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5 Most Fantastic SmartPhone Acessories

Technology rears its ugly head or rather, its kooky head again. This time it isn’t a new iPad or iPhone. There’s a whole new gadget world that’s built up around all the latest technology according to smartphone reviews and mobile newswebsites. Bizarre items that are seemingly impractical are taking over technically clever souls, who many would think should know the difference between practical and nonsensical. Many feel that these “thingamajigs are the coolest devices going.” Here’s a peek at a few of the latest Smartphone accessories that may seem quite unusual, but fun nonetheless.

1. Black Pepper Cell Phone Strap

Something happened along the way to the market, and it was the Black Pepper Cell Phone Strap. There’s absolutely no reason for anyone to carry around their own personal black pepper, no less strapped to their cell phone, unless they need it as a weapon. The victim could easily throw the pepper into the perpetrator’s face causing them to go into a “sneezing fit” while they get away with everything in tact. Unless of course, the attacker happens to have a delicious club sandwich, then they may simply sit down to enjoy a good meal with a dash of pepper.

2. TextTees

In the USA alone, over one trillion text messages were sent in one year, almost double that of cell phone calls. Luckily, there’s finally hope for the text-crazed generation. TextTees, are little rubber gadgets that fit snuggly over the texter’s thumbs. They’re shaped somewhat like pencil eraser tops, but look sleek and high-tech. This device is somewhat practical. It makes texting more accurate and faster. However, the question is “should texting fanatics wear them all day long?” Goodness knows they’re small enough to easily get lost in someone’s pocket, or their younger sibling could easily mistake them for erasers. Texting extremist may very well bypass this useful device for the mere fact that in the end, it’s faster and more practical to just use their naked thumbs.

3. iMeshi Japanese Food

There’s no doubting that mobile phones can be life savers. However, being stranded in a remote location without food or water with an iPhone all dressed up in sushi, bacon and eggs or chocolate cake that can’t be eaten, is downright cruel. This iPhone gadget is strictly for laughs and serves no other purpose than to make their owners hungry. On the other hand, it may be worth a bite if the rescue team takes too long.

4. TV Hat

Human civilization at one time was well on its way to evolving, until the TV Hat was invented. The TV Hat advertisement states that “it’s great for those who want to catch up on their favorite TV shows, use it for entertainment on trips, catching-up at the gym or while waiting at the airport.” Speaking of airports, there’s no better time to alert airport security then when someone’s wearing this oddly shaped gadget on their head. It is compatible with MP3 players, iPod and iPhones though. But unfortunately, it isn’t compatible with civilization.

5. Dokkiri Hand Case for iPhone 4

This accessory is a bit creepy to say the least. Who wants a severed hand lying around? Then again, regardless of its absurdity, it could really come in, well, “handy.” For example, gripping the hand will secure the iPhone so there’s less chance of dropping it, in addition, it’ll win the owner plenty of attention, if only out of curiosity. There’s no sense in trying to turn water into wine here, this accessory is downright peculiar.
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