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Tips | Show up Your Mood And Comeback in to Blogging


Sometimes it just happens, we lose our mood and don’t feel like blogging any more. It’s natural. We shouldn’t think much about. Rather we should find some ways to gain our interest again.

Many bloggers face this kind of problem and they slowly lose their interest in blogging. Sometimes it gets worse as it becomes hard to make a comeback in to blogging. And it’s true that this problem may also become a reason to make one think about quitting.

They quit blogging? It’s bad, right? No, it’s not. If they don’t have any interest in blogging then leaving blogging is not bad. And if they have the interest but they are slowly losing it, then they should really do something to gain their interest again.

Here are the some tips by which you can solve your problems and comeback into blogging:

1. Read others blog to charge up your mind.

If you want to be a good blogger then you should read others blog. Reading blogs can charge you up and help you to comeback into blogging. Here by blogs I don’t mean that you should read only the blogs that belong to your niche, you can read blogs in different niches too. Some blogs can really motivate you to make a comeback. They may not have any kind of motivational quotes but still you will be benefited in some way.

2. Check Your Analytics and try to improve it.

If you’re not writing for sometime like a week, you’ll see a decrease in number of visits to your blog. This may depress you but rather feeling depressed you should work harder to increase the visitors by coming back in to blogging.

3. Talk to a person who is doing well in blogging.

Yes, that helps in many ways. If you go and talk to some other blogger who is doing well then you can learn many things from him and get motivated in your way. You can ask them for some tips to develop your blog and do well in blogging.

4. Go out and join a blogger’s community.

When you’re not writing on your blog you can go out and join some good communities. You can then promote your old articles there and meet some other bloggers in your niche. You can register on Inbound,BlogEngage, Tagza, Bloggers, Blokube or BizSugar and follow people in your niche. You can share their work and start engaging with them to gain some connections. Believe it or not, but this will surely help you to do better in blogging.

5. Listen Music to make up your mood.

Listening music really helps a lot. When you’re not feeling like writing anymore, sit back, relax and listen to music. This brings peace to your mind and it just feels good. After sometime you will be able to change your mind, forget the depressions and concentrate on blogging once again.

6. Find great ideas to write on your blog.

Writer’s block, that’s what bloggers call the situation when you run out of ideas to write about on your blog. Well yes, it’s true but that can be overcome easily. But if you’re unable to overcome then it’s bad because Writer’s Block may be the reason why you’re losing your interest in blogging. If you’re going through this then you should really try to find some good blog ideas.

There are many other ways to make up your mood and comeback into blogging, but the most important thing is that you should always keep yourself motivated. You should always believe in your work and in yourself. If you don’t believe in your own work then who will you excel in your field? Think about it!

I hope you liked my article. But I’ll be glad to know what you think about this. Let me ask, what do you do when you start losing your interest in blogging?

Attention! Sponsored Posts Can Ruin Your Blog Completely

No one can deny the fact that most of the bloggers including you and me are attracted to the sponsored posts. And if those posts are found to be very much similar to the content that is being produced on your blog then we tend to accept them.

We don’t look after the things such as backlink that will be pointed through this blog post and how it can ruin your blog completely.

I do check my Facebook account a lot and I’m always wondering how one can accept any type of blog posts just for the sake of earning few dollars.

Well, there are reasons and I’ve been through the same phase. That’s why I’m sure that I can convince you to stop accepting certain sponsored posts.

I think it’s time to talk about the facts. It’s time to talk about how sponsored posts can ruin your blog.

So, let’s first talk about the type of sponsored posts that are good and bad.

There are two types in which a sponsored posts can be categorized i.e., Good and bad.

Good sponsored posts are those which are talking about the subject deeply. They are certainly the one who are written for the purpose of building network and trust. Also, they don’t really link back to spam website. Usually, they will put a backlink to their company website.

On the other hand, bad sponsored blog posts are those which are not well-formatted. Those posts are written for the sole purpose of putting some spam or casino website.

Remember, linking back to the casino websites will affect your blog’s search engine ranking. So, you better shouldn’t accept the sponsored posts which are linking back to casino website.

Reasons Why Bloggers Accept Sponsored Posts

It’s important to get to the roots to find out why bloggers are accepting sponsored posts.
Quick Cash

This is the real reason and in fact I would say the most important one. Everyone wants to earn money from blogging however not each of them succeeds in earning.

So, they start thinking that this is the best way of earning the money. However, if you accept irrelevant backlinks on your blog, you’ll definitely be penalized sooner or later.

Well, I don’t feel that there is any other reason except the one that I’ve mentioned. If there is any, do let me know via comments.

Now, coming back to our original topic of discussion.

How Sponsored Posts Can Ruin Your Blog Completely
Poor Quality Article

You need to pay an extra attention to the quality of these posts. Generally, the advertiser tends to provide low quality blog posts because that’s easy to produce.

In fact, some advertisers go ahead and provide spun article which might have grammatical mistakes.

Readers? Don’t you care about them anymore?

Did you forget that you started your blog to help out others? That’s when you started having readership around your blog.

Well, then it doesn’t sound good to force them to read sponsored post which poorly written or which is totally unrelated to the topics that you’ve been covering.

If that sponsored post is not adding value to your blog, it’s totally useless to have one.

Selling links?

Well, you’re definitely selling backlink if the advertiser is asking for a link back to their site. And according to the terms and conditions by various companies such as Google, this is illegal.

If it is found out that you’re selling links, your blog’s page-rank will be ripped off. You may even lose search engine ranking.

Low quality backlink

I know that I’ve just talked about the fact that selling link is illegal however I know that there are thousand other bloggers who simply ignore it. So, I decided to include this section of low quality backlink.

What I mean by low quality backlink is the quality of the website that is being linked through the blog post.

If the website is found to have spam content that would certainly put your ranking down.

Is it worthy?

Well, there is a slight line between accepting good and bad sponsored posts.

  • When you decide to accept such type of blog posts, you need to take care of things such as –
  • Will it affect my blog’s search engine ranking?
  • Will it affect my position that I’ve been able to create in the minds of my readers?
  • Is the content really worth posting?
  • Is it adding value to your blog?

What are your thoughts on accepting sponsored posts? How do you go after them?

Feel free to add your opinion in the comments below.

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Your Online Image is Important

The people who have earned masters degree in management knows the importance of online image for business owners.

As a business owner, there are many things you will need to think about for your business’s reputation. One of the most important in today’s society is your online image.

There are a few factors you need to keep in mind with this.

How is Online Image Established?

The first thing to keep in mind is that your online image is much more than just your social media sites and blog.

Rather this includes everything you do (or don’t do) online, from images and videos you share to comments and posts on other blogs and articles.

Even if your business checks in with Foursquare or similar sites, it will be part of the online image.

Why is Online Image Important?

Studies have shown that most people will look up a company online before they use them.

What many people do not realize is that even posts on Twitter and Facebook, even though they seem to be private, can be found during a Google search. This means that potential customers can see your various activities and posts.

This is why it is important to make sure that you are putting out the right information online.

How to Start Building Your Online Image

If your business is new to the internet, there are a few things you will want to do to create a solid online image. For one, having a website is an excellent way to tell people about what you offer.

You will also want to create a blog. The idea of the blog is to give useful information to your potential customers rather than just tell them why you are the best.

Now you can talk about and link to your business in the blogs, but you want the majority of the article to be about useful information.

You also want to establish social media sites for your business. Not only will this help to make your business more visible, but it is also a great way to communicate with your customers and know what they are looking for.

There are many different sites out there that you can use, such as Facebook, Twitter and more. If you are concerned about managing them, then there are even apps that help to sync your sites.

With this, Instagram can be a great marketing tool as you can post new products or teaser pictures of different things for your business.

Managing Your Online Image

Once you have established an online image, the best thing you can do is ensure that you keep the image you want.

There are a few tips you can use to get the best results from this.

1. Be proactive

The best way to avoid having a negative image is to keep it from happening in the first place.

2. Think about every post or comment before you put it online

Anything you post can stay on the internet for decades. This is why you want to think about any negative connotation something you say will have before it is said.

3. Be careful about who has admin rights

Some companies allow several admins on their social media sites. The issue with this is that this is the most common cause of insensitive or negative posts being made. This could simply be someone accessing the social media site from their home after having a few drinks or a disgruntled employee. Make sure you have the right admins to avoid issue.

4. Keep posts positive

No one wants to do business with a company that is always negative. This is why the best thing you can do is keep posts light and fun with a positive twist. The only exception to this is when there is some sort of disaster and you want to send out your thoughts and regards to those involved.

5. Stay Neutral

There are many issues that people get fired up about, specifically politics and religion. Though as the business owner you have your own beliefs, the worst thing you can do is express this as the views of the business. Rather you want to make sure that you steer clear of this negative image by staying neutral on the topic.

6. Regularly conduct Google searches

Doing a search for your business will help you to have an idea of where you stand. Not only will this allow you to see what has been posted by your company but also what other people are saying about the company.

Outside Online Image Help

There are companies out there that can help you manage your online image. This can be ideal for companies that have a negative image that they want to change or even just for companies that do not have time to focus on this aspect of the business.

The thing to keep in mind though is that the cost for this can be substantial. However, if you already have a company that handles your online marketing, then this may not be much more. 

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