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Effective Ways to Generate Huge Blog Traffic

We all realize how important it is to get more blog traffic. Being a blogger the most important works you need to do are content writing and trying to get traffic to your blog. When you publish articles you get some good amount of blog traffic but you don not get that much blog traffic because you don’t give much effort in some key areas. Here in this post we will talk about getting huge blog traffic by working with Promotion, SEO and SMO.

Important Notes:
  • Content is King no doubt, but Promotion is the queen because without any promotion our article will not reach the right audience; and in that case, our works will not be seen by anyone.
  • Getting organic traffic is always good as it’s a long-term traffic source. And so Search Engine Optimization can do a lot good to rank for important keywords.
Again, it’s not always easy to rank for each and every keyword and in that case the main source of traffic is social media. So, Social Media Optimization is really important.

In this article I’ll share some tips which will finally help you to increase your blog traffic:

1. Good content and grammar:

Everyone likes good content and so you should always find good blog ideas and write unique content for your readers. Then you should determine whether your content is well composed with exceptional sentence structure, punctuation, obviously fitting spelling and grammar or not. Provided that, employ a supervisor to tidy things up for you. Relying on the sort of altering included, editors may be expensive; however, having clean and well-composed articles will assist your site get the credibility that it needs.

Always value your content because it will not just help your web index standing but will also make your webpage as a great place to get updated. This will increase engagement on your blog and will also bring returning blog traffic.

2. Continuous Promotion:

Promotion through Twitter

One of the fastest and effective ways to get traffic is using Twitter for promotion. Tweeting is quick and simple to do -and your trust is that some of your supporters will “re-tweet” it and will make it reach more people (considerably more than just your “follower base”). You can use JustRetweet to get more retweets and blog traffic from Twitter.

Using Video to Promote

Not always but sometime you can use a fast 30-40 second ad of your article. You can post it to YouTube which will not just draw blog traffic but will also make an additional link back to your article on your blog.

Using Facebook & LinkedIn

Status may as well head off to every last trace of the social sites you are interfaced to. Some will even give you a chance to set up auto-connect. At the time you declare your new post on Facebook it mechanically tweets the greater part of your follower. You will discover that the social site is driving traffic to your blog. Again, you can use LinkedIn to drive traffic and heavy leads too.

Participate in other blogs

You can participate in other blogs either by blog commenting or guest blogging. Either way is effective and drives great amount of genuine readers and blog traffic. You just need to be active there through your comments. You need to try to stand out in the crowd and engage with the people over there.


3. Pitch it to another Blogger:

Keep a record of different bloggers who have High Traffic Blog Sites. Meet them or try to contact them via social sites or mail. Keep a good touch with them and once you prepare something of genuine quality shoot out a message by offering them to post it. Now since you had a good relation with the blogger he will take care of you and will finally post your article in his blog. And this will help you to get traffic from his blog.

Again, you can also make good connections and share content of a top blogger with your followers. If you continuously do so, that blogger will also do the same for you.


4. Make it easy for people to share:

When you actualize the plans above, you should to be getting some blog traffic. Now you need to make it simple for them to share your content with others. The least demanding path to do this is by the utilization of incorporating social media buttons with your blog.

There are various plugins that will do this for you. Anyhow I emphatically propose that you don’t over compensate it! A couple of basically set catches or choices are helpful. You can try social plugins like Flare, Socialize and WP-Socialite.

5. Search Engine Optimization:

As I said above, getting organic traffic is always good as it’s a long-term traffic source. Search Engine Optimization can do a lot good to rank for important keywords. SEO is not hard but some bloggers don’t work on it as they think it’s hard. Simply, SEO means optimizing your content for search engines.
Steps you need to go with to get a perfect SEO article and drive blog traffic:

  • Find a topic which is mostly searched by people by using Google Trends.
  • Write a unique piece of content with detailed info to discuss that very topic.
  • Find the best keyword which is mostly used by users to search that topic.
  • Use Adwords Tool to find the most searched but low competitive keyword.
  • Then install a free plugin like Yoast WP SEO or paid plugin like SEOPressor.
  • Now optimize your article by using that plugin. This is On-page optimization.
  • Then do guest posting and blog commenting to get dofollow link to that article.

It is always great when a low competitive but mostly searched keyword is targeted. If your content is unique and has good quality links from other blogs to that article then your post will easily rank in Search Engines. And you will start getting huge blog traffic.

I hope you found this article helpful to drive more blog traffic. If you know some more ways to get blog traffic then do share with us.

The Best Traffic Tip and Strategy

I just realize that what we “average” bloggers normally do to get the traffic that we have now is, write a great blog post -> share it on social networks -> do some little bit of blog commenting to drive traffic to that particular post and if possible, do some little bit of guest posting for some valuable sites. And this is how we do it over and over and over again… am I right or am I right? Just by doing blog commenting and taking advantages of all social networks can indeed help boost traffic and as well as give you backlinks, but have you thought of getting some extra traffic and quality backlinks (with little less effort) with that lovely post of yours? 


When I started blogging newly, the only source of getting my traffic was from social networks, guest blogging and blog commenting. Don’t get me wrong, doing just that gave me great deal of traffic but like “Oliver Twist”, I still feel that there are some more ways to utilize that same post to give me even more traffic. Time passes by and I did some good research then saw something, implemented it and it worked wonders :) . Are you still asking or wondering what this something is? I won’t say because it’s a secret :) ok, I’ll tell you this little secret because I really want you to get from that traffic as well ;) . This simple secret is none other than turning your blog post to pdf and distributing it to some directories. And what are the directories? In some few, you’ll know. Turning your blog post to pdf format is no news for people who have been blogging for a while now but for those who just started blogging newly, it is still very much new to them and today we are going to show you how you too can make extra valuable traffic from your blog by converting your blog post to pdf file.

Greatest Traffic Tip Ever

Do you know what I always tell people searching for valuable web traffic and backlinks? Always practice all tips about traffic that you see online (no matter where you see it but as long as its clean) and if after trying the tips and it doesn’t work for you, leave it and move on to the next. Put this at the back of your mind that there is always room to try out new stuff.

Reason why this method is the best ever:

If you’re a blogger that only uses social media to drive traffic to your blog, and let’s say, for like a month you did not come online due to lack of internet connection or some other issues. Do you know that you will lose like half of your traffic (if not almost all)? That’s a fact , but by turning your blog posts into pdf file and submitting it to some valuable pdf and e-book directories, you can prevent such actions from taking place. Yes! With this process, you can get long term traffic even if you’re not online for many months or you stop blogging. That’s how effective this PDF stuff works.

How Can I Convert My Already Published Blog Post To PDF?

There are just so many ways in which you can convert your blog post/ article to pdf format. Don’t worry because today, I am not going to be discussing the many ways of converting your blog post to PDF but I will be showing you just one simple way of doing this…

First download “print friendly & PDF” extension to your favorite browser. You can download the Chrome extension here or if you are using Mozilla Firefox download the extension here. Have you downloaded the extensions? If yes! You can now turn any web page to pdf without any stress.

Note: If you have not heard of the extension before or you don’t know how to use it, watch this 2 minutes video by clicking here

Extra Tip That Will Help You:

To make this work perfectly, your post or articles should have in-link pointing to other posts in your blog or make sure there is something that will attract the readers to click your link that will redirect them to your blog – hope you got what I’m trying to say? If not! Please ask question by using the comment box below and I am sure to answer you the best way I can.

Note: With this method, you can get valuable traffic from pdf directories, file sharing sites and even E-Book directories (if the post is long enough )

Web Traffic and where you can get them?

A lot have been said about web traffic, every webmaster and blogger knows the important of web traffic to a website/blog. Without web traffic to your site, that site is as good as dead no matter how well designed it may look. There are different types of web traffic and also different sources, while some focus on one more than the other I will recommend otherwise in this article.

There are basically three different types of web traffic namely organic traffic (from search engines), direct traffic (when someone directly types your site address on the browser) and referral traffic (from links all over the internet). It is ideal to drive traffic to your site from all three different types/sources of web traffic because search engines see them differently and have different valuations for them as well.

Types of Web Traffic

Organic Traffic: Organic web traffic is the type of traffic that comes when your article is found on the search engines and followed to your site. This is the best form of web traffic as even Google and other search engines have confirmed. Organic web traffic is considered most important and often valued more than any other type of web traffic. It also has a higher CPC than the other types of web traffic named earlier in any PPC campaign.

How to get Organic Traffic: To get organic traffic you need to publish quality articles on your site, optimize them properly with good keyword usage. When you rank high on the search engine results then you’ll surely see a lot of organic traffic to your site. This type of web traffic requires a lot of hard work and takes time as well, but I assure you if you learn the intricacies of writing a post that will immediately appear on the first page of Google search result or any other search engine you will see how easy it is to drive traffic to your site for free.

Referral Traffic: Referral traffic is yet another type of web traffic as a result of the backlinks you have built all over the internet, when someone follows your link from another website to your website this type of traffic is termed referral traffic. This could be as a result of links you left via blog commenting, guest posting, social media sharing etc. Referral traffic constitutes the second/third source of traffic to my blog after organic traffic.

How to get Referral Traffic: Referral traffic as I explained is as a result of the links you left all over the internet as a result of blog commenting (especially on blogs with CommentLuv plugin), guest posts, social media shares etc. It could also be email signatures, forum signatures, link exchanges, content curation like from, from lists like etc.

So if you want to improve your referral web traffic then you have to take these things seriously, don’t concentrate only on your own site, help others promote their site by commenting, sharing and guest posting, that way you can attract same favor and the more links you have out there the better for you general site traffic. Remember not to spam as Google won’t hesitate to de-index your from their search engine. Please avoid all black hat SEO methods, concentrate on the types of link building strategies I have shared on this blog in the past.

Another type of traffic would’ve been the Social Networks traffic but most times its little and is easily parsed as referral traffic. But if you have a very active social media page, you can drive huge amount of traffic from there to your site. Do not ignore the potentials of the social media in promoting any brand or product in this case your website.

Direct Traffic: Direct traffic is yet another type of web traffic but not from search engines as organic web traffic discussed above. When someone directly types your site address on the browser address bar and hit the keyboard enter button and arrives at your site, such traffic is what is known as direct web traffic. This type of traffic is mostly associated with popular websites, when you have promoted your site very well and have built yourself a brand then people can remember the name of your site easily and visit your site even without seeing the link anywhere. This type of web traffic often constitutes the second/third largest source of traffic to my blog after organic traffic.

How to get Direct Traffic: To get more direct traffic to your website you have a lot of branding and promotion to do. You have to become popular for people to remember your name. Let me let you in to a secret that works always. Print your website name on a T-shirt and share it to your friends let them wear it always and people will see it and over time will remember the name. You can also create stickers; a little charity will also be good. Create banners; use your site name as your Facebook cover image etc.

General advice: As more and more of your contents are being published, try as much as possible to adequately promote your contents, build links the genuine way and over time you will begin to reap the result of your hard work. Publish only quality articles, well optimized for search engines and engage productively on the social networks, join as much as you can handle and make new friends, join groups and help others to be helped as well.

These methods I shared here in this article have greatly improved this blog and I assure you it will also improve yours. Now you know the types of web traffic and how you can get them, take advantage of my advice and improve your site traffic. Let me hear what you think of this article, use the comment section below to share your taught and also don’t forget to subscribe to my RSS feed so you won’t miss interesting posts link this one.

How To Drive Traffic To Your Website With Facebook Images

There are millions of fan pages on Facebook related to thousands of niches and all of them are not succeed to drive traffic to a blog or website. Bloggers used to put posts links there only to update the fan page.

But do you think, only updating the page will help you to succeed in your goal of getting traffic from Facebook? If you think yes, then sorry to hurt your feelings. This is not the job done. You have to learn some Facebook marketing skills that can bring more ways to increase website traffic.

While working on my Facebook fan page, I come to know about a hidden trick that can increase visitors to our blog. Let’s learn what’s the special today.

Increase Visitors To Your Blog

Without taking your too much time, let’s directly come to the topic. In one of my earlier posts about getting traffic from Google Plus, I mentioned that how posting images is helpful to attract wider audience. This concept works everywhere either you are sharing images on Google plus, facebook or any other platform where you can share your stuffs.

You just need to post such images on your facebook fan page for which you can get decent shares. Let’s see how posting images will help you to get visitors to your website.

Step-by-Step Tutorial

Below are some easy to follow steps that we need to take in action. Follow them and see how easily you can learn how to get more website traffic.
  • Select an image that relates to your niche. Funny or humor related images works great.
  • Post them on your facebook fan page by writing up a cool description.
  • Remember: Not to put any link there. It’s not the correct time to promote links. Just Wait! We’ll do it later.
  • Try to get maximum shares, likes and comments on that post as much as possible. Do everything that you can do to promote that image. Ask your friends to share it and leave a comment. This way you can get maximum shares. The maximum shares you get, the chances will higher to get more traffic to your blog.
  • Once you get enough shares, it’s time to play for our own benefit. Simply click on the image and choose Edit from the right side options.
  • Now smartly add your blog post link in the description that highly relates to that image. (Matching post will give you more traffic) and press Done Editing button.
  • After saving the changes, your link will start appearing to each person’s timeline who had shared your image. That means, now your link will also appear to their friends and chances are higher to get more readers.

Points to be Take Care

  1. You need maximum shares on your images to get maximum benefit of this trick.
  2. Don’t put non-related links. Less number of people will click that link.
  3. Please don’t do spamming. Make use of this trick for good purpose.

Final Words!

There are a lot of ways that you can use to drive visitors to your website from social media sites. You just need to figure out those ways, make strategies, apply them and get results.

How to Make Your Blog Search Engine Friendly

Everybody is becoming internet marketer in one way or the other either by blogging, promoting affiliated products and all the like as internet is becoming the second largest society on the planet earth, and there are trying to make their blog search engine friendly in a wrong way for the sake gaining search engine popularity.

If however you have been struggling with how to make your blog search engine friendly, the below tips am about to unfold could be what is required of you to make your blog search engine friendly, and make your blog post indexed on time by most search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. 

1. Consider you blog title and URL
Many professional bloggers like John Chow, Matt Cutt, etc. don’t consider this is a blogging priority because they are professional but as a beginner, this is very crucial.

Your blog title and URL must contain some of your blog keywords, because it the best way to have a say over what your blog is ranked for.

2. Write quality content consistently
Writing quality content often is equal to last long blog traffic (LLBT). All search engine love something fresh, new and innovative.

The more fresh content you write on your blog either for search engine or your blog visitors, the more you get your blog indexed with the right keyword for a start, and this will stand as a chance for you to have constant blog traffic over the time even when you are on holiday, your blog quality content with rich keyword will do the traffic job on your behalf.

3. Blog category and keywords
Note that, if your blog is to be optimized for keywords, that will be what people will be search for, it is wise to categorize your blog content under your blog respective keywords.

The more you make your blog post familiar with your blog keywords categories, the better the rank in search engine.

For instance, if your blog is all about blogging, then, you are expected to have categories like, making money blogging, how to start a blog, blogging template, blogging tips, and all the like.

4. Post tag
Don’t just create blog categories without making use of them. Before hitting the publish button, make sure you tag each post to their respective categories and keywords that you are targeting your blog post to be ranked for, and this will motivate readers to find their ways on time when reading your blog post.

5. Constant ping
I love this aspect so much, this helps you to keep search engine inform that your blog has a new update.

Although there are many ping site that you may use and here are the best three I love using whenever I publish an article on my blog and you too can try them.

They are;

6. Blog backlink
There are ways of getting blog quality backlink like engaging in forum activities, submitting your blog to blog directories, engage in blog comment, guest blogging, and even paid backlink.

But the best of all that are worth placing priority on are forum, comment, and guest blogging if your writing skill is above average you can give guest blogging a trial.

Reason why I suggested those three backlink sources is just because Google search engine doesn’t frown eye on them because they are considered genuine way of building blog backlinks else search engine may consider you blog backlink as spam and you may be a victim of Google penguin either now or future which will have negative effect on your blog most especially on your blog traffic and search engine ranking.

Although, all the above steps may be somehow difficult and unattainable on time, but doing them the best way you can do them will definitely increase your blog search engine visibility.

30 Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Blog

Are you looking to increase traffic to your website? There are many ways to increase traffic to your website. Majority of people believe the only way to driving traffic will cost them money. There are different methods of driving traffic that you pay for, and the majority of them are free. Increasing traffic to your business, website, or blog is the key to building a larger audience. I have enlisted in this post the top ways to increase traffic your website. The benefit of increasing your traffic is to improve visibility, ranking, and increase revenue.

Boost your web traffic

1. Write Articles is one of the most powerful ways to generate traffic for your website. Here is a list of free article sites that I personally use at the given moment.
2. Commenting on blogs is another great strategy for generating traffic. When leaving a comment on someone else website make sure the site is relevant to your niche. Other things to take in consideration for your comment to be approve is to provided content, be respectful, and know what your talking about.

3. Social bookmarking is another source for building traffic. Here are my favorite social bookmarking sites.
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
  • Facebook
  • Google +
  • MySpace
  • StumbleUpon
  • Reddit
  • Delicious
  • Digg
  • Tweetmeme
  • Fark
  • Slashdot
  • Friendfeed
  • Clipmarks
  • Newsvine
  • LiveJournal
  • Meet Up
  • Orkut
  • MyLife
  • Ning
  • Tagged
  • Deviant Art
4. Facebook Fan Page is a tool to drive traffic to your website. Creating a Facebook Fan page is very easy process and free.

5. Facebook ads are a popular method of buying traffic for your site. Facebook ads provide targeted, demographic, and direct traffic.

6. YouTube is a free marketing channel that everyone should use to drive traffic to their websites. Did you know YouTube is the second largest search engine? YouTube is a free online tool we should be using for online marketing.

7. Referral Program is a great way to drive traffic through the word of mouth. Offer your potential customers a discount if they refer your services to their friends.

8. Facebook groups are a great way to promote your blog post to boost your traffic. I join other Facebook groups with relevant topics and start posting my blogs. I get tons of free traffic using Facebook groups.

9. Join a forum group to boost traffic to your site. In the forum group your able to post or answer questions. In a forum group, you can easily become an expert on your field and built credibility. 

They are forum sites for all types of niches. Here are a couple of forum groups I have using in the past and still use.

Top Forums for SEO
10. Ebay is a great source to drive traffic to your website. Ebay currently has over 60 million customers. How do you generate traffic from Ebay? All you need to do is create a good About Me Page in your Ebay account. In the about me, page Ebay allows to promote your website.

11. Newspaper Ads is another tool to drive traffic to your site. Contact your local newspaper and place an ad.

12. Search Engine Optimization is a terrific way to drive organic traffic. Make sure to optimize your site by taking advantage of keywords and excellent content.

13. Backlinks area great for search engine optimization and driving organic traffic. If your looking to buying high quality backlinks there are many companies where they can be purchase. Here are a couple of companies I have bought backlinks.
14. Guest posting will help grow your brand and is a popular option to drive traffic. I have included a link with various sites with high ranking that allow guest posting.

15. Investing in E-mail listing will help your website drive tons of traffic. I have enlisted some of the organizations that provide E-mail listing services for a reasonable price.
  • Aweber
  • Get Response
  • Mail Chimp
  • Constant Contact
  • Campaigner
  • Benchmark Email
  • IContact
  • Campaign Monitor
  • Jango Mail
  • Boomerang
  • Ezine Director
  • Jango Mail
16. Free E-book is another way to drive traffic to your site. The e-book is a free incentive for customers to return to your site and add promotional links inside the book. There are many ways to create an e-book for a low cost. I have enlisted a couple of sites to buy or hire someone to create an e-book.
  • Freelancer
  • Fiverr
  • Fastcinco
There are also companies that allow buying private label rights. These companies let you buy the e-book and let you change the title, content, author info, and even sell them and keep every penny.
17. Clickbank helps promote your product and increases your website traffic. Majority of the traffic will be from affiliate marketers. Affiliate marketers sign up to promote your product sending traffic to your website.

18. Flickr is a free tool to drive traffic to your site. Anyone that uses an image through your Flickr account has to give an image credit which will drive free traffic your site.

19. Create a blog and drive traffic to your website.

20. Sign up for answer websites. The answer websites are a place where people place questions about specific niches who are trying to find an answer. Becoming the expert at the answer websites will drive free traffic to your site. I have enlisted some of the sites you can sign up for free to drive organic traffic.
21. Use Podcasting to drive traffic to your website. Podcasting is one of the newest crazes over the Internet. Podcasting is continually growing daily, and its a great way to get your website traffic.

22. RSS Feeds on your website will also help promote traffic. The RSS Feeds are one of the most powerful traffic driving tools a blogger can use to create backlinks and rank higher in the search engines. Feedburner allows blog owners to create and manage their RSS Feeds.

23. Web 2.0 Sites have huge traffic and are a great way to drive free organic traffic. I have enlisted some of my favorite Web 2.0 Sites.
24. Email Signature. All of your emails should have your website address in the bottom.

25. Business Cards are another great form of getting free traffic. Provide everyone you meet with a business card with your website address. I have enlisted some of the top sites to buy business cards.
  • Vista Print
  • 123 Print
  • Zazzle
  • Businesscards 24
  • Go Print
  • Juke Box
  • Overnight Prints
  • Print Runner
  • Uprinting
26. Search Engine Directory. Increase your visibility by adding your website to search engine directory. I have compose of the top search engines to add your website.
  • Yahoo
  • Google
  • Bing
  • DMOZ
  • Alta Vista
  • Go
  • Hotbot
  • Galazy
  • Lycos
  • Alexa Internet
27. Place ads on Micro Websites. Using micro websites to drive hoards of targeted traffic to your website. Here are my favorite micro websites.
  • Fiverr
  • Yooker
  • Fascinco
  • Tenbux
  • Zeerk
  • Gigbucks
  • Dealerr
  • Gighour
  • Taskarmy
  • Zeerk
  • Mturk
28. Advertise on outsourcing sites. Offer your product or services to different countries. I have enlisted my favorite outsourcing companies.
  • Freelancer
  • Odesk
  • Elance
29. Create an interactive community in your blog. Adding a blog comment field on your website will allow for everyone to join the conversation. In return make sure to respond to everyone comment Google loves interaction. 

30. Sign up for free Gravator account. Every time you leave a comment on blogs your picture and website address will automatically appear.

Monetizing Your Mobile Traffic

In just a few short years, smart phones and tablets have come to be more main stream than ever for people who consume online content. In fact, just between 2012-2013 alone mobile internet use in tablets and smart phones doubled. 

As these devices become more available at more affordable price points, these numbers will for sure see even more growth.

But all this growth with mobile traffic has left traditional publishers scrambling to find a good solution to monetize the mobile versions of their website. 

How can bloggers continue to see revenue streams from their content even with the constant stream of readers who are switching over to mobile use?

Here are four great places to start:

AdSense for Mobile
If you’ve monetized the traditional version of your site in any way, chances are you’ve likely been involved with Google AdSense at some point. Google is now making it easier to integrate their platform with your mobile site, and still matched ads to the content you’re publishing so you can still earn money when visitors click the ads. AdSense for Mobile can also detect which device your mobile readers are using and tailors those ads for their device.

Instead of getting paid to have your visitors click on ads for other sites or products, you can do something similar, only with native ads for related content. youAPPi uses unique app recommendation technology to recommend apps to your mobile readers based on their past content history. Readers find great new apps they’re interested in easily, developers get better exposure for their apps, and you get a commission each time one of your users downloads a recommended app. Now that’s a win-win-WIN situation.

ComScore data for 2012 reported that 82% of media time on smartphones is consumed in apps. Maybe you've gone beyond creating just a mobile website, and also have an app for the content you publish? If that’s the case, Kiip can be a great revenue opportunity that keeps your readers coming back for more, too. Kiip-enabled apps have access to rewards and coupons from the world’s largest brands to reward users for engaging with your app. You set the specifications for how readers can achieve rewards, and your readers keep coming back for more deals!

If your online content doesn't just consist of text and images, but also includes video, Rhythm could be a great option to help you monetize that content as well. Rhythm is the industry’s mobile video leader, and offers a variety of different video advertising options including tap-to video, in-banner video, interactive in-stream video, and interactive pre-roll video.

The shift to mobile content doesn't have to mean the end of your revenue stream that you worked for years to perfect! With these four tools—and the many others that are available—you can continue to fund the great content that your readers love.

Little known Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Blog

Thousands of new websites and blogs are created every hour of the day. How is anyone going to see yours?

When you have worked long and hard to create the perfect blog to showcase your work, your writing or your worldview, you want as many eyes as possible on this masterpiece.

Since the early days of the web, developers and marketing professionals have fought fiercely to bring their content and business to new customers.

The majority of people in North America spend so much time online they should be sent to addiction rehab centers. But how can you get them to pay attention to you?

Guest Posting

In the business world we call this cross-promotion. Blog viewers want lots of content and they require a certain frequency of posting.

You can’t really post any less than once a week or people will stop coming to your site. Guest posts significantly increase your ability to post.

Guest posting doubles or triples the amount and quality of content available on your site, with little effort on your part. Guest posting allows you to create backlinks to your site, increasing your SEO value.

Having a popular and well-respected blogger from another site write content for your blog will give your work a new legitimacy.

Why not share your audience while creating a new community of loyal blog readers?

Create a Community

If your blog focuses on a specific topic, city, music genre or business philosophy, there may be other people writing on similar topics.

Build relationships with them.

The best way to make your blog stand out and to promote yourself at the same time is to start commenting on your favorite blogs.

Commenting on blogs allows people to see your point of view or maybe laugh at your jokes; then they will follow the link to your blog.

Give it Away Now

Many successful bloggers started out with tiny sites but took a gamble on increasing traffic to their site through contests and giveaways.

Everyone loves a free gift, and nothing drives readers to your site faster than a chance to win something. Find a local business to donate prizes or create an irresistible item or product that people want.

Then, offer anyone a chance to win the prize by subscribing to your site, following you on social media, commenting, or any other way you want to retain your audience.

Everyone wins when you offer something of value in addition to your great writing and interesting content.

Diversify Your Content

You are proud of your blog and the content you’ve created. Now show it off in other formats to attract whole new audiences.

If your blog is primarily text-based and full of interesting articles, now is the time to add video and audio content. It’s easy and inexpensive to record audio interviews with leaders in the field of your blog topic.

Video can be produced with just a phone these days, so you have no excuse not to make short videos and post them to YouTube or other video-sharing services like Vimeo.

Don’t try too hard to create a “viral video.” We never know which of our videos will suddenly become crazy popular.

All you can do is create content that is funny and informative and then send it out on every social media platform.

Send in tips to popular blogs encouraging them to feature your new content, and soon you will be exponentially increasing traffic to your blog.

Focus on photos

It can be incredibly difficult to constantly create content, write and edit it, film or record it, then upload everything. An easy way to increase the amount and quality of your blog content is to make a daily or weekly photo series.

Blog readers love to share the spotlight, so have them really interact with your site and send in photos. High-traffic blogs almost always focus on photos and pictures, GIFs and memes to engage viewers and bring even more people to the site.

Host an Event

Finally, you want to celebrate after all your hard work creating a popular blog. A great way to create loyalty with your audience is to host a fun meetup!

People love to meet and talk to the “man (or woman) behind the machine.” It gives your readers a sense of community and participation to meet with fellow blog enthusiasts.

Now you know what to do to make your blog a total success: host a great event, post colorful and engaging photos, explore new formats, offer contests with prizes, strong commenting and guest posting.

In no time you will have thousands of new and loyal blog readers. Then it’s time to monetize.
Image courtesy of xedos4 at
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