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Famous Cosmetic Surgeries

What do you mean by cosmetic surgery? Well at first I was of the view that it could be any sort of operation involved in improving one’s facial appearance or any sort of practice which enhances the physical appearance of a person. But hang on a bit, the term “physical appearance” is not only limited to facial appearance. Confused? Check out the famous cosmetic surgeries and you’ll find the answer.

Augmentation Mammaplasty

Augmentation Mammaplasty is scientific name for Breast augmentation surgery. Augmentation Mammaplasty is one of the famous cosmetic surgeries since 2006. The total number of surgeries performed is 296,203 and Surgeon fee is approximately $3,351.


Rhinoplasty is scientific term for nose reshaping. Rhinoplasty is commonly known as nose job, Rhinoplasty is actually the reconstruction of nose, i.e. giving it a better shape. The total number of surgeries performed is 252,261 and Surgeon fee is approximately $4,306.


Blepharoplasty is the scientific term for eyelid surgery. In eyelid surgical treatment, sagging upper eyelids and bags below the eyes are operated by removing extra fat, muscle, and skin. Total surgeries performed are 208,764 and Surgeon fee is $2,828.


Lipoplasty is also known as Liposuction, technically recognized as suction lipoplasty. It is the amputation of fat deposits using a vacuum like apparatus. The procedure is often performed on the abdomen, buttocks, hips, thighs, and upper arms. The number of surgeries performed is 203,106 and Surgeon fee is $2,828.


The tummy tuck is an ordinary cosmetic practice used to squeeze overly stretched abdominal muscles and skin. The total number of surgeries performed are 116,000 with approximate Surgeon fee equal to $2,828.


Rhytidectomy also termed as Face lift. Numerous aspects counting exposure to the sun, fluctuations in weight, genetics, and smoking take a tax on the look of the human being features. A face lift, attempts to correct the harm by firming and tightening the skin of the face.


Mastopexy also known as Breast Lift, is a practice to reduce wilting, to attain firmer and shapelier breasts. The operation is commonly done in combination with breast augmentation or breast reduction. The total number of surgeries performed is 89,931 and Surgeon fee is approximately $4,207.

Breast Implants Removal

Some women who have their breasts surgically enlarged, they later decide to have the implants removed. This, of course, requires another surgery. Breast implant removal is generally less costly than it is to have the implants inserted. The total number of surgeries performed is 21,714 and Surgeon fee is approximately $2,288.

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