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How to Pay Back a Debt

Paying back a debt may not be as easy as acquiring it and this is why many people avoid getting themselves into debts such as loans or mortgages. However, once the borrower finds ways on how to pay back a debt, one day at a time, it becomes much easier to settle the debt. Debt repayment requires a lot of budgeting and a person who is smart enough to prioritize the things he requires will have an easy time getting out of a debt however big it may be. Below are some tips that are important for a borrower to consider when planning paying back his or her debt.

1. Understanding the debt owed

* Avoiding the debt or pretending there is no debt does not help the situation since the debt will remain there and most probably increase.
* The person should get to know the entire amount he or she earns and how much the credit card has listing every debt for each card or loan.
* Once the figures have been added up and the borrower knows how much he has to pay back, he can now find ways of paying back the debt one day at a time.

2. Classifying debts according to priorities

* Once all debts are known and the amount of money they cost each, they should be prioritized depending on various factors.
* The high interest debts should ideally be the first to be paid back while those that affect the individual’s tax return should be paid the last.

3. Earning more to repay the debt

* Once the prioritization has been done and a clear guideline is designed on how to repay the debts, the person can look for sources in his budget that can pay back the debts.
* More money can be found by reducing unnecessary expenditure such as partying costs and dinner dates among others.
* One can also get extra money to repay his debt by finding a job that pays better, getting a second job or starting a business that will bring in more money.
* A home equity loan can also be acquired and be used for paying back the debts.

4. Debt renegotiation

* Renegotiating the debt repayment terms is also another wise way of faster debt repayment.
* A huge amount of money can be saved if paying back the debt in pump sum saves on the interest that would have been charged if the debt was to be paid back on monthly basis.

Paying back a debt is not a hard thing to do if the tips above are followed to the latter. The most important thing that should be considered when planning to easily repay a debt is the needs and the wants in life. Categorizing activities into the wants and needs groups will enable one to define what things are more important in his or her life and which ones can be shelved for some time until the debt is fully settled. People should therefore not avoid taking loans or mortgages since they are designed to help people out. The only lacking ingredient to a stress-free life is a smart way of paying back the debts acquired.

Receive Clickbank Payment Using Payoneer MasterCard

If you have been reading my blog you’ll know that I’ve joined the affiliate marketing world for some weeks now. Seriously, I am so loving my affiliate journey so far because I feel like I have made some little advancement in my blogging carrier that I am happy about . I am from Africa and on this side of the world, we are restricted to so many online opportunities. Yes we are indeed restricted from using PayPal, registering with clickbank and so many other great networks online. But that doesn’t stop us from using the mentioned networks.

Let me make a confession here and out; Clickbank don’t accepts Nigerians so I used one of my friends address to register with them I know it’s bad but I have a simple reason for doing that; the simple reason is because I heard and learned that clickbank platform is way easier compare to the rest affiliate platforms around or is there any other simpler affiliate platform out there?

Some good questions you’d want to know: What if I use some one else’s address to register with clickbank, how will I receive my payment when my payment reached my payment threshold? Simple, instead of collecting check, you will simply integrate your payoneer MasterCard with your clickbank account and withdraw your payment from any ATM machine in your area; now tell me how cool is that?

Even if you’re in a country that is not restricted, it would be good to get your money with ease and without stress right? Aside from using payoneer MasterCard to withdraw money from your clickbank account, you can also use it to withdraw money from your PayPal account, infolinks account, Google adsense account, and so many other platforms… but on our today’s post, we shall be focusing on the topic matter. Hey! Let me not talk too much, let’s just push to the tutorial

How I Integrate My Payoneer MasterCard With Clickbank Payment Service

I feel that this process will be helpful to everyone. But who is this post actually referring to? People that can’t receive check directly from clickbank, people that can’t wait for more than two weeks for their check to reach their door, those who have problem with their PayPal account and those whose areas are not accepted by clickbank…

- To get started, first you will need to get a Payoneer MasterCard. Let’s assume that you already have the payoneer MasterCard and your US Payment Service.

- Now Log in to your ClickBank account but if you don’t have an account yet, you can easily create one at their official website.

- Now it’s time to set up your ClickBank account to distribute funds to your Payoneer MasterCard via xACH using the following steps:

1. Go to the Account Settings tab.

2. Locate your Payment Information near the bottom of the page and click “Edit”.

3. While in the Payment Information Editor, select “Direct Deposit” to reveal the Direct Deposit Information entry screen.

4. Select “United States” as your Bank Country.

5. Enter “First Century Bank” as your Bank Name.

6. For the “Account Number” and “Routing Number” use the US Payment Service information provided to you by Payoneer.

7. Select “Checking” as your Account Type.

8. Finally, click Save Changes. See image below

9. After completing the whole process, wait for a confirmation email message from ClickBank notifying you of your changes.

Now that you have successfully completed the simple steps, you can easily receive your payment through your payoneer MasterCard without stress or hassle.

We all know that most countries don’t have a straight addresses and there are some countries that are restricted to participate in most online programs, This post will definitely help, so here it is guys

Back To You Guys

Okay guys, I’d like to hear from you and what you think!!! Do you use payoneer MasterCard for your affiliate, PayPal, Google adsense, Infolinks and any other online trasactions? You can use the comment box below to drop your comments.

Do you have any questions, thoughts or comments you’d love to share with us? Then please do by using the comment box below. Remember that your comments, thoughts and questions are highly welcomed and appreciated.

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