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Access the Twitter Web with Analytics Tool

Twitter Web Analytics Tool can be accessed by every Twitter user now. Twitter will always remain the original pro in the run of social networking sites. This social networking platform never lost the charm among its lovers and day by day, it is making the product more powerful and friendly for marketers and businesses of all size and all kinds.

Twitter Web Analytics Tool

The recent inclusion of ‘Twitter Web Analytic Tool’ for all the users will now enable everyone to analyse the ‘Social Compliance’ of their tweets. Earlier, available solely for the Twitters’ Advertising customers, it helped the business users a lot to track the status of their tweets and plan marketing campaigns accordingly.

What’s the use of Twitter Web Analytics Tool?

With the new tool, anyone can now measure the performance of his or her tweet. Let us see what this Twitter Web Analytics Tool is all about in details:

Users now get the full access to the humungous data about other people, user groups, and brands, who follow them. The main aspect of importance is the ‘Timeline Activity’. Timeline Activity is a graphical view of the total number of ‘mentions’, ‘follows’, ‘unfollows’ that the user has received in the last month. Below the summary list, there is a detailed list mentioning about the user’s most recent tweet.

The Timeline Activity can be refreshed in certain incremental interval (for example every 6 hours). The monthly details are also available as weekly details, along with fetching the data of the same day. Before Twitter Web Analytics was made open to all, there are certain Twitter analytics tools already in use. However, the accuracy and authenticity of the data and information was a matter of concern always. Now, people can easily get accurate data on the performance of their Twitter profile as well as the tweets they make.

If we look at the benefits, marketers can make use of three major aspects –
Information on the volume of traffic Twitter is following in to the publishers’ website
Insight on the nature and intensity of engagement a Tweet button is producing on the website
Understanding of content sharing strategy throughout the social networking site.

Well, now another aspect of importance is how to use the Twitter Web Analytic Tool. Here is how you can log in to the tool:

1. Go to Twitter Ads and log in to your account.

2. Next, click the ‘Analytics’ button and choose any of the 3 options. You’re done.

Now, you can see all the data of your Twitter account. Twitter Web Analytics was a much planned out effort by the company, which has started with the acquisition of BackType. BackType provides all the technology support to make the analytics happen.
Should I use the Twitter Web Analytics Tool?

Marketers and business owners have always loved to see the analytics data of their Twitter activities. This has always helped to gain better insight of their customers’ viewpoint. The social media revolution initiated by Twitter always needed an analytic tool for the marketers to better understand, plan, and execute their campaigns. Now, with the tool becoming open to all, will enable general twitter users become aware of what is happening around their Tweet ecosystem. So, now you also get ready to bring that social impact in your Twitter account and make your profile socially compliant.

Ok friends, here I want to tell you something important. Actually many of us are not yet able to view the analytics. Even Avi told me that he was unable to view analytics at first but he finally found a way to get access to the analytics.

Now, you can see all the data of your Twitter account. Twitter Web Analytics was a much planned out effort by the company, which has started with the acquisition of BackType. BackType provides all the technology support to make the analytics happen.
Should I use the Twitter Web Analytics Tool?

Marketers and business owners have always loved to see the analytics data of their Twitter activities. This has always helped to gain better insight of their customers’ viewpoint. The social media revolution initiated by Twitter always needed an analytic tool for the marketers to better understand, plan, and execute their campaigns. Now, with the tool becoming open to all, will enable general twitter users become aware of what is happening around their Tweet ecosystem. So, now you also get ready to bring that social impact in your Twitter account and make your profile socially compliant.

Ok friends, here I want to tell you something important. Actually many of us are not yet able to view the analytics. Even Avi told me that he was unable to view analytics at first but he finally found a way to get access to the analytics.

At first I was not able to access Twitter Analytics.

Every time I click on Analytics > Timeline Activity and I was taken to the same Ads promotion page. Then I asked some of my friends if they were able to view their analytics. None of them were able to view anything except the Ads promotion page. I also read blogs like Mashabe but didn’t find any clue. Finally I tried to make it out in someway.

What I actually did?

  1. I clicked on the “Account and Billing” option at the top right and selected “Billing History”.
  2. Then I was taken to the billing page.
  3. Then I clicked on the “Switch to Advanced” option.
  4. This brought up a popup which was showing Basic account v/s Advanced account features.
  5. And as I clicked on Advanced I became an advanced account users and finally became able to view my Twitter account analytics.

Actually the thing is, many of our ads account is still in basic mode and so we need to get in to advanced in order to view the analytics. As told in the above ic that only advanced users can get access to analytics and so I was not seeing analytics before when I was on basic plan. But the roblem has been solved now. Wow!

Hope you liked the article and I’m sure you will enjoy viewing your Twitter Analytics.

7 Ways Technologies is Stopping You From Sleeping

We’re living in some kind of sleep recession. And technology is partly to blame. We have a whole world of gadgets and tech toys to distract and stimulate us – which stops us getting to sleep.

It didn't used to be this way. Even as recently as ten years ago the only way technology really kept us awake in the bedroom was a late-night gaming or film-watching session. The only thing our phones could do to stop us sleeping was the occasional text or phone call at unsocial hours.

But now everything has changed. Smartphones, tablets and smaller laptop devices like Netbooks and Chromebooks have meant that we have never had more distractions. And because everything is connected to the web, it’s even harder to switch off, and power down not only your device but your brain.

This lack of sleep is definitely bad for us. Here are the top ways tech is keeping us awake, and how we can switch off.

Social media

Online networking has transformed our bed-going behavior. Facebooking and tweeting can be a great way to stay in touch with friends and engaged in modern culture, but the problem is that there’s always a conversation happening somewhere that you want to get involved in. There’s always someone sharing something amazing that you want to read.

The strange thing about social media is that when you away from it for an extended period of time, you don’t miss it. But when you know interaction and reward (in the form of Liking and commenting) is just a button-press away, it’s hard to draw a line and call it a night.

PlayStations and Xboxes have been around for ages, of course, but smartphone and tablet games have introduced a whole new paradigm of in-bed game playing. We know that a world of stimulating and compelling games – many of them free – are just a few clicks away on.

Developers have grown increasingly shrewd about the utilisation of game dynamics to hook us and make their games un-put-downable – Zynga even has a mechanics ‘playbook’. The ‘worst’ games are probably the ones without clear levels. Games like Minecraft and Football Manager are designed so you could play them all night. And many people do.

An added dimension in the world of the connected web is playing against someone else. Playing any kind of board, drawing or card game over the internet with someone means you can become a little obsessed by thinking about their next move.

Reading a paperback can keep you up. Just one more chapter, right? But devices like the Kindle and Kobo can store thousands of books, meaning that as soon as you finish one you can crack straight on with the next one.

There’s the added issue that if you lose interest in one novel, you can delve right into another one. Which is dangerous, as there’s never the thing of closing the finished book and having nothing else to read.

News stories
In the same way that social media never sleeps, the 24-hour news cycle is a constant source of distraction. There’s always a story happening, somewhere. And you can follow it all in bed.

And if something dramatic is breaking, bang goes your early night. It’s never been easier to follow breaking news, and with constant updates and the slow release of facts it can be tricky to put down your devices and catch up with the story the next day.

The worst sites are probably ones like BuzzFeed and reddit that offer a consistent flow of entertaining, shareable and disposable content. There’s always another gif, meme or list-based article to check out.


Streaming services like Spotify and have opened a gateway to a world where anyone can credibly pass themselves off as a muso. People used to spend serious amounts of time assembling an old band’s back catalogue; nowadays you can browse their songs in one session without going anywhere.

And this is great, but it means that while you would previously need to accept music rationing in a discovery phase due to the logistic and monetary constraints, now you can binge on multi-album sessions all night for a fraction of the cost.

People have become curators, too. iTunes and Spotify allows you to compile your own playlists, and apps have come out that encourage you to create your own top ten collections for any genre or artist.

The never-ending journey
Perhaps the common theme in all of this is the sense of the never-ending journey that the web offers. Very few things are experienced in isolation, and it’s those constant links to more stuff that makes it so tough to stop. Spotify is probably a good example. Within the app there’s a lifetime of content to be discovered, ways to interact in the form of playlists and following friends and musicians, then you can share everything socially.

Social media, games, news… there’s always a link to take you somewhere interesting. The journey never stops. Unless you’re strong and make it stop.

And as if this all wasn't enough, every app you ever download wants to notify you every time anything happens that might be relevant to you!

So what’s the answer to all this? How can you get more sleep? Well, the first thing to do is to switch off the devices. You could create a time cut-off or home zone where electronic devices aren't allowed. If you find yourself binging on late-night tech because you can’t sleep, take a look at your stress levels and even the type of mattress you sleep on – this really can affect you.

Whether you've got insomnia, are obsessed by a new game or are just uncomfortable, staying up late using tech isn't going to help you in the long run. Tech is awesome, but it’s a powerful thing. And with great power comes great responsibility.

So look after yourself. Get more sleep. Apps like Sleep Cycle can help you track and manage your sleeping patterns, so it’s worth looking into these.

Six Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs in Twitter

Twitter is increasingly used as a tool for personal branding, communication and information. Your profile is visible to all, so you should present yourself in the right way, in order to be original. To be impeccable, here there are the 7 mistakes that you should avoid at all costs. Ready?

1. Having Your Twitter Profile Incomplete
Some people just forget to complete their profile. In many cases even forgetting to change the default egg of the avatar.

Would you be so anonymous?

You should spend a few minutes adding basic information such as interests and contacts. You can even add the URL of your blog / website.

Thus you’ll be able to transmit a first sense of security in those who land on your profile, raising the probability of a future interaction.

Even more if you are managing a corporate profile. But here, instead of a pretty face, just put the logo of the company!

2 . Following / Unfollowing Continuously
Strong ups and downs of Followers and Following will increase the suspicion among your audience and users, especially in this time of fake Twitter Followers.

You do not have to follow anyone, just concentrate on those who are really important for you.

And not following anyone, finally, shows that you’re just promoting yourself without showing any interest in the many interactions on the social network.

3. Retweeting Your Own Tweets
This happens when someone retweet one of your tweets and – in turn – you “retweet what happened“.

A redundant action even in trying to explain it, then imagine seeing on your profile! It seems you want to compliment with yourself.

Rather you should add tweets that have been successful in your favorites, along with those of others you have found useful.

Another practice to avoid is to explicitly ask for a ReTweet.

Don’t worry! If the content is of quality, rest assured that it will come by itself.

4. Setting Your Messages Only to a Certain Group of Users
Why excluding people who could actively contribute with their own personal experience to find solutions, to argue a thesis on the trending topic of the moment, and so on?

If your intention is mainly to sell, try to do it by asking as a solution to the problems of the people. Without bombarding promotional offers, perhaps using the :

If you use Twitter for other reasons, creating a magic circle with just a few other users is counterproductive, in the long run.

Which value are you giving?

5. Not Responding to Questions
It would be good practice to always be courteous and avoid the use of the autoresponder when not needed.

A little good manners, in short!

People like to know that on the other side of the screen there are human beings and not automatons who respond through mathematical algorithms.

6. Choosing the Quantity Rather than the Quality of Tweets
Sending a huge amount of tweets at the same time creates only great confusion and shock the users.

The likely consequence of this action is to be deleted from any list or even worse, you risk to be suspended from Twitter!

This social network rewards synthesis and quality: if you can not express good communication in 140 characters then you are using the wrong social channel.

Ask yourself why any user should open your link or retweet your message or follow your profile.

If you want to facilitate the reading of your tweets without taking up valuable space, you can shorten URLs thanks to some services like Google URL shortener, TinyURL or Bitly.

What about you? Are you doing one of these mistakes?

What is your experience with Twitter?

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