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The Most Expensive Toilet Paper

If you’ve recently run out of things to spend your mountains of cash on, you may want to try the outrageously expensive Hanebisho toilet paper. It’s considered the most luxurious and most expensive toilet paper in the world.

From the $91,500 crocodile skin t-shirt to the $97,060 GRV goldRally car wax, we’ve featured some pretty outrageous things the world’s rich and famous like to spend their money on, but none as crazy as the Japanese exclusive toilet paper known as Hanebisho. 

For people who feel their derrière deserves the best money can buy, there’s simply no alternative to this beautifully adorned work of art. As you can see in the photos below, a three-pack of Hanebisho will set you back ¥5,000 ($51), while the eight-pack can be yours for ‘just’ ¥10,000($102), which means a single roll ranges from $13 to $17. That’s a whole lot more than what the average person spends on toilet paper, not to mention the darned thing is just 2-ply. At this stage, you’re probably wondering what on Earth makes Hanebisho toilet paper so special that people are willing to spend a small fortune on it? Where do I begin?

Photo: Ottimo

First of all, Hanebisho paper is made only with the highest quality wood fiber pulp imported from Canada, and treated with water from the clearest stream in Japan, the Nyodo River (which ranked first in the 2010 Japanese National River Water Quality Ranking). The production process is similar to that of pancakes – if the heat from the burner is too high, the bottom will burn and the middle will be dry, so to make sure each Hanebisho turns out perfectly soft, the toilet paper is dried more slowly than usual methods to make it nice and fluffy.

The production process is adjusted for temperature and humidity on a daily basis, so no two days’ production methods are the same. Once the paper is ready, the maker of each roll writes their name and date of production on it, before sending it to the company president for inspection. For the last 10 years, he has tested every Hanebisho roll on his own skin to make sure it fits the set standard of quality. The rolls are then sent to the design department, where “the most fastidious of fastidious artisans” decorate them with intricate patterns, ensuring that the design remains stylish no matter where the toilet paper is torn. Sounds pretty impressive, right? But wait, there’s more!

Photo: Fuwafuwa-roll

The packaging of Hanebisho is just as amazing as the product itself. Each roll is carefully wrapped in Tosa washi (a special Japanese paper from Kochi Prefecture) and placed in decorative boxes handmade by Kyoto artisans. The inside of each box is covered with sliver leaf. According to the Hanebisho website, the toilet paper is “the ultimate in softness and Japanese modern design” and feels “as if your skin is being gently swathed in silk”.

But don’t take their word for it, the luxurious product has apparently been presented to the Emperor of Japan for five years, so if it’s good enough for his royal behind, you’re bound to love it yourself. Client testimonials on the website sound very impressive as well: “I gave my father Hanebisho for a Father’s Day present. He thought the wrapping paper and toilet paper itself were so beautiful he put them on display in the living room! He looked very happy,” one satisfied customer writes.

Photo: Ottimo

Only 150 Hanebisho toilet paper rolls are produced each day.

Lamborghini Veneno | The Most Expensive Production Car

Back in March Lamborghini debuted some renderings of their Veneno supercar. Now just after a few months they have officially unveiled the top tier Veneno. With an incredible price tag of $4.7 million, this car is easily the world’s most expensive production car (and by “production” we mean a grand total of four Venenos ever to be produced).

The Veneno is constructed from carbon fiber throughout, making it extremely light weight. Thus the two-seater weighs only 3,190 pounds. The car carries super aggressive looks with aerodynamic body therefore giving it a fantastic combination of speed and design. Under the hood there is a naturally aspirated 6.5 liter V12 engine that powers the Veneno with an impressive 750 horsepower. The vehicle is able to achieve 0-60 in fractions of 2.8 seconds.

Unfortunately, even if you had the millions in hand to purchase one of the three production vehicles, you are too late. Lamborghini pre-sold all of its Venenos

The World's Most Deadliest Animals

Golden Poison Dart Frog

                                                                             Source: Flick River

Dart frogs are well known thanks to their technicolor topcoat, though the origin of their name is just as vibrant: many tribes used the frog’s venom on the tips of their weapons to assail intruders.

There are nearly 100 species of dart frogs, each of which varies in coloration, size, and toxicity. These species are all aposematic organisms, meaning that their coloring is an anti-predator adaption to scare away potential foes. The most toxic of all dart frog species, though, is the golden poison dart frog.

                                                                    Source: Cool Amphibians

Striking in its bright, neon appearance, a single golden poison dart frog has enough venom to kill 10 adult humans. It is currently endangered, and as a social animal, is often found in groups of four to six. Scientists are still unsure as to how these frogs become toxic. Though the skin of a wild golden poison frog is densely coated in alkaloid poisons, those raised in captivity never develop venom.

Tsetse Fly

                                                                         Source: Pets Foto

Located primarily in Africa, tsetse flies are bloodsucking flies made deadly due to their incredible capacity to transmit disease. When making contact with people, the tsetse flies primarily transmit the sleeping disease; for animals, it’s animal trypanosomiasis, also known as nagana.

The sleeping sickness causes a slew of neurological problems, as well as long term issues in the kidneys, cardiovascular system and more. Large tsetse populations even prevent humans from settling in some geographic areas.

                                                          Source: Warren Photographic

Though they look similar to other fly species, tsetse flies differentiate themselves by surviving solely upon the blood of other mammals. Tsetse flies have a life span of one to three months, and suck blood daily–usually during peak warm hours–to stay alive. Fossils of the fly have been found in the Florissant Fossil Beds in Colorado, leading researchers to believe that in addition to being quite dangerous, they are also extremely old.

Cone Snail

                                                                 Source: Greenpeace

Upon glancing at a cone snail, one might only notice the intricate, henna-esque designs covering its shell. Pick one up, however, and that person could be in for a nasty surprise.

The cone snail, scientific name conus geographus, grows to approximately 4-6 inches, and is indigenous to the Indo-Pacific reefs.

                                                                              Source: Wikipedia

Though they appear to be little more than an ordinary snail, the cone snail has the most poisonous venom of more than 500 cone species. The snail injects venom into its victim through a harpoon-like tooth, paralyzing its prey. Rather serpentinely, the cone snail then swallows its victim whole, regurgitating any leftover bits after digestion.

The cone snail’s venom is one of the most potent neurotoxins in existence, and can prove fatal to humans. Luckily, few deaths are reported each year, as the more deadly cone snails often live on the ocean floor away from humans. The snail isn’t all bad, though; these days, researchers are using cone snail venom and its components to create painkillers and other pharmaceutical drugs.

                                                           Source: University of Melbourne

Cape Buffalo

                                                                Source: Temporarily Lost

Unlike its domesticated relative the water buffalo, the Cape buffalo is highly unpredictable and incredibly dangerous. Short, thick and with massive horns that fully mature when the buffalo reaches the age of 7, these ovine animals are a major force to be reckoned with.

Cape Buffaloes rival hippos as being the most deadly animal in Africa, seeing as they cause a high number of deaths each year. Because of their ferocity, hunters who can bring down the Cape buffalo are highly respected within their communities. In Africa, Cape Buffalos are considered part of the “Big 5,” a definitive list of the most dangerous African animals. The other four animals that comprise the list are the lion, African elephant, leopard, and rhinoceros.

                                                                    Source: Africa Botswana
Unlike many grassland animals, Cape Buffalos are antagonistic and occasionally face their predators head-on, looking for an opportunity to strike back. Herds have been known to attack and kill large predators–even lions.

The 7 Most Dangerous Cities

Nothing like the buzz of a big city, but they can also be dangerous place. Crime, natural disasters, and traffic make some of the world’s major population centers a source of deathly excitement. Here are some of the places where you may end up meeting your maker.

Miami, Florida

As the setting for famous TV shows like “Miami Vice” and “CSI: Miami”, this tropical city already has a reputation for danger. One of the main points of entry for narcotics into the United States, Miami has notoriously high rates of gun violence and gang warfare. That’s not the only thing that makes the city dangerous, though: Miami is also an infamous hurricane magnet.

Medellín, Colombia

This is where a large share of the drugs entering the aforementioned Miami actually come from, and the old stomping grounds of the infamous Pablo Escobar, who led the city’s eponymous Medellín Cartel. Escobar was shot to death by the Federales in 1993 and Medellín no longer claims the title of “most violent city in the world”, but ultra-violent cartels are hardly a thing of the past. Turf wars still break out on a semi-regular basis, and political violence from armed groups such as FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) is still a serious issue.

New Orleans, Louisiana

Famous for the freewheeling culture associated with the Mardis Gras festival and the iconic Bourbon Street, New Orleans is also home to some of America’s most notorious street gangs. Homicide rates are extremely high, but as with Miami they’re not the only thing making this a risky place to live, as the tragedies surrounding Hurricane Katrina showed.

San Pedro Sula, Honduras

Currently recognized as the “Murder Capital of the World”, this city’s constant roiling conflict between rival drug gangs make it one of the most dangerous human-inhabited places on Earth outside of a war zone. Honduran authorities have responded with “Operation Lightning”, inundating especially violent neighborhoods with soldiers and elite police, but it’s unclear how much effect this has had on the stratospheric murder rate.

Mosul, Iraq

A flashpoint of conflict during the Anglo-American-led invasion of Iraq, Mosul continues to be a frequent target of suicide bombers and car bombs. Large numbers of refugees from ethnic and religious minorities such as the Assyrian Christians and the Kurds have fled the city following waves of threats and murders. It has also become a base of operations for Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups.

Juárez, Mexico

More drugs, more gangs. Sitting on the Rio Grande river border between Mexico and the United States, this city is a prime drug corridor and as such a focal point for turf wars and other narcotics-related violence. It has been called the “most violent zone in the world outside of declared war zones”, although small armies of heavily-armed gang members may make that a dubious distinction.

Detroit, Michigan

The traditional center of the United States’ automotive industry, Detroit has seen a long, agonizing decline of its lifeblood industry. Widespread unemployment and poverty have led to skyrocketing rates of violent crime. It was rated the most dangerous city in the United States by Forbes magazine for the fourth year running in 2012, although this has been hotly contested by city officials, who say serious revitalization efforts are starting to bear fruit.

The Most Worst Action Movies

The action movie genre is a strange beast. The balance between drama and bathos in an action film is everything; depending on the quality of writing and acting, an action film can keep an audience in a state of excitement or push them to paroxysms of laughter. Here are ten examples of the kind of action movies that aim for the profound but reach great depths of absurdity.

“Commando” (1985)

As a film, “Commando” is actually not bad. It’s certainly exciting; however, the film has some of the most unintentionally funny scenes of any movie in recent memory, most of which come courtesy of star Arnold Schwarzenegger, himself no slouch when it comes to cheesy one-liners. Whether Arnold is lifting an entire tree back to his house, opening an extensive gun storage room with an elaborate passcode of “1 3,” or dangling his enemies over cliffs while delivering deadpan puns, “Commando” has a lot of dramatic moments that inadvertently read as comic relief.

“Catwoman” (2004)

While audiences of today have a king’s ransom of good action hero films to choose from, there was once a time when the genre seemed to be sinking fast. The form’s nadir was arguably “Catwoman,” a cringe-worthy Halle Berry vehicle that had a $100,000,000 budget and very little to show for it. A scene in which Catwoman plays basketball is notorious for its corniness, and Berry’s career seems to have never recovered from the critical thrashing “Catwoman” received.

5 Most Fantastic SmartPhone Acessories

Technology rears its ugly head or rather, its kooky head again. This time it isn’t a new iPad or iPhone. There’s a whole new gadget world that’s built up around all the latest technology according to smartphone reviews and mobile newswebsites. Bizarre items that are seemingly impractical are taking over technically clever souls, who many would think should know the difference between practical and nonsensical. Many feel that these “thingamajigs are the coolest devices going.” Here’s a peek at a few of the latest Smartphone accessories that may seem quite unusual, but fun nonetheless.

1. Black Pepper Cell Phone Strap

Something happened along the way to the market, and it was the Black Pepper Cell Phone Strap. There’s absolutely no reason for anyone to carry around their own personal black pepper, no less strapped to their cell phone, unless they need it as a weapon. The victim could easily throw the pepper into the perpetrator’s face causing them to go into a “sneezing fit” while they get away with everything in tact. Unless of course, the attacker happens to have a delicious club sandwich, then they may simply sit down to enjoy a good meal with a dash of pepper.

2. TextTees

In the USA alone, over one trillion text messages were sent in one year, almost double that of cell phone calls. Luckily, there’s finally hope for the text-crazed generation. TextTees, are little rubber gadgets that fit snuggly over the texter’s thumbs. They’re shaped somewhat like pencil eraser tops, but look sleek and high-tech. This device is somewhat practical. It makes texting more accurate and faster. However, the question is “should texting fanatics wear them all day long?” Goodness knows they’re small enough to easily get lost in someone’s pocket, or their younger sibling could easily mistake them for erasers. Texting extremist may very well bypass this useful device for the mere fact that in the end, it’s faster and more practical to just use their naked thumbs.

3. iMeshi Japanese Food

There’s no doubting that mobile phones can be life savers. However, being stranded in a remote location without food or water with an iPhone all dressed up in sushi, bacon and eggs or chocolate cake that can’t be eaten, is downright cruel. This iPhone gadget is strictly for laughs and serves no other purpose than to make their owners hungry. On the other hand, it may be worth a bite if the rescue team takes too long.

4. TV Hat

Human civilization at one time was well on its way to evolving, until the TV Hat was invented. The TV Hat advertisement states that “it’s great for those who want to catch up on their favorite TV shows, use it for entertainment on trips, catching-up at the gym or while waiting at the airport.” Speaking of airports, there’s no better time to alert airport security then when someone’s wearing this oddly shaped gadget on their head. It is compatible with MP3 players, iPod and iPhones though. But unfortunately, it isn’t compatible with civilization.

5. Dokkiri Hand Case for iPhone 4

This accessory is a bit creepy to say the least. Who wants a severed hand lying around? Then again, regardless of its absurdity, it could really come in, well, “handy.” For example, gripping the hand will secure the iPhone so there’s less chance of dropping it, in addition, it’ll win the owner plenty of attention, if only out of curiosity. There’s no sense in trying to turn water into wine here, this accessory is downright peculiar.

8 Tips & Tricks To Get The Most Out Of Google Now

Having Google Now is like owning a personal assistant, giving you the ability to manage, search for and organize your information easily within your phone. Your related searches, flight tickets, restaurant reservation, friends’ location and more are presented in specific and minimalistic Google Now cards.

Get the most out of Google Now with the following tips and tricks. Its a very handy product if you are the kind of person who needs information at your fingertips all the time.

1. Use Google Now Research Topics

All the searches that you do on Google Now will be finetuned and condensed into a research topic that is based on your search queries and the links you click into. To check out what your past searches revolve around, check out your research topics here.

Your search will appear together with other similar contents and will be put accordingly into categories. The categories that are available are Fresh Content, Forums, Reviews, Videos, Music, People, TV Shows and Webpages.

2. Get Reminders

When you search for a TV show, music artist, actor or filmmaker on Google Now, you will find at the bottom of the search card a "Remind you about new episodes?" option. Click that to enable it and Google Now will automatically remind you if there is a new update in your search query e.g a new episode.

3. Commute Sharing

If for some reason you need your location to be known by friends or family on Google+, you can enable Location Sharing between you and your circle(s). For detailed instructions you can visithere.

More importantly, you can also enable Commute Sharing in Google Now. What can this do for you? Well, if you live in the city where traffic jams and breakdowns in public transport are common then this will help your family and loved ones keep track of where you are in your latest commute.

On Google Now, go to Menu > Settings > Google Now > Traffic then enable "Let them see your commute updates’.

The individuals who have access to your location will be able to see your latest or current locations in the form of Google Now cards like this.

4. Gmail Cards & Reservations

You have Google Cards, and you have Gmail Cards. If you usually make reservations or bookings and receive the confirmation of these reservations via your Gmail, you can allow Google Now to access your account for these reservations and pull them into more organized cards.

You can enable this feature in the Google Now Menu via Settings > Google Now > Gmail Cards.These include flight bookings, hotels and restaurants, even packages you are expecting among others.

5. Say ‘Google’ To Enable Voice Speech

While enabling the microphone is as easy as a tap, it can get easier — just say ‘Google’. Now for this to work, you will need to activate the Hotword detection first. Go to Google Now menu > Settings > Voice and tick ‘Hotword detection’. After this, to run a search by voice just say ‘Google [your search query]‘.

6. Personal Search For Photos

How’s this for some personal assistant touch? If you regularly upload photos to your Google+ you can search through your photos via Google. For example if you really love going ot the beach and have a lot of photos of the beach, just search for ‘my photos of beaches’ to get the photos you are looking for. Currently, this is only available in the US and if you are logged in to your Google+ account.

7. Google Now TV Cards

Google Now TV Cards is for the movie trivia fans who incidentally own a Smart TV. If Google Now is on a device that is connected to the same Wi-Fi your Smart TV is connected to, you can tap on the microphone then say "Listen to TV" to trigger relevant information with regards to the TV show. You may get information about the production of the show, and trivia about the actors or the cast itself etc.

8. Try Google Now On Chrome

Want to bring Google Now to the desktop? Well if you have Chrome, technically, you can. Start your Chrome then type chrome://flags/ at the search bar. You will get a list of experiments, look for Google Now, and enable the flag.

Relaunch your browser and if you will receive notification to enable Google Now Cards like this, clickYes.

If you did not receive the notification then you have to wait a little longer for the feature to roll out.
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