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Get More Clients: How To Harness The Power Of Testimonials

Have you ever stumbled upon a testimonial that left you thinking who on earth would write such a strong statement about a freelancer‘s services? Testimonials are one of the most effective ways to legitimize your service claims and convince clients to hire you. Freelancers should know how to use them to their advantage.

(Image source: Fotolia)

I have seen a lot of online portfolios and believe that most of the freelancers fail to use testimonials to yield results. Some testimonials hold strong endorsements that prospective clients may relate to as a gimmick and others are too weak to help with a freelancer’s credibility.

Use it right though and it will be a great marketing tool to help improve your freelance businesseffectively.

1. Mind The Amount Of Testimonials

Let’s say John is eager to buy product A and a product B. He finds that on the Internet, a good number of people have bought item A, saying that it is a great product and they recommend others buy it. As for product B, he searched high and low and it seems that nobody has anything good to say about it. What do you think are the conclusions that John would draw from this exercise?

Based on the feedback he got, he’d probably won’t mind spending his money on product A, and he’d probably be more wary about buying product B. Even if he could afford both, it is not surprising to expect a more reserved approach to the latter due to the fact that no one has anything (good or bad) to say about the product.

This is a philosophy and concept that is also applied for marketing your services using testimonials.The more people you can get to say good things about you, the more clients you’ll get to buy your services. If nobody says anything about your services, clients will not believe in your service claims, and most probably won’t even think to hire you.

2. Focus On The Value Of The Testimonials

People are more likely to buy a product when a popular or famous person endorses it. It is because there are clients who are obsessed with the success of these celebrities. These customers wouldbuy whatever product they promote. To no surprise featuring James Franco in the promotion of the Galaxy Camera will contribute positively to the sales volume produced and publicity of the Samsung bundled camera.

You can apply the same to your services. Let’s say you crafted a logo design or worked for a reputable or popular brand, you may ask the owner of it for a feedback about your services.The next thing is to turn that feedback into a testimonial. The fastest way is to ask your client if it is alright to him that you attach the feedback as a testimonial in your portfolio.

In order to increase the likability of converting into clients you can add his photo, contact (Twitter or email) or a logo of the brand he represents next to the testimonial.

3. Write Testimonial Statements On Your Own

Now, this doesn’t mean faking your own testimonials, let’s get that cleared. Truth be told, it is very hard to get a testimonial from a busy client. Most successful figures in the field are busy and would not have the time to give you an endorsement even if they want to. Plus, giving you a testimonial will not benefit them as much as it would benefit you. So what do you do?

Draft a testimonial for them to work on. Some clients just don’t know what to say or write about you. They’d be glad to lend support but somehow or rather, their testimonials may not do justice to what you have to offer. That’s one of the reason they hired you in the first place! Write a testimonial highlighting what you have to offer, how easy you are to work with and other claims that they can attest or lend support to.

On their part, it is merely selecting statements they agree with, and if they would allow you to attach their good name to the write-up before you put it up on your portfolio site.

4. Place Testimonials In Strategic Places

If you really want to use testimonials to convince people to hire you, you ought to place them strategically where readers can find them. Testimonials need to be in viewable places on your website where prospects can see them easily. If you have testimonials compiled in buried pages in your navigation menu for instance, chances are that potential clients who’ve been looking for “who else says so” won’t find it.

Once they leave your site, you are never getting them back again. Home pages, the ‘About page’, sidebar widgets, and within the content of pages are perfect areas to place your testimonials. Just don’t overdo it.


There are many ways you can use to market your freelance services. Using testimonials is one of them. To make sure that your testimonials are getting you the results you want, you should know how to use them the right way. Are you using testimonials to rope in new clients? Let us know how it is faring for you so far.
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