be consistent, smart and trustworthy.

You can realize how hard it becomes to agree anybody to take money out of their pocket. A huge trust on you is the only key and the trust can be earned through building solid reputation.

Affiliate marketing is one of my major online earning source and truly proud to be somebody on whom you can rely

I’ve sold some products through my blogs and social networks (Facebook & Twitter). HostGator Hosting Accounts, WPZon Builder Plugin, WPDollar Plugin, MyeCoverMaker, PrettyLinkPro etc. are some of the products I sold successfully.

You can use social networks, mailing lists and sales pages to promote and sell affiliate products, but having a blog will definitely make your life easier. As I told you earlier, building trust is really vital and a blog offers you opportunity to build up your reputation.

#1. Adsense - Online Earning with Google

No need to explain it any further. Google Adsense is one of the prime revenue source for most of the blogs. I’m using Adsense for my sites like, and in this blog too. Though Adsense is not earning much for this blog, it is performing well for my other blogs.

Blogs that have problem solving posts works great for Adsense earning. Often people face problems and look for solution. They do searches in Google and the like to land to those posts. Those organic traffic is much easier to convert when we aim to earn from advertisements like with Adsense.

#2. Amazon Associate to Earn Money Online

This is another great avenue to test your skills. Amazon is the largest online market containing products for all categories – from household equipment to office furniture, from books & CDs to software. You can find any product of your interest and promote them in your blog to make commission for every sale through your links.

I’ve sold some Computer Science books, Toshiba tablets (Thrive), iPhone accessories, baby and pregnancy products using different Amazon sites. The WordPress plugin WPZon Builder and some awesome Amazon themes really helped me to make those sales.

Amazon associates can be a separate sector to make money online.

#3. InfoLinks – Another Source of Passive Income

This is contextual text link ad network different than Adsense though both of these pays based on CPC. Once you register your blogs in Infolinks, you can get code to paste in your blog. It converts some words or phrases in your post into links and pays you if your readers clicked on those Ads.

Infolinks is not earning as much as Adsense yet, but the additional money it offers is worthy to collect in PayPal account.

The recent updates in Infolinks includes search links, tags and sidebars allowing you to earn more money.

#4. Sponsored Reviews – Get Paid to Write

This is relatively newer venture I’m making recently. You can register for an account in site and bid for different articles offer. If you can win any of the bids, you’ll be allowed to write about the offer as prescribed and will be paid for the post you publish.

The great thing about is that it has really huge number of advertisers and publishers; at the same time, the site claims 50% of the money you make for writing the posts will make you think twice.

I’ve published some sponsored posts to make some attractive money. If you have good writing skills, this is the way you can make some handsome money every month.

#5. Direct Ads – Monetize Your Blog

Once you make your blog popular, you can attract advertisers to purchase banner Ads or text ads. Most of the advertisers count the Alexa rank and Google PageRank, so, you need to try to improve these metrics for your blog.

Till last year, I enjoyed my and having PR 6 and 5 respectively and earned good money by selling text links. I’m still selling some text and banner ads in my blogs. They constitute my regular income.

When you have good PageRank but did not find advertisers, register yourself in Teliad, BuySellAds etc to help you get advertisers. Getting approved in BuySellAds is a bit difficult but you’ll find Teliad a great source of online earning.

#6. Guest Blogging – Good Work Pays

You may wonder, but it is true! You can make money online by guest blogging. When you demonstrate your authority and impress with your great writing skill, the publishers will be attracted and interested to offer you. You can join those sites as paid author and get paid for your every published posts.

I joined a couple of blogs as paid author and started to write posts for them. I did not find much time to exploit the opportunity fully but I’m happy with whatever I make from guest blogging.

#7. SponsoredTweets - Free Online Earning

This is another opportunity you can make money online. You don’t need to have your own blog neither needs to research and write long text to get paid from SponsoredTweets.

If you are active in Twitter and have large twitter follower base you can register in SponsoredTweets to get offers. You need to check the offered message and site if it suits your followers. If yes, shoot the message to your twitter followers and earn money. The payment can be boost if your followers clicks on the link.

I’m using SponsoredTweets for some time and earned a few dollars. I know it is not a huge money but some dollars earned only to tweet message is not bad. Additionally, if you can have some referrals under you, you can make considerable money every month from SponsoredTweets.

Well, these are the different ways I make money online. Hope you got some glimpses of online money in this post. Please don’t forget to comment and share this post if you find it useful. Are you using any other method for online earning? I’d love to hear your views.

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