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The Best Traffic Tip and Strategy

I just realize that what we “average” bloggers normally do to get the traffic that we have now is, write a great blog post -> share it on social networks -> do some little bit of blog commenting to drive traffic to that particular post and if possible, do some little bit of guest posting for some valuable sites. And this is how we do it over and over and over again… am I right or am I right? Just by doing blog commenting and taking advantages of all social networks can indeed help boost traffic and as well as give you backlinks, but have you thought of getting some extra traffic and quality backlinks (with little less effort) with that lovely post of yours? 


When I started blogging newly, the only source of getting my traffic was from social networks, guest blogging and blog commenting. Don’t get me wrong, doing just that gave me great deal of traffic but like “Oliver Twist”, I still feel that there are some more ways to utilize that same post to give me even more traffic. Time passes by and I did some good research then saw something, implemented it and it worked wonders :) . Are you still asking or wondering what this something is? I won’t say because it’s a secret :) ok, I’ll tell you this little secret because I really want you to get from that traffic as well ;) . This simple secret is none other than turning your blog post to pdf and distributing it to some directories. And what are the directories? In some few, you’ll know. Turning your blog post to pdf format is no news for people who have been blogging for a while now but for those who just started blogging newly, it is still very much new to them and today we are going to show you how you too can make extra valuable traffic from your blog by converting your blog post to pdf file.

Greatest Traffic Tip Ever

Do you know what I always tell people searching for valuable web traffic and backlinks? Always practice all tips about traffic that you see online (no matter where you see it but as long as its clean) and if after trying the tips and it doesn’t work for you, leave it and move on to the next. Put this at the back of your mind that there is always room to try out new stuff.

Reason why this method is the best ever:

If you’re a blogger that only uses social media to drive traffic to your blog, and let’s say, for like a month you did not come online due to lack of internet connection or some other issues. Do you know that you will lose like half of your traffic (if not almost all)? That’s a fact , but by turning your blog posts into pdf file and submitting it to some valuable pdf and e-book directories, you can prevent such actions from taking place. Yes! With this process, you can get long term traffic even if you’re not online for many months or you stop blogging. That’s how effective this PDF stuff works.

How Can I Convert My Already Published Blog Post To PDF?

There are just so many ways in which you can convert your blog post/ article to pdf format. Don’t worry because today, I am not going to be discussing the many ways of converting your blog post to PDF but I will be showing you just one simple way of doing this…

First download “print friendly & PDF” extension to your favorite browser. You can download the Chrome extension here or if you are using Mozilla Firefox download the extension here. Have you downloaded the extensions? If yes! You can now turn any web page to pdf without any stress.

Note: If you have not heard of the extension before or you don’t know how to use it, watch this 2 minutes video by clicking here

Extra Tip That Will Help You:

To make this work perfectly, your post or articles should have in-link pointing to other posts in your blog or make sure there is something that will attract the readers to click your link that will redirect them to your blog – hope you got what I’m trying to say? If not! Please ask question by using the comment box below and I am sure to answer you the best way I can.

Note: With this method, you can get valuable traffic from pdf directories, file sharing sites and even E-Book directories (if the post is long enough )

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