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iPhone 5 Black Diamond Edition ( Available )

Today we bring to you the world’s most expensive iPhone! An England based luxury goods company, Stuart Hughes, has produced the most elegant and expensive iPhone by topping it up with world’s finest diamonds and gold. This eye catching iPhone features a spotless 26-carat black deep cut diamond. Only the ultra rich people can afford this dream as the phone is embedded with 600 flawless white diamonds. The expensively dressed solid gold housing catches the viewers attention. At the back of this high class iPhone, the Apple logo is made with gold and 53 smoothly ingrained diamonds.

The front carries a 26-carat black diamond on the home button. All these luxuries bring a huge price tag of $15 Million along with them. The phone is currently on sale at company’s official website. Since its not affordable for most of the people so those who still want to enjoy this golden iPhone can buy 24 carat gold iPhone 5 cases for a starting price of $4,000 and rose gold version casing for $5,300.

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