Showing posts with label mistakes. Show all posts

Top 10 Mistakes The Drivers Make

Many people can be considered excellent drivers if they never speed, never drive drunk or tired, and always keep their car insurance up to date. But many accidents are outcome of simple and ordinary situations, when we overlook things that we should observe while driving the car. Here are the Top Ten mistakes which most of the drivers usually commit while driving.

1. Swerving/drifting

There can be various possibilities behind the cause of changing direction abruptly or drifting, which most probably are wrong judgment due to alcohol, confusion, or simply lack of experience. These indications reveal that you are expected to be making a claim for car insurance, whatever the actual reasons may be.

2. Getting fright

Sudden uncontrollable fear at a narrow escape often causes the worst smash and an adequate method to guide you out of this fright is to obtain a course of defensive driving.

3. Getting anger

The traffic conditions that provoke anger is not to be taken as your fault. But you will have to bear the consequences if you get angry or agitated, and strike against another car.

4. Overlooking give way rules

You may also consider the deliberate breaking of give way rules. The give way arrangement is the most specific thing to keep order on our roads. Ensure that you are updated with the give way rules, and strongly adopt them.

5. Fast speeding against road conditions

A major cause of road traffic accidents and car insurance claims is to travel fast or slow as compared to the average speed of traffic according to road conditions.

6. Pushing buttons

Almost eight out of ten road collisions are the cause of pushing buttons or operating musical or other instruments.

7. Driving while upset

When you become upset, it does not let you function your driving ability properly, which may involve almost 80 per cent of collisions.

8. Mixing up the brake pedal and accelerator

It occurs mostly when we are emotionally preoccupied with sentiments or feelings. You may feel detested to explain this to your car insurance company.

9. Taking risks

It is the safest tactic to stop and wait, if you are in doubt about the safety of a maneuver.

10. Not knowing skid control

About fifteen percent of all collisions are caused by skidding of vehicles. Only moving in the direction of the skid, applying a brake and then correcting does not assist always. A defensive driving course is the best for your practice and to learn the theory, which may avoid unnecessary car insurance claims.

Common Mistakes Bloggers Make

Blogging isn't that much different from other things you do routinely. If you start making a certain mistake, you can keep traveling down the same road for some time without correcting it. The result can be lost readers and prospects that click away before you've even had a real chance with them.

That said, try to avoid these common blogging mistakes
  1. Being stuffy. Remember who your target audience is when you’re blogging and that should keep you on the right path. If you were writing a thesis for a university paper, it would be acceptable to use jargon and fill paragraphs with deep intellectual thoughts. For the most part, blogging is about being fun and conversational.
  2. Bad formatting. You need to watch what you say, how you say it, and even how you present the finished product to your readers. Long paragraphs are out. Bullet points and shorter paragraphs are in. Things aren't only visually appealing when they’re short and sweet, they take less time to read. You need to keep in mind that our attention spans are dwindling so things need to be more captivating.
  3. Bad writing. Regardless of the subject matter, your blog needs to be grammatically correct to be taken seriously. Stay away from the kind of texting shorthand that spells ‘u r’ for ‘you are’ and you won’t seem unprofessional and illiterate. If possible, it’s good to have another set of eyes look at your blog before you publish it; if not, read the text out loud to yourself to look for any mistakes.
  4. Bad optimization and links. Here’s the technical side of what you need to look at to be sure your blog is getting the right exposure. While keywords are the right vehicle to attract attention, make sure they represent what you’re trying to sell or say adequately. A little due diligence in the form of research is necessary and the same goes for quality links. You’re only as good as the company you keep when it comes to links so you need to be sure this exchange involves a back and forth with credible relevant sites.

Staying away from shortcuts is basically the whole thing in a nutshell. When you've invested the time into a blog, it doesn't make any sense to look for the easier, softer way.

Six Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs in Twitter

Twitter is increasingly used as a tool for personal branding, communication and information. Your profile is visible to all, so you should present yourself in the right way, in order to be original. To be impeccable, here there are the 7 mistakes that you should avoid at all costs. Ready?

1. Having Your Twitter Profile Incomplete
Some people just forget to complete their profile. In many cases even forgetting to change the default egg of the avatar.

Would you be so anonymous?

You should spend a few minutes adding basic information such as interests and contacts. You can even add the URL of your blog / website.

Thus you’ll be able to transmit a first sense of security in those who land on your profile, raising the probability of a future interaction.

Even more if you are managing a corporate profile. But here, instead of a pretty face, just put the logo of the company!

2 . Following / Unfollowing Continuously
Strong ups and downs of Followers and Following will increase the suspicion among your audience and users, especially in this time of fake Twitter Followers.

You do not have to follow anyone, just concentrate on those who are really important for you.

And not following anyone, finally, shows that you’re just promoting yourself without showing any interest in the many interactions on the social network.

3. Retweeting Your Own Tweets
This happens when someone retweet one of your tweets and – in turn – you “retweet what happened“.

A redundant action even in trying to explain it, then imagine seeing on your profile! It seems you want to compliment with yourself.

Rather you should add tweets that have been successful in your favorites, along with those of others you have found useful.

Another practice to avoid is to explicitly ask for a ReTweet.

Don’t worry! If the content is of quality, rest assured that it will come by itself.

4. Setting Your Messages Only to a Certain Group of Users
Why excluding people who could actively contribute with their own personal experience to find solutions, to argue a thesis on the trending topic of the moment, and so on?

If your intention is mainly to sell, try to do it by asking as a solution to the problems of the people. Without bombarding promotional offers, perhaps using the :

If you use Twitter for other reasons, creating a magic circle with just a few other users is counterproductive, in the long run.

Which value are you giving?

5. Not Responding to Questions
It would be good practice to always be courteous and avoid the use of the autoresponder when not needed.

A little good manners, in short!

People like to know that on the other side of the screen there are human beings and not automatons who respond through mathematical algorithms.

6. Choosing the Quantity Rather than the Quality of Tweets
Sending a huge amount of tweets at the same time creates only great confusion and shock the users.

The likely consequence of this action is to be deleted from any list or even worse, you risk to be suspended from Twitter!

This social network rewards synthesis and quality: if you can not express good communication in 140 characters then you are using the wrong social channel.

Ask yourself why any user should open your link or retweet your message or follow your profile.

If you want to facilitate the reading of your tweets without taking up valuable space, you can shorten URLs thanks to some services like Google URL shortener, TinyURL or Bitly.

What about you? Are you doing one of these mistakes?

What is your experience with Twitter?

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