Showing posts with label youtube. Show all posts

Easy and Fast Way to Download a Youtube Video

There are many ways to download a Youtube video, but none simpler than this. Just add “pwn” before the Youtube video and you’re done ! [PwnYoutube]

You don't need any software to installed on you computer. Just paste the URL and the link to download will appear. [via]

info | Youtube In Your Marketing Campaign

YouTube in Marketing Campaign - YouTube is a popular online video wonder. More than a medium, it serves as an excellent tool to promote your business or online content. If you have not used it until now for promotion purposes, then just give a thought for it. Until now, billions of views have been recorded overall for all the videos and 45 terabytes of videos have been uploaded. It is one of the best online video medium and the top rated website for browsing and watching online videos. There are some issues associated with YouTube. That could be the poor quality of some videos, no special features etc. However, YouTube remains the No.1 website for watching and downloading online videos. With such a popular website available online, you can make use of it for promoting your business, film, article content or blogs. The content or business promoted through YouTube attracts a huge base of customers. Now, just imagine how much a marketing campaign can be benefited from YouTube


The latest trend in the cine market is to advertise and promote their films on YouTube. The teaser will be posted on YouTube and millions of users would view it. The film will become a big hit even before it hits the screen. However, there are some points that you have to keep in mind and think about that. With so much of videos present online on YouTube, how would you make your video content get noticed uniquely among the others? You do not have any facility in YouTube to make your content exclusive and unique, but still you can do something to drive more traffic towards your video. This article is going to help you on that i.e. how to make use of YouTube for promoting your business. Below are mentioned top 10 ways by which you can use Youtube in your marketing campaign.

1. Come up with your own channel on YouTube
Creating an own channel for your business is the first and basic thing that you have to do after entering into the YouTube and before posting your videos on the website. Generally, a channel will be automatically created when you sign up with YouTube. The thing is you have to maintain it properly. Within the channel, you can create your own profile, organize contents and create playlists.

2. Choose perfect account type suitable to your Marketing Campaign

You will be given an option during the sign up process of YouTube to select an account type for your YouTube account. Different account types will be there and the basic type is standard. Each type has its specific role on the website. For example, ‘a director account’ lets you produce your own web videos and allows adding custom logo to your profile. Similarly, each account type has its unique feature and you should select the one based on your business needs.

3. Create short videos

The best way to make your users to watch your video is to make it short and sweet. The running time of video should be 5 minutes or less than that. If you have long videos to play, then break them into different segments and attach them in the playlist.

4. Tag videos properly

After creating your video or uploading from any sources, just make sure that you have organized your video under perfect category and tagged it. You can always check with other videos about how they are tagged and categorized, which will finally pay off. It may not be possible to fit your content exactly under one category, but still a related category will work when doing a similar search through keywords option.

5. Create playlists

You might be adding your own videos to the list or include videos from some other sources, whatever it is do create a playlist for all the videos that you include in your channel. It makes the user experience great and easy in searching for your channel videos and they will sure express their gratitude for it.

6. Use YouTube promotion facilities

You do not have to wait to see who has visited your profile and watched your videos. YouTubeoffers you some self-promotion facilities. Make use of that to promote your videos. Such a facility is sending emails to the users. Similarly, you can create bulletins from your profile or from other people’s channels. Bulletins are nothing but short messages to the users.

7. Create video responses for other user’s videos

It is so simple to create video responses. Instead of commenting on a video of other users, you can create video responses right below the main video player. You can even record your video using your webcam or upload from your previous videos. However, make sure that your response is related to the content of the main video.

8. Join Groups

YouTube has a great community groups online. You can search in YouTube for different groups and you can join a category that is related to your marketing campaign. You will get more audience in a group. People joining your group will view your content and it directly increases your traffic.

9. Make use of YouTube streams

You can contact the YouTube team directly through the streams. You can share your videos online and discuss about your videos in real time through YouTube streams. This gives you an option to chat with the users in real time about your videos and know their feedbacks on your work.

10. Active sharing

It is a latest feature that lets you drive more traffic to your content. This feature will make your name visible on the side of the video that you are watching. If another user who is watching the same video gets curious about your detail, then he will visit your profile page to see your videos. This is another way of attracting users and drying traffic to your content.

5 Reasons Why Your Youtube Video Sucks and Only Has 10 Views in 1 year

Here's a perfect example of a YouTube video that should be doing well but right now I would call this one a fail.

[I know that I promised to give you the rest of the Secret Sauce for creating Youtube transcripts but I need to show you WHY it's so important to optimize your videos before I reveal my recipe. Don't worry I promise you that it will be worth the wait.]

On May 5 2012, I uploaded this video 'How To Install a Font on Your PC'

I know there have got to be millions of people out there looking for a how to video for installing a font to their computer.

No - I didn't do any keyword research (maybe that's part of the problem) but to be perfectly honest I NEVER do keyword research before I upload a video. From time to time I might do some after the fact but in this case I know people are searching for this for one simple reason

-I was. 

And since I consider myself slightly more tech savvy than the typical person searching for something on Google or YouTube, I can rest assured that others are looking for this solution as well. However - here's what I did wrong and why this video is considered a fail in my book.
  • NO TAGS (well there is one tag but what the heck was I thinking....)

My plan going forward is to address each one of these issues and increase the view count on this video asap. 

How To Disable YouTube Video Autoplay [Quicktip]

As video junkies would attest to, sometimes you want to open more than just one video at the same time, to let the video load up first before you play it one shot.

And those who use this tactic would understand how annoying it is for a video to auto play when buffering has yet to complete, especially when you have several loading and you have no idea which tab is playing and which is not. This article will introduce to you a few browser extensions to help you 

stop the Youtube auto play feature.


Once the installation complete, it just works! Open any Youtube video from your Chrome browser and you will see that the video would not play until it is fully loaded.

Click To Load And Play

If you prefer to be in control and only let a video play only when you want it to, you can choose to activate "Click to play" on your browser. This works with your Opera and Chrome browsers.

1. Opera

For Opera, open your browser, go to Preferences.

Now go to Advanced tab, look for the Content section at the left bar, check option for Enable plug-ins only on demand then click OK.

2. Chrome

If you are on Chrome browser, type chrome://chrome/settings/content in the address bar and enter. After the settings page appear, scroll down and look for the Plug-ins section, and change the option to Click to Play.

With all this set in Opera and Chrome, whenever you open a new video on Youtube, it will not load nor will it play, until you click the big button on the video screen.

3 Firefox

For Firefox, go to Tubestop extension page and install the extension to your browser.

Once installation is complete, all videos will not be played or loaded, until you click on the link on the video screen.



Now with these extensions and settings, you can get full and better control over your videos whether it comes to buffering, loading or playing them. Have fun with your videos!

Browser Add-Ons To Enhance Your YouTube Viewing Experience

YouTube is a much-loved source of entertainment; some might think it’s taking over TV due to the sheer amount and types of entertainment: mini web series, tech and tutorial channels, lyric videos and covers etc. It’s no surprise that some of us can spend hours watching YouTube videos on our subscribed list while others can binge-watch recommended videos for the whole day

However, there are minor annoyances with the viewing experience that even these YouTube tricks can’t fix. The common complaints (basically First World Problems) are like the layout being distracting, too much white space, and annoying (or awesome) advertisements that eats into your video-viewing time.

To conquer these problems, I am going to introduce to you the Tube Enhancer Plus for Firefox andYouTube Options for Google Chrome.

Awesome "Hidden" YouTube Settingsc

Both Tube Enhancer Plus and Youtube Options have some pretty cool features, ideal for the serial YouTuber. With them you can:

1. Remove advertisements – Both can let you skip the ads at the start of the video.

2. Enlarge player size – You can also enlarge the ‘video box’ size so that it fills up the space      of your browser window for a closer and clearer view.

3. "Dim the lights" – This feature greys out the areas around the video box. This along with #2     maximizes the real estate of your large, high-resolution monitor.


4. Set default viewing quality - If changing the video quality often irks you, then worry no          more, you now need not manually change it.

5. Set autoplay settings - You can also set the autoplay settings so videos won’t automatically start playing when you open multiple videos in new tabs.

More From Tube Enhancer Plus (Firefox)

Installing Tube Enhancer Plus gives you a few controls at the bottom of your browser window to download or loop the current video on top of the other features mentioned earlier

The coolest feature about this add-on is the ability to watch a video on the Firefox Sidebar. This allows (in)effective multitasking as you can surf the Web while watching all your videos.

More From YouTube Options (Chrome)

YouTube Options for Chrome has more customizable features. You can hide elements of YouTubelike the comments section, video suggestions, video description, title, header and footer from the settings or its keyboard shortcuts. This gives you a super-clean YouTube player.

Using the mouse scroll wheel while hovering the mouse cursor above the ‘video box’ lets you change the ‘video box’ size, forward/rewind the video, or change the volume level.

Certain features of YouTube Options can also be used on any embedded videos or on sites like Vimeo, Hulu and DailyMotion.

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