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GPS Locator Watch To Keep Kids And Parents Connect

Every parent wants their kid to explore, discover and just be a kid. But imagine if we could stay in touch along the way. FiLIP is a world first device which has re-imagined smartphone voice and location technology for children. The colorful wristwatch is a patent-pending marriage of GPS, Wi-Fi and cellular technology, safely combined into one small device. 



FiLIP is a cell phone reimagined for kids as a wearable device. Powerful two-way GSM cellular voice capability provides the same quality of coverage as you expect from the best smartphones.


FiLIP has been designed with an Intelligent Emergency procedure. When activated, the emergency button triggers an automatic location beacon, ambient sound recording, and calls each of the five contacts until one is reached.


FiLIP is powerful but safe. It is the first wearable device with full mobile voice capability to earn government certification from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The unique design emits radio energy only when active, and directs it away from the child.


FiLIP uses more than just GPS – it utilizes a blend of GPS, cell tower location, and Wi-Fi triangulation to provide the most accurate location information indoors and out.


Remember when you wore your first phone? Your kids will. Here’s how it works:

Using the FiLIP app, you pre-program 5 phone numbers that your child can call. Your child can scroll through the 5 numbers and call the one they want with the touch of a button. It’s that simple.

You and any of the 5 people you pre-authorized can call your child’s FiLIP directly. You can also see their precise location on a map. For parents with multiple children, you can simple create a profile for each child in the FiLIP app. So if you play ‘hide and go seek’ with your kids, this is the competitive advantage that you’ve been waiting for! 


A SafeZone is a virtual radius which you can set using the FiLIP app. You can use the SafeZone in 2 key ways:

1) Set a SafeZone around a destination where your child is travelling to, such as ‘School’. When your child reaches the SafeZone, you receive a push notification.

2) Set a SafeZone around an area you don’t want your kids to go outside of, such as the local park. If your child leaves the radius set around the park, you receive a push notification.

We like to think of it as a modern day version of setting boundaries for your kids.


You can also send a short message to your child’s FiLIP. This feature is one way from parent to child, because sending a message back becomes too complicated for kids.

Plus there is plenty of time for texting when they are teenagers.


There are two buttons on the FiLIP device – one that’s the same color as the wristband and one that’s red. You can guess which one is the emergency button.

In the event of an emergency, your child can press the red button for 3 seconds. This will:

1) Send a text message to the primary account holder with a link to the child’s current location.

2) Automatically start a recording of ambient sound around the child’s FiLIP device

3) Initiate a call to the first designated number and if there is no answer, call the other four designated numbers in succession.

Top 5 Mobile Apps To Keep Your Kids Safe

Every year, thousands of children go missing. A report reveals that a child goes missing in the UK every 3 minutes and the travesty is getting worse. In many parts of the world, losing a child is not something we should be lackadaisical about. In mere seconds, a child could be removed from the watchful eye of parents, in mere hours, removed from the state or the country

One of the better ways to keep watch over our young ones is with their smartphones. Data plans are getting cheaper and most smartphones nowadays have either GPS capabilities or data connections.

You might be a parent who is not keen on letting your child be exposed to a smartphone at too young an age, but bear with us and read on, these safety (free) apps may possibly change your mind

Sygic Family keeps your family safe by allowing you to check the real-time location and the battery levels of your family members’ smartphones. You can also track your children’s whereabouts, or have them check-in periodically to let you know where they are and if they have arrived at their destination safely.


The app also has an in-built messaging system which lets you send messages for free over an Internet connection. You can also set Safe or Unsafe zones – a notification will be sent to you when they enter or leave these zones. There is also an SOS button available in this app, which lets you send out your exact location at the tap of the button. You never know when you might need it.

Platform: iOS | Android

Life360 has pretty much the same things Sygic has: GPS locations of your family members via their smartphones, a panic button, and alerts when some one enters a preset zone (e.g. gets home). It also lets you check where they have been (location history), where to get help in an emergency (hospitals, police stations), and allows you to have group chats.

If you don’t have a smartphone, you can still use this with a mobile phone at RM4.99 per month, for up to 5 mobile phones (only in the U.S.). A text message will be sent to them and once they consent to it, their location would be tracked and sent back to you. The app tries its best to not be a monitoring app but more of a communication tool to help bring families closer together and safer too.

Platform: iOS | Android | Blackberry

Here is another great app for keeping your children safe; the difference is, it also helps keep your child safe online. MamaBear has a feature to keep watch over your child’s Facebook feed. You will be alerted to any signs of bullying or use of crude language as well as when they check-in or get tagged on their friends’ photos. The team is working on doing the same for Twitter and Instagram profiles.

Offline, you will receive alerts for when they leave a place, when they need to be picked up, when they are driving or riding past a certain speed limit, or when they explicitly need you in an SOS cry for help. This app will give you either peace of mind or great conversation starters on talking about speeding, truancy, open communication channels, and how to stay safe at all times.

       Platform: iOS | Android

Google Latitude is less of an app and more of a tracking tool. It allows you to see where your family members are on a map, and easily keep in touch with them. To use it, sign in to Google Latitude and start adding your family members via their Gmail contacts. When they accept, you can see their locations on Google Map on your phone.

This is the odd one out, but some parents may require this level of monitoring for their children. Receive alerts when your kids have been using their mobile phones in the middle of the night, when they add a new unrecognized contact, or when they download a new app. Parents will also get statistics about their children’s mobile usage, which they can use to set usage limits (premium account)

There is still the much sought-after location feature, with a slight twist. The SOS button and Check-In feature is in but more interestingly, the child can request for their parents to track their movement live via GPS tracking, something like remotely ‘walking’ them to their destination.

Platform: iOS | Android


Here’s a nifty app that we hope parents never actually need to use, but in the case of a child that has been briefly separated from the parents in crowded or very large places, this may help them locate the child faster.

FBI’s Child ID App is designed by the FBI for parents to keep their children’s photos and important data, such as their height, weight, eye and hair color which can be emailed to the authorities at the tap of a button. The app also includes safety checklists and advice for parents to help keep thier children safe.

Platform: iOS | Android

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