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Good News | Opportunities for Students to Earn Money Online

From a recent study, I came to know that the students are spending much time on the internet and most of them are searching the best job opportunities to earn money online with a question “how to earn money as a student?” Previously, I discussed some online jobs and useful websites for them to make money online without investment. Here am gonna discuss some good job opportunities with which the students can earn online cash at their convenient time.

The internet has opened wide variety of job opportunities for motivated students to make fast bucks with genuine online jobs. Only few of the students are wasting their time in social networking websites and online games. But most of the students are passionate in online money making so that they help their parents to cut off the daily expenses.

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Are you a student and desiring to make online cash with genuine job opportunities?Hope this post would help you to earn some bucks on the internet.

Previously, I had a couple of discussions specifically for students to make residual incomefrom home. I suggest you to look at the job opportunities specified in the following blog posts which would help you to get some ways of making money online as a student.

1. Top 5 online jobs for students

2. How students can make money online?

Let’s continue the talk here and check few more job opportunities available for students to earn money online.

Online job opportunities for students

1. Vlogging on You-tube

Vlogging is nothing but the video blogging which is the fastest growing internet business and it is best part time job for students. Like television, the you-tube is getting popular among the people as it is a convenient source to learn or get anything. As the advertisers are showing interest to promote their products/services in you-tube, the students can earn huge money with vlogging.

Internet connection with webcam is needed to create the videos of your choice and post it regularly on your you-tube channels. You can publicize yourself with the help of social networking websites and make sure to communicate with your audience. If they like your work, they used to share your videos and the more shares you get, the more money you could make from advertising.

2. Proof reading jobs

Proof reading jobs are growing in demand as the online businesses needs people to identify the mistakes in the web pages before posting. They want to look at the correct word usage, sentence construction error, mistakes in spelling and punctuation, grammatical faults and so on.

Proof reading and editing jobs are the real internet jobs for students to make income from home. For this, you just need to familiarize yourselves with several style-books and build a reference library. You can practice your skills by reading newspapers, books, TV news programs, websites etc.

If you are a student with creative skills, just have a look at this post to get the job opportunities related to it.

Creative ways to make money online

3. Earn with smartphone

Students always like to use the smartphones and their computing capabilities increase with it. More than 60% of the students own a smartphone as they wish to stay updated with current information and to do college related tasks. Installing the apps related to social media advertising and crowd-sourcing, it is likely for the students to earn money with their smart phones.

Gigwalk and Easyshift are the popular task oriented crowd-sourcing apps and the Shopkickand Viggle are the rewards program apps for the smartphones with which you can get money at appropriate time. Many mobile application developers are ready to pay the customers to use their programs and the students can make use of it.


Students have the power to shape and change the future of their country by building up the career on their own. They are excellent in learning new stuffs and showing eagerness to earn some cash through internet at their spare time or whenever they feel bored at studies. Online jobs offer the pleasant money making opportunities for the students to earn at spare time.

If you are a college student, utilize your time to perform some constructive stuff on the internet to make extra money at home. Use your common sense and beware of scam websites that assure you fast ways of making money. There are hundreds of job opportunities available for students to make residual income online and they could get financial freedom with it.

Are you a student and seeking the genuine job opportunities to earn money at home?

What do you think about my listed part time jobs for students?

Share your opinion with me and stay tuned here to know more job opportunities to get money from internet.

News - Yahoo Pays 30 Million For Summly

Yahoo’s CEO, Marissa Mayer seems to understand what the future is about. Well, to be honest, the fact that she has Yahoo’s backing means her actions are a key variable in how that future will unfold. After two mobile company acquisitions (Stamped and Jybe), each with just a flagship app under their name, Marissa set her eyes on the 17 year old wonder kid of Sillicon Valey, Nick D’Aloisio.

Nick is a very young british entrepreneur who invented Summly, a news app for iPhone. Now he’s in the position to reminisce about his humble beginnings at 15: "When I founded Summly at 15, I would have never imagined being in this position so suddenly," he writes on his site. The reported price is somewhere near $30 million dollars. Pretty nifty for a guy who isn’t allowed to drink yet.

But how did he this young coder/entrepreneur manage to get the interest of Yahoo within one month of publishing his app (November 2012) on the App Store?

What It’s Worth

I would say it’s a marketing play. The actual algorithm, created by Nick in his bedroom, I dare say, is not the most innovative in the world, judging by the way the news are displayed. Don’t get me wrong. Nick is probably a genius.

He taught himself how to code at age 12. He created other apps before this one: Facemood (a Facebook mood analyzer) and SongStumblr (a music discovery service). He did all that at the age most kids still can’t memorize the entire alphabet. I know I didn’t. But let’s talk about the algorithm.

The Million-Dollar Algorithm

It’s basically a point-based classification system for different occurrences of certain keywords and keyphrases. Each of these is given a rank, and then the top ranking ones are displayed. Nothing innovative here. The trick is it’s smart enough to recognise verbs in different tenses, it’s smart enough to ignore linking terms like "and" or "but". It won’t however skip important linking terms like "and still", which is usually used before an important idea.

That’s great. It’s a good algorithm! And the previous app from Nick, Facemood, was probably the inspiration behind it. That app also used an algorithm to determine the mood of the user’s facebook friends.

So how much is the algorithm worth? Certainly not $30 million dollars. To be honest, I should mention that the current day algorithm is under constant improvement, with the help of NLP specialists and other big brained individuals. Nevertheless, I can’t help it think that Yahoo! could have developed a similar or better algorithm with a much smaller investment.

It’s Pure Marketing – Here’s Why.

Yahoo! is trying to position itself as a Mobile Company in the future. You’ve seen it with their other deals and acquisitions. Don’t get me wrong, the fact that they get a brilliant young entrepreneur in their roster is cool also. The fact that they get a good algorithm, a sizeable user base, some good technology, that’s all cool. But that’s all it is. It’s just cool. And that’s what’s getting everybody talking about them now.

Everybody is awaiting their apps. Everybody knows they are going mobile. That sort of publicity is invaluable.

Funky Design – Check!

The actual design of the app is superb. I love it. It’s basically a flat design with awesome complementary coloring. Brilliant choice of fonts, with just a touch of 3D elements. The overlays are just right in intensity. Professionally done. Nick is displaying his impeccable marketing skills once again, through the design of Summly. It has nothing to do with the actual content shown but it helps sell Summly.

Heavy Funding, Good Support

Li Ka-shing, the Hong Kong billionaire (the 8th richest on the planet) had a hand in the product, 2 years back when it was still called Trimmit. One of his investment funds, Horizons Ventures caughtword about Nick’s app (at beta stage) via TechCrunch, and wanted in. They wrote Nick offering help (worth $250,000) which got Nick staff, office space and a tech patent. You gotta hand it to the kid, he got a bit of help from high up.

Celebrities Always Help

On the actual day the app was launched, there was a big event with big celebrities showing up. Ashton Kutcher, who is also an investor in the app, Stephen Fry, Yoko Ono. All ages represented. If that’s not a good marketing plan, I don’t know what is. So from the moment the app was launched, news articles started pouring in. Everybody wanted to see how it goes.

Within 4 weeks, the app was already on 500,000 devices. That’s what good marketing gets you. At the end of that month (December 1), discussions with Yahoo! were already happening. So as you can see, there had to be a plan all long.


While headlines like "17 Year Old Entrepreneur Sells His App Company for $30 Million" catch a lot of eyeballs, the fact is not anybody can do it. You do need a lot of support, luck, timing, a ton of great marketing skills and… some more awesome marketing. Oh, and being part of somebody’s bigger marketing play is also important. Yup, it all comes down to marketing.

SYRIA Reaches Agreement with United Nations (UN)

The civil war in Syria has been going on for over two years now and unfortunately the rebels and terrorists in Syria have not been silenced yet primarily due to the assistance from NATO members which to this day still puzzles me. 

I am walking down the wide corridor to our main conference room for a meeting with other chief executives and senior associated in order to discuss corporate matters and how we like to proceed with six of our current projects.

I am pleased that a sense of normalcy has returned after we relocated to Monte Carlo from Singapore, a move caused by the assassination attempts on three of our most senior C-level executives including my own. We were able to neutralize the thread, but our security is still working out on where the attack was ordered and sponsored. All we know it was a very sophisticated attack and a six –member assassin team worked on it.

One thing I never understood is how some NATO members fight terrorists in Afghanistan and support them in Syria. The U.S. is known to flip flop and try to stir things up, build and support a regime until it turns against them or is no longer useful which explains the growing rift between our corporation and the U.S. government which is a very sad development. We are disappointed over the UK’s pending involvement and pleased that Russia stands behind Syria to at least level the playing field.

President Bashar Assad’s government may not be liked by plenty NATO members, which does not give them the right to interfere. Syria did invite a UN team to Damascus for talks about how to move forward on an investigation which involves a chemical attack and massacre carried out by the terrorist on Khan al-Assal, a village outside Aleppo.

The UN team included chemical weapons expert Ake Sellstrom and UN Disarmament Chief Angel Kanewho met Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem and his deputy in Damascus. Government forces are losing ground in the north including the strategically important city of Aleppo which the rebels took control over on Monday and was under government control since March. The al-Qaeda backed terrorists engaged into heavy combat for several weeks with government forces and scored a victory.

Back in March the rebels launched an offensive on al-Assal which left 31 people dead, a mix of innocent villagers and military personnel. The rebels are accused of using chemical weapons and committed war crimes and they continue to receive support from NATO members for this. This makes no sense and it is no time to play politics and interfere in Syria which is s sovereign nation. President Assad should be allowed to put this civil war behind all Syrians which left over 100,000 dead according to estimates since official figures are not available.

Monday’s fall of Aleppo left roughly 150 troops dead, one third of them executed after they surrendered to rebels which further shows what type of worthless scam the rebels and terrorists are and what type of garbage enjoys the support of several NATO members. I am negatively surprised by the atrocities which are being committed by al-Qaeda backed rebels and how they receive the support they do. I am sure to voice my concern during our meeting as I pass the security checkpoints leading into the conference room.
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