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Zombie Perfume For That Perfect Undead Fragrance

If you’ve always dreamed of smelling like a walking corpse, you’re in luck, because weird-perfume maker Demeter has recently launched Zombie for Him/Her, a new line of putrid fragrances for both men and women.

Say the Zombie Apocalypse happens tomorrow and you find yourself all alone in a world full of brain eating undead. What’s your best bet of staying alive when all odds are stacked against you? A Zombie Emergency Defense Station might work for a little while, but what if you didn’t have to hide in fear and wait for that inevitable moment when you run out of bullets and supplies? What if you could just blend among the walking dead without them even noticing the presence of your warm body? That’s where the Zombie for Him and Her perfumes can come in handy.

Apparently the men’s fragrance is formulated with the scent of dried leaves, mushrooms, mildew, moss, and earth and will have you smelling like a decomposing body as soon as you spray it on. The ladies’ zombie perfume is a lighter version of the above “with a touch of Dregs from the bottom of the wine barrel for that feminine touch.” Since they’re only going to be available through April 30, you might want to stock up on zombie perfumes for the impending doom.

But smelling like a corpse isn’t as cheap as you might think. A 1 oz bottle of zombie cologne will set you back $20, while a 4 oz bottle costs $39.50. Sure, it’s not cheap, but remeber, it can save your life. And if putrid isn’t your fragrance of choice, you’re bound to find something you like in Demeter’s library of unusual aromas. You can find anything from laundromat cologne, to simple dirt and even Hello Kitty perfume. I wonder what that smells like…

A Perfect Keywords ( SEO)

Keyword is about the most important part of SEO and everyone is searching for the perfect keyword that will get the $$ coming in. Every blogger or webmaster out there knows this and I have always asked myself, what makes a perfect keyword? What are the characteristics that make a keyword perfect?

I am going to try and answer this question in a very simple manner so you will understand it better. A good knowledge of a perfect keyword is the first step in choosing the right keyword or phrase for your site which is an important part of the search engine optimization process to make your site more visible to search engines and searchers alike.

Characteristics of a Perfect Keyword:

Basically there are 4 characteristics of a perfect keyword; I will try to explain them in details below.

High Traffic: A perfect keyword is a keyword that has the ability to generate a high amount of traffic every month. No matter how good a keyword is, if it cannot generate high traffic, it is as good as useless. Don’t waste your time on it. It’s frustrating to research, compose, publish and promote an article and no one is searching for it.

So ensure to choose a keyword with reasonable amount of monthly searches. I normally use Google Keyword Tools for this purpose. I normally target keywords with exact search of 3k and above monthly.

Low Competition: The perfect keyword should be one with a high amount of traffic but low competition so you can easily rank for such keyword. Trying to rank for a high competitive keyword will simply get your article lost in the inner pages of the search engine results. Even if you successfully rank for a high competitive keyword, how long do you think you can remain up there before you are kicked off from the top spot?

So choose keywords with low competition and high traffic so you can easily rank for it. Other factors to consider before choosing a perfect keyword includes PR of your competing pages, number of indexed pages of such site, number of backlinks to the page etc. I normally use SEOquake to determine this before I choose any keyword to rank for.

High CPC: A perfect keyword should be able to generate a high monthly traffic and should also have a low competition with a high commercial value. Most bloggers are into this business to make money and choosing just the right keyword can make the difference between who is earning high and who is not. I usually look at the CPC of a keyword before choosing it. Why should you choose a keyword with commercial value in cents when you can actually choose another and earn in dollars?

The cost per click CPC of a keyword is a very important factor to consider while choosing the perfect keyword for your post.

Relevance: This is last and most important of the characteristics of a perfect keyword. No matter how you considered the above points in choosing your perfect keyword, such keyword MUST be relevant to the body of the article you are using it on. You can’t choose a keyword like cars while you are actually writing about dogs. That relevance must be maintained, so choose a keyword that best matches your products or services so as to stand a greater chance of converting. Let the keyword naturally suit your content.


Keywords are the key factors of SEO and choosing the perfect keyword is the success formula but choosing a bad keyword can end your website’s online life. So use this article as a guide in choosing the perfect keyword to use.

You may not easily find a keyword that will match all the characteristics mentioned in this article, but at least you can find keywords with most of these qualities. I hope you have found this article interesting enough to help you choose the perfect keyword next time you will be deciding whichkeyword to use.
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