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Info | Removed The Google Plus Comment System

The truth is, some friends who come to my blog and reading my blog posts frequently, wants to know the simple reason why I removed the Google plus commenting system on my blog. Hey! I only removed the G+ comment system because of one little problem, yes! Just one little problem and as I proceed, I’ll explain for your better understanding… 

Some weeks back, I talked about the G+ commenting system, how to integrate it and the benefits it holds. I even installed it on my blog as a tester to see how it goes because I don’t want to know what other bloggers think or has been saying about the plug-in, rather I want to test it myself and see how it goes. Truth be told, after trying it out, I did enjoyed every moment using that little but yet powerful comment box (system) because it did do things unimaginable

If it does things I like then why did I removed it?

You know, before I tested it out I saw different bloggers from different blogs that gave their own opinions and most of these opinions are as follows;

-The comments made by your commentators will not be yours

-You will be giving Google more members

-Your precious comments will be lost when you remove the comment system on your blog.

While all this are true, I still did go ahead and use the comment box on this blog to see what i’ll personally find. After my weeks of testing, I did love it but every good thing must always have a downside right? The only drawback was the “lack of comment moderation”.

I am getting some good returns of traffic and if you are getting some good amount of traffic, bulk of spammers will surely visits you from time to time and if your comment system is not moderated, you will be bombarded with spam comments.

The main reason why I remove the Google comment system on my blog:

I was doing my regular weekly cleanup you know, repairing my databases, deleting broken links found on my blog. As I was cleaning the pages, I accidentally entered one of my earlier blog post and found out that my G+ comment system has been bombarded with spam comments by spammers . I decided to check some more blog post and then I realized that my blog is being spammerlize (brought the English up ). If you have a blog with more than 50 or 150 pages you will know that it is almost impossible moderating each of your blog post. Instead of wasting my precious time removing those spam comments, I removed the comment system to stop the spamming because if I don’t remove it, it’ll still happen over and over again.

Main Point:

I did not remove the comment system because it was not performing its task, I simply removed it because of the lack of comment moderation it possess.

I need something that I can be able to control (moderation wise). I don’t care if I bring more member to Google plus, I don’t care about who owns the comment, but if they can build a moderation system like the native WordPress comment box, I will definitely love the G+ commenting system even more because “to me” they have all the SEO benefits.

Back to you:

Do you love the Google plus commenting system like I do? Are you still using it? Have you noticed any down fall that will help us more on our topic matter? Please do share with us by using the comment box below.

If you are a blogger that have not used it before, can you please tell us why you have not used or tested it? Please provide your answer by using the comment box below.

Do you have comments, thoughts or questions you’d love to share with us? Then please do by using the comment box below. Remember that your questions, comments and thoughts are highly welcomed and appreciated.

How to Avoid Rude and Crude Commentators in Your Blog

You've just written the best blog post in the world. You scoured the Internet and discovered yours was the only post like it in existence. You've edited it a thousand times and whittled it down to perfection. You post it, and shortly comes an email proclaiming you have a comment! Oh happy day!

You click on the link and what do you see?


Your day is now ruined.

What to Do?
Rude, mean, and plain ol’ ignorant comments (otherwise known as “trolling”) are firmly intertwined with the Internet. They’re part of its history. Give a regular person anonymity and they take it as a free pass to spout off inanities like the above. Despite all the praise and love you can get throughout a day, often that one idiot is all you can think about!

As I see it, there are three routes to take when dealing with ignoramuses:

Set your comments to where you must approve or deny them via e-mail. This way, you can weed out the obvious clowns like Doink3298 while still approving people that have very real things to contribute.

Our tendencies, of course, are to only let in the comments we feel are favorable to our blog post (and our egos). Make sure to keep this in check! Not everyone is trying to tear you down, and some negative comments can spark healthy debate.

Approving or denying every single post that comes through your site can get very aggravating. Instead, keep an eagle eye out on your posts and delete trolls with extreme prejudice!

Of course, your major problem here is timing. If you wait until a comment goes up on the site before killing it, you risk the chance of people seeing it and worse, commenting on it. Then, you have to delete THEIR comment as well, and the cycle continues.

Let common sense and human decency prevail and let all the garbage through! The vast majority of Internet users are (though hard to believe) regular, decent people who have just as much interest in weeding out trolls as you do. Most people can be expected to know an ignorant comment when they see it and will either scroll past while rolling their eyes or will attack the person for you (the term for this is “white knighting”).

So in the interest of free speech, try and let the flow of conversation occur naturally and see what happens! Try to remember that moronic comments aren’t the end of the world and that their presence might even raise some sympathy from your readers.

What’s your policy for rude blog comments?

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