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Secure Passcode to your iPhone or iPod Touch

Do you want to make your iPhone secure? You use a four digit password to unlock your iPhone but you probably have come to know it is not enough to secure it. There should be a strong security code for unlocking procedure. Well! Apple was aware of what you want and you can set more secure passcode with mixture of numbers and albhabets. It’s really a great new who were waiting for more secure technique. You can apply alpha-numeric passcode by using configuration utility of your iPhone device.

Follow below steps to set up a secure password.

  • Download iPhone configuration utility.
  • Go to app and choose “Configuration Profiles” from left panel of window.
  • New button will display on toolbar. Click on it to open windows for new profile.
  • Select “Passcode” option and then “Configure” to configure the passcode.
  • Choose “Require passcode on device”, enter setting options and then click “Export” button.
  • Head over “Export Configuration Profile” box and select “None” from dropdown menu.
  • Save configuration file on your Windows or MAC computer. Now you can send file to email adrees that is accessible through your iPhone device.
  • Get attachment from email on your iPhone and then install the configuration file. Enter passcode to complete the whole procedure. That’s all!

Plug – Group And Secure Files From All Your Devices Effortlessly

Cloud storage is, shall we say, the current way to store all our files for easy access on multiple devices. It is however, not without its list of pitfalls. While cloud storage is a great concept, we havelimited free space and have to pay for extra (yet rented, not owned) space to store our files in someone else’s servers.

Plug can plug up all those problems while still providing you an effortless way to make your files accessible on all your mobile and desktop devices.

Plug is a small adapter which transforms USB drives to a grouped storage space for your devices. An Internet connection is still required but as all connected devices have access to the same content, users don’t need to manually copy or move their files here and there anymore.

Getting Plug For 24/7 File Access

It is very easy to set up Plug. Connect Plug to a home Internet connection with a LAN cable and connect a USB drive to it. Then, install the Plug app on your devices. And you’re done.

With Plug, all the devices share the same storage. That also means that smartphones and tablets connected with Plug will have a lot more storage to save more pictures, documents and media files.

So what is the difference? For starters, compared to a cloud storage service like Dropbox, Plug doesn’t sync your files, it just groups them all in the same place. The Plug app allows access by any device to that group of files. Applications and system files are automatically ignored.

All other files (pictures, videos, documents, music etc) can be accessed on mobile devices as if the user is on the desktop.

What’s more, Plug also can connect the TV to the mix. With this, we can watch our movies without needing to transfer it from the laptop to the TV manually. Users can set the type of media i.e. video and audio files, they want to make available on the TV.

Need more space? Just connect another USB drive to Plug. The storage space adds up and users can plug in up to 8 USB drives. If you have 1 TB worth of USB drives connected to Plug, that is theamount of storage all your connected devices have, each

For users who seem to accidentally delete items all the time, Plug is a life saver. Every version of a saved document is backed up. If you mess up a document just look up an older version under History and retrieve that version. Plus, users can set a file accessible for offline viewing.

Lastly, if you have always been worried about the security of your files particularly those stored in Cloud, then Plug will lay those worries to rest. Plug uses a private key that is password-protected to authenticate any user found inside your Plug system. This private key is stored in your Plug and devices letting no one except you to access your data.

Plug is available at an affordable one-off price tag of $79 on Kickstarter, USB drives not included, but we’re sure you have a few of those lying around unused. Shipping starts January 2014.

11 Essential Tips to Secure Your Wordpress Blog

There have been a lot of brute force attacks recently both on WordPress blogs and Joomla sites. There are even web-based, commercially available tools that are being used to launch these attacks – and they are very effective. 

Fear not! There is some steps you can take to make sure that your WordPress site is secure against brute force attacks, keeping your site, its content, any products you offer, your money, data, and, most importantly, your customers safe and sound. 

Why Bother Protecting WordPress? 
You may not realize it, but your WordPress blog can go wrong in a lot of ways, and if it does, it would have horrible consequences for your business. Some of these problems include: 
  • Temporary issues ranging from something as simple has having your password reset, causing you to be locked out of your account or having your site redirect automatically until you gain access to your account again and correct it. 
  • Loss of content can really be disastrous. Imagine if a hacker got access to your account and deleted all of the articles you had. Do you have them all backed up? Imagine all the time, money, and effort you’ve put into your content gone. 
  • Whether your products are digital or physical, hackers can wreak havoc on your products. If you’ve got a line of digital products (eBooks, graphics, videos, so on) that you keep on your server, they could easily be stolen and distributed. And if you think you’re safe because you sell physical products – think again. How could you know that a hacker changed information so that it looked like they paid for an order until it was too late? You’d have shipped the order out before you realized that you didn’t have the money. 
  • Speaking of money – how much would you lose if a hacker gained access to your account? Do you make your money from advertisers? How much would you stand to lose if your site went down for any length of time? 
  • Are you in the habit of keeping your personal data stored away on your server? Emails, passwords, personal, potentially sensitive information would be just a few clicks away to even the most novice of hackers. This is exactly the kind of thing that sells well in the “information age”. Even if the hacker didn’t have plans to sell your information, they certainly could make good use of it themselves. 
  • If none of the rest has bothered you, perhaps this will: You reputation. When you build a business around yourself, your reputation is key. Most damage is not permanent, but it can and does take a long time to repair – sometimes years. Think of all the business you stand to lose if your customers don’t think that their privacy is protected when they buy from you.

11 Easy Steps to WordPress Security
1 Update WordPress Often. Easy, quick, and simple. Updating WordPress often can help to protect you from hackers. So if you notice a new update out, install it! Critical security updates are issue by WordPress from time to time. 

2 Choose Your Username Wisely. Be thoughtful when you choose your username. Don’t do the standard “admin” as so many do, and try not to make it easy to guess by using your name or information about the products you sell or the genre you thrive in. “SteveDog” isn’t too hard to guess when your name is Steve and you sell products related to and discuss dogs all the time. 

3 A Strong Password is a Must. Though the importance of strong, alphanumeric passwords has been talked about for years, a surprising amount of people still use simple, easy to guess passwords such as “Password”, “12345678”, and “ABC123”. Others use easy to guess passwords that involve personal information “Sally92”. Though most sites now require you to use an alphanumeric password with a minimum length (some are even including a minimum of one character [!,*,@]), it is still very important to choose something hard to guess. If you’d like, use a password generator when coming up with your password. 

4 Don’t Use the Same Info From Other Blogs. If you use the same log in information for all of your blogs, chances are that all of them will be hacked if one gets hacked. Choose different log ins for each blog so that you don’t have to worry about losing all of your blogs when you’re already stressed about losing one of them. 

5 Don’t Use Log In Information From Different Sites. Similarly, don’t use the same old usernames and passwords that you use for several other sites, otherwise the hacker might decide to see what other problems they can cause for you on those sites, as well. 

6 Attempted Login Limits. WordPress offers plugins that allow you to limit the amount of login attempts that can be made. This is incredibly effective against brute force attacks. 

7 Two-Part Authentication. If you want an extra layer of security, go with a two-part authorization. This will send a secret verification code (something which cannot be guessed to your cell phone. This code has to be entered to log in to your blog. You can read more about this and other two-part authentication at:

8 Password Protect wp-login.php. Another simple way to deflect brute force attacks is to password protect the file “wp-login.php”. It’s actually pretty simple to do. Hostgator provides an easy tutorial for you to follow, although it might not work on other hosting accounts.

9 Hide Your WordPress Version Number. Not running the most up-to-date version of WordPress? Hackers can and will find out about and exploit this fact by using security holes. But it’s pretty easy to hide what version number you’re using in just two steps. Firstly, open functions.php and add

remove_action(‘wp_head’, ‘wp_generator’);

That’ll get the version number off of your header, but hackers can still access it through your RSS feeds. To prevent that, add

function wpbeginner_remove_version() { return ”; } add_filter(‘the_generator’, ‘wpbeginner_remove_version’);

into the functions.php

10 Protect wp-config.php The configuration file is usually found in the root WordPress folder, which makes it easy pickings for hackers. But, it doesn't have to be there! It’s easy to move and will still allow WordPress to function properly. If you’re wp-config.php is located in /public_html/wp-config.php, simply move it to /wp-config.php . Problem solved! 

11 CAPTCHA is a huge deterrent for hackers as it takes time and effort most aren’t willing to put in. Simply get a CAPTCHA plugin – there are several – and add that final layer of security to your WordPress. 

Thankfully securing your blog doesn’t have to be hard. If you take these very easy steps right now, taking only a few minutes out of your day, you don’t have to worry very much or often about hackers.
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