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5 Ways To Look Stylish Whatever The Weather

Fashion is forever changing, which means that if you are someone who likes to look good then you’ll probably want to update your wardrobe as often as possible.
The problem with this is that not all of us have a budget to buy new items as much as we would like – especially when the cost of some fashion trends is so high!

Does this mean we have to miss out and live with a wardrobe that we are not happy with? Not at all! It simply means being a savvy shopper & buying the right items for you and your wardrobe.

Buy From the Right Retailers

Whatever fashion item you want, there will always be a range of retailers that offer exactly what you are looking for. One of the best things you can do is shop around and compare prices. If you are on a budget, then the last thing you want to be doing is spending more money than you need to on an item.

Remember though, that cheapest isn’t always the best option because when it comes to clothing, quality matters. Try and read reviews before you buy, so you know that whatever you are spending you are getting great value for money.

Also look out for sales, voucher codes and other offers to help bag yourself as much of a bargain as possible. There are different voucher websites you can check to see where is offering the best discounts at the time! It is also worth checking out cash back websites to see if you can save money on your purchase that way.

Buy the Right Items for You

When it comes to clothing, it is easy to get carried away and buy items that aren’t essential. If you are on a budget this means you’re going to be left with little money to buy the items you really need.

When you see something that you like, firstly have a think about how you would wear it, when you would wear it and how it will fit in with the items you have now. If you aren’t really sure how you’re going to wear it and there is a risk it will be left in the back of your wardrobe then do not buy it!

Where possible, try on clothing – if you are buying online check measurements and make sure it fits! Don’t be tempted to buy something that isn’t the right size for you, just because you want it and that is the only size they have left – because you’ll end up wasting your money!

Small Changes Make a Big Difference

Another thing to remember is that you can easily mix and match items that you already have in your wardrobe. I am sure we have all been in the situation where we are invited to a social event and we don’t know what to wear –because we feel like we have worn everything we own so many times already!

The best way around this is to consider mixing and matching items – wear a top with a different pair of trousers this time.

On top of this you should consider adding different items of jewelry to the outfit you are wearing! The great thing about this is that fashion jewelry is really affordable, so even if you can’t splash out on a new outfit you can afford to get a new necklace to give it a fresh look.

Match that up with wearing your hair in a different way and doing your make up slightly differently (there are hundreds of tutorials online) you can look amazing with minimal cost and hardly any effort at all.

Swap with Friends

At times you might feel that you are the only person struggling to stay fashionable on a budget, but the truth is that you are far from alone. In fact if you speak to friends and family you’ll probably find that many of them feel exactly the same as you.

Why not get together and arrange to swap some of your clothes? Just because you have worn a dress a few times and don’t want to wear it again, that doesn’t mean someone else wouldn’t get benefit from it! Half the time our clothes are in perfect condition, we just don’t want to wear it because we feel we have worn it too many times already.

By swapping with someone else everyone benefits from a new outfit without having to spend any money – and it is the perfect excuse to catch up with friends for a gossip!

Be Ruthless

The biggest fashion on a budget tip you can follow is to be ruthless. Do not be tempted to buy items ‘just because’. Make sure you always have a solid reason to buy something so that you don’t waste your money on something that isn’t going to be worn.

If there are items in your wardrobe that you aren’t wearing then don’t just leave them sitting there.

There are different places you can sell your old clothes to help raise some extra cash. In most cases you’ll be able to get about half back for what you paid for it – which might not sound great but it means you can sell two dresses you don’t wear in order to buy one dress that you will. When you think about it this way, it makes sense to do it that way!

Don’t over pay for something just because it is hyped. Often when fashion trends take off, retailers up their prices because they know people will pay it. Don’t be tempted by this because it a few weeks the prices will be back down to something more reasonable.

It is all well and good paying over the top for items that you can afford, but if you are on a strict budget then it is silly to pay for items that your budget can’t really stretch to!

Be sensible and savvy with all your purchases and you can have a fresh looking wardrobe without breaking the bank.

Make Easy Cash Online with 10 Best Ways

Today all of us is struggling hard to earn money online , in this economy all of us is looking for some easy ways to make easy cash online, especially teens you know, we teens we always want things done quickly, we really like to make easy and ready cash right? unfortunately there’s no magic button for this thought, if you want to make cash , you need to work hard , this is the unique solution if you are looking for some easy ways to make cash in the end.


Make Easy Cash

I really remember well when I was a newbie to the internet marketing world , I really was struggling hard to earn few bucks online which is normal for a newbie person, I was hoping to earn at least one buck per day , fortunately now I’m making a good amount of money and let me tell you everything here and how I have been and still making money online .

I didn’t make money immediately , I’ve started making money online after a long period of though research I tried everything I mean everything I kept looking for legitimate ways to earn cash ,of course I faced and lost my gold time on scam sites as well, but this is normal in life. We do mistakes but in the end we learn from them

The Internet is really a cool way to make easy cash and you don’t have to be a web savvy in order to make cash online .

So here are some easy ways to make cash online, these ways might be aimed for both teens and adults

1) Lease your skills and convert them into money

there are many teens that have some great skills in designing, writing or translating. These types of skills surely have a great market value, and they are in demand this is a cool way tomake easy cash online !

If you have any skills in web and logo designing you can consider 99designs which is a really awesome site if you want to make money off your designing skills

If you are a talented writer and you have a great writing style and impressive writing skills, then just buy a pair of trousers with deeper pockets

If you want to make money writing then I have a cool list for you check it out !

You can join freelance sites where you can find work and get paid doing various tasks according to your skills .

the best freelance sites include Odesk, elance and Iwriter. There are surely other ways to make cash with your skills just make use of our friend google

2) Sell you useless stuff on Ebay

I made 500$ from ebay so far because I had so many stuff that I didn’t use anymore, I realized that Ebay is the best way to get rid of your old stuff and convert it into cash

on Ebay you can sell anything such as old books,clothes , shoes, electronics etc… everything you have old on your garage could be sold on ebay.

If you have something old to sell, just fire up your brower and head to .

3) Design T-Shirts and make easy cash

this is another awesome method for teens for making easy cash designing t-shirts and sell them online, sites like cafepress and zazzle allow you to open your own online store and sell your own Customized t-shirts, if you make cool and fancy t-shirts ,then your earnings would be high

If you want to make easy cash designing t-shirts then check out these great sites Cafepress andzazzle .

4) Write product reviews and get paid

this is an other reliable source of income. I’ve written many reviews about products and companies and I’ve made a good cash from them

It’s very easy to review a product or company, you just need to learn lots about them and then generate your OWN review from your mind

If you want to make easy cash by writing reviews you can take a deep look at these sites as they are the best ones around

  • Ciao : this is a product review service based on the UK and owned by Microsoft corporation which allows you to make easy cash by writing honest reviews about products .
  • Epinions : is another great website where you can make cash by writing reviews in many different categories.
  • reviewstream : reviews are very important for the customers because they help them to buy the right stuff as they want it to be, now you know how much reviews are important, Reviewstream is all about reviewing products and you can make decent money writing your honest reviews
  • Ukritic : is another awesome site where you can make easy cash by reviewing stuff you own, jut review and get paid !

5) Sell your Services on Fiverr

If you need to make easy cash fiverr is probably for you, fiverr is a site which allows you to sell your services for 5$, the best thing about fiverr is that you can make cash by selling sometimes even silly services like singing a song for someone,drawing something on your face and so on, If you don’t like fiverr don’t worry there are so many fiverr alternatives ;)

6) Make easy cash with your Twitter profile

the money you can make with twitter are really limited, but since there’s no hard work to earn them they are welcome , sponsored tweets is an online platform that allows you to monetize your twitter account, by spreading sponsored news along your tweets. If you are a blogger you don’t have to lose your gold time in this

7) Make cash with your smartphone

There are so many apps out there that allows you to make easy cash by just doing some easy tasks with your smartphone, here are the best apps to make money with your smartphone
8) Make easy cash creating custom toolbars

Conduit : allows you to make easy cash by creating your custom toolbars and get paid everytime someone downloads your custom toolbar, usually 2-3 $ per download

9) Get Paid to answer questions about programming… etc

If you are a geek and you have a huge knowledge about softwares ,hardwares and programming you can make cash and earn rewards by joining Experts exchange it allows you to answer questions about the mentioned topics and earn rewards a long the way.

10 ) Make cash helping lazy students with their homeworks

if you are knowledgeable on a specific subject you can help other students to solve their homework issues and make easy money, you can join student of fortune and start making money helping lazy students

Final words

the sites mentioned above are sites that worked for me and made from them some bucks, I hope you like them, please share this post with your friends, or  share your money makers by dropping a comment below ;)

5 Ways to Build Values for your Blog

One of the most important characteristic of a successful blogger is that they know who they are, what they want, what they believe in, and what they stand for in blog-o-sphere. Most newbie bloggers are confused about their goals, values, ideas, and what they can stand for in the blogging community, and that is the more reason why they find it difficult to accomplish their blogging dream. -


To be frank, life is the ability to leave from the inside-out. The value you created for your blog makes it what it’s today, and the look of your blog solely depend on the value inside of you. The greater clarity you have regarding your blog, the more precise, and effective the possible outcome of the blog.

Thinking of target with concentric rings: You can imagine your blog value, personality, and authority by thinking of targeting concentric ring. Your blog value, personality, and authority is made up of FIVE good rings which begins with the value you place on your blog as the topmost priority, and radiating outwardly as a result of good job you have done on your blog to the next circle which I will call your RELEF.

Below are crucial ways to create value for you blog.

1. Your blog value determine people believe

If your blog is valued by you, definite; you will do everything within your reaches to make it the best by posting quality contents, building quality backlinks through guest blogging, comment, and some forums that allow dofollow.

2. Belief

Some bloggers don’t believe in themselves that they can do it without been tutored for months/year(s) by an expert. Gone are those days when I was in the university, either I attends lecture or not I will have to read on my own rigorously without anybody putting me through, though it may not be easy but try to confide in your innate ability. I chose blogging because I love what the internet offers as the second largest community after the planet earth. Believing in yourself will give you the courage to accomplish your blogging dream and will enable you to set a precise target with a specific time.

3. Expectation

Blogging is like a computer; garbage in, garbage out, and there is no gimmick about that. The more you determined, the more your zeal increases, and the more consistence you are determines what the later tale of your blogging career will offer. Like my secondary school tutor said and I quote “No manner will fall from heaven”. Yes! And it works in blog-o-sphere. Write down what you want to accomplish, and work to leave for it, and not leave to work for it.

4. Altitude

Your level in blog-o-sphere is determined by your outward manifestation or reflection of the charisma you are carrying in you. The level of the value you place on what you are doing, belief, and the expected outcome, is determined by your altitude in the community. For instance, if you belief blogging is a community that needs talented men and women and you are not one, then you need to make yourself one. And before you know what is happening, your service will be honor in the community.

5. Action

Action speaks louder than voice so they say; the action you take toward your blog will determine the level. You cannot only add value to your blog by thinking and writing down what you want to accomplish with a credible action, and if you are the type that procrastinate it is high time you put and to it and take action.

Final word: What you achieve in blog-o-sphere is a result of your inner mind which reflects itself in your action.

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