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Super 10 Richest People in the World 2013

Billions of dollars are made in a variety of different industries around the globe each year. Here is a list of the top ten people that have the title of being the richest men and women in the world in 2013.

10. Christy Walton

The widow of one of the sons of Sam Walton (founder of Wal-Mart & Sam’s Club), Christy Walton, has been able to secure the 10th spot on this list by being worth $25.3 billion. For the past seven years, Forbes has listed her as the richest woman in the world and she still holds the title of being the 6th richest individual within the USA

9.Eike Batista

his Brazilian magnate made his fortune in oil and gas exploration as well as mining. Even though he started 2012 with a net worth of $30 billion and the 9th spot on this list, his wealth drastically dropped by the end of the year so that he ended the year with $26 billion.

8.Mukesh Ambani

As the CEO and chairman of Reliance Industries Limited, Mukesh has also received such accolades as being named by Forbes in 2010 as one of the 68 people that matter the most and his great year in 2012 allowed him to secure the title of being the richest man in India and the 2nd richest individual in all of Asia.

7.Stefan Persson

Stefan was able to take his father’s company, H&M, to new heights of success during his 16-year tenure as the Chief Executive Officer and his current career as the primary shareholder and chairman. Along with the profits that he has received from H&M, he also owns a considerable percentage of the popular Swedish technology company, Hexagon and several luxurious properties throughout Europe. Forbes reported that he made $28 billion in 2012.

6. Amancio Ortega

Amancio’s successful ownership and founding of the popular merchandiser of Spanish clothing, Inditex, has earned him the prestigious title of currently being the richest man in all of Europe. According to the Forbes website, he made $36.5 billion in 2012 which earns him the 6th position on this Top Ten list.

5.Lawrence “Larry” Ellison

Larry Ellison is known for being the co-founder and current Chief Executive Officer of Oracle Corporation, a leading company within the industry of enterprise software. He has been able to use his 22.5% stake in his company in order to skyrocket his own net worth and annual salary, which is how he was able to make #5 on this list with $37.5 billion.

4. Bernard Arnault

Bernard is a French business magnate as well as an experienced collector of fine art. Forbes gave him the title of being the “fashion person of 2011″ but he has been able to truly use his talents and professional business structure to earn the #4 ranking position on this list with $41 billion.

3. Warren Buffett

The top three people on this list are widely known for their billions since they have been able to maintain a top-ranking position on this list for many years. Warren Buffett is the main shareholder, CEO and chairman of Berkshire Hathaway and was named by Time magazine in 2012 as being towards the top of the list of the most influential people around the world.

2. Bill Gates

There are not that many people in the world today that have never heard the name “Bill Gates”. He is primarily known as the current chairman and former CEO of Microsoft, which is one of the largest software companies in the world that specialize in providing quality tools and programming for personal computers.

1. Carlos Slim Helu

With $69 billion, Carlos has been able to maintain the top-ranking spot on this list once again. This Mexican business magnate and inventor has been able to make the majority of his money from his investments in his substantial stake of Latin America’s largest mobile phone carrier.

How To Get Busy People To Answer You

In business, there is a right way and a wrong way to do just about everything. This certainly extends to asking for favors or any other kind of help from someone who is busy and less likely to answer every single piece of email they get. Whether this is a client, a potential client, or simply one of your personal heroes whose brain you’d like to pick, there is a way to make a request of them that will get them to happily reply.

Likewise, there’s a way to make requests that will get you ignored forever. We’re going to explore how to do things the right way, so that neither you nor your busy recipient will be wasting any valuable time

Don’t Ask Bad Questions

Many people say there’s no such thing as a bad question, but I say that’s a lie. If it’s something that is frivolous, impersonal, or that could be answered by a five-second search on Google, it’s a bad question to ask someone who has a limited amount of time.

                                                        (Image source: Oberazzi)

One thing I like to do, if I have a pressing, work-related question, is to find a popular book on the subject at the library, check it out, and read it. I take plenty of notes on all the possible answers given in the book, and usually I can find the answer to my question in short order. If not, I can either choose to read one or two more books on the subject until I’m satisfied, or I can send a quick note to someone I know will have the answer, making sure to explain that I’ve already attempted to find it on my own.

People, especially busy people, appreciate initiative (why wouldn’t they, being so busy all the time?), and the fact that you haven’t simply come to them with a dumb, generic question will usually delight them and make them more interested in helping you out.

Be Considerate Of Their Time

Let’s face it: we’re all busy. If you’re a working professional, you are inundated with a deluge of emails, voice mails, texts, social media messages, blog posts, and so on. Not to mention interactions with the real people in your life and all of the tasks, large and small, that have to get done. Often, people are busy simply attempting to multitask their lives, not to mention their work.

                                                     (Image source: zev)

Be aware of what’s going on in your intended recipient’s life before you pose your question. If possible, research them a little bit. Do they have a family? Are they currently observing any kind of holiday or taking a vacation? Are they in “work mode,” “family mode,” or “leave-me-alone mode?”

Finding out the current situation of your busy person will give you valuable information about how you should phrase your question, and when you can best expect a positive response

Work On The Question

If you absolutely can’t avoid asking a question in the middle of a person’s busiest time of day, make sure you word it so that they can devote the least amount of brain power to their answeras possible. Simple, fill in the blank answers, or yes/no questions are the best.

Play with different formats, and if appropriate, consider a shorter delivery method, like a tweet or a Facebook post rather than an email.

Try To Guess Their Answer

By this, I don’t mean attempt to answer the question yourself. There’s no point in asking it in that case. I mean that you should try to guess the way in which they will answer you. Before you send that email, tweet, or Facebook message, think of the likely response you will get. How does the language sound? Is it in simple terms?

Try to answer a similarly worded question yourself first. If it’s too difficult for you to answer quickly, it’s too long or complicated and you need to change it.

Make It Super Easy

Again, make it easy for people to answer your questions. Make them short, easy, and, if you can, entertaining. Busy people are human too, and sometimes a splash of humor is just what they need to pick them up and help them get through their hectic day.

And remember that not every question in your email has to be strictly work related. Engaging people casually, not just professionally, is what builds real relationships that last.

If they have a spouse or children, ask about them. If you know they’re working on an exciting project or are working on their graduate degree, ask how it’s going. No matter how busy they are, everyone will be more likely to remember the person who took the time to ask them a simple, human question about their lives.

Give People A Directive

Calls to action aren’t just for websites and marketing materials. Everyone appreciates knowing what is required of them, and busy people appreciate it more than most. Don’t ask vague, open-ended question without giving directions on what, specifically, you want in terms of a response.

                                             (Image source: Fabrizio Sciami)

Tell them to do something, anything – click here, watch this, reply with your top 3 ideas, et cetera.

It’s not condescending or manipulative to have a call to action in your emails. On the contrary, you alleviate people’s stress and save them the mental energy of figuring out how to reply. As a result, your request is much more likely to get a response, instead of a short trip to the trash bin.

In Conclusion

Remember, if you do everything right and still fail to get a response, you shouldn’t take it personally. Most likely the person was simply too wrapped up in their lives and responsibilities that they couldn’t get to your request. It’s likely nothing personal, and most people will appreciate it if you simply try again, rather than vanish.

If you just disappear, it sends the message that you weren’t really looking to make a meaningful exchange with the person in the first place. Don’t come off like an opportunist – be persistent and respectful, and you may find that busy people will start carving out time to approach you with requests, rather than the other way around.
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