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Real Life About Wall- E Robot

Mike Senna, a computer programmer from Orange County, California, has spent the last two and a half years building a real-life Wall-E robot, from scratch. It moves around, rolls and talks, but he doesn’t collect trash.

In 2009, shortly after the movie Wall-E was launched, we featured some photos of cool Wall-E computer case mod, but that feat simply pales in comparison to Mike Senna’s awesome achievement.

The robot aficionado spend between 3,200 and 3,800 man hours building his very own version of the adorable Pixar trash-collecting hero. His computer programming skills definitely came in handy, but seeing as there were no Wall-E parts available anywhere on this planet, he had to construct the whole thing from scratch. He worked on it about 25 hours a week, after his day job, but all the hard work certainly paid off.

This isn’t Mike Senna’s first robot, either. In 2003, he created his own version of R2D2, so he’s pretty well-known in select geek circles. His latest creation has started making appearances at various events, putting a smile on children’s faces and getting praised by adult geeks. For detailed “how did he do it” information make sure you check out his blog. There are lot sof cool photos to look at, as well.

Healthy Life | The Water Filtration Bottle

So if you found it useful, this time you will also love the all new Life Saver bottle. Its a complete water filtration bottle, perfect for those of you that are constantly on the go. This ultimate bottle performs a great job of filtration of water from any source. Now you don’t have to worry about water quality and waste time in finding a fresh water source while you are camping.

When you put water in this bottle, it filters out all of the microbiological waterborne pathogens from water and this is all done without adding any chemical. Within just 60 seconds, your water is ready to drink. According to the inventor of this bottle, this bottle will filter 750ml of water in just one min. During this time, it will remove all bacteria, viruses, algae and fungus from the water. If you are a usual camper or hiker, this bottle is a perfect accessory for next adventure. If you want to buy one, it is available on amazon.

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