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Sourcing Balloons At Wholesale Prices

A gift shop can be an enjoyable and profitable business that only requires the bare minimum of start up costs and overheads. Although you could open a traditional storefront, this is not necessary. It is possible to be fairly successful, while running your business from home. However, for your gift shop to get off the ground, you will require a few essential items of equipment. These are as follows:


For a gift shop, balloons are an excellent product to sell. However, you will need to purchase weights, glue and string as well. You should buy your stock from a wholesaler, not from a different shop that has marked the price up already. You can locate suppliers of wholesale balloons on the web, or in the telephone directory. Make sure that you compare the prices of different suppliers, prior to purchasing anything. Also, you can find suppliers by attending the Balloon Artists Convention, which takes place every year.

Vehicle for Deliveries

Balloons that are inflated occupy a great deal of space. Thus, to transport them to customers, you will have to purchase a big delivery vehicle. Also, you might have to transport tanks to inflate the balloons with. Several gift shop owners use an SUV (or big van) that has the back seats taken out. Your vehicle ought to display a sign on its’ side with your telephone number. This will allow you to advertise your shop, while you are on the move. Your sign can be painted professionally or (for a more cost effective alternative) it could be stuck on magnetically. An additional cost is that you need to insure your vehicle for commercial purposes.

Effective Marketing

If your gift shop is to attract customers and be a success, you need to have a marketing strategy. You could use a website, business cards, fliers or telephone book listings to advertise your shop. Also, you can attract customers by personally visiting businesses that might use wholesale balloons, like banks, schools and car lots. However, there are cities like Houston that have laws banning outdoor balloon advertising. Hence, always know the laws in your locale, prior to approaching businesses.

Equipment for Your Office

Whether your shop is offline or online, you will need office equipment. Firstly, and most importantly, you need a telephone. Your business telephone number ought to be a cell phone number, or redirected to your cell phone. This way, you can still take orders, whilst making deliveries. Also, think about getting a fax machine. You will require a PC, with an Internet connection and printer. This will enable you to monitor stock and financial details, print receipts and process orders by credit card.

Helium Tanks

Gift shops need helium for inflating balloons. Helium weighs less than air, so the balloons will float and not drop to the ground. Wholesale suppliers can provide you with helium tanks. Finally, you will require a helium/air 60/40 regulator, as endorsed by the International Balloon Institute. This regulator is hooked to the tanks that fill the balloons.
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