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Planning A Great Low Budget Wedding

Every woman has fantasized about her wedding day from the time she was a little girl. It’s supposed to be the best day of your life. But when you’re young, your fantasy was most likely far greater than what you can afford on your current budget. It’s no fun when reality hits. But just because you can’t afford to fly your entire family to the Caribbean doesn't mean you still can’t have a beautiful, memorable wedding while working within a tight budget. You’re just going to have to get creative and think outside the box a bit. The average wedding in 2012 cost just shy of $27,000. Don’t have that kind of money? Let’s get to business.

Make the Hard Choices
Remember your great aunt Claudette that you met one time when you were seven years old? She’s probably not going to be able to go to the wedding. The biggest contributor to out of control wedding costs is the guest list. Remember, for every person that goes you need to provide food and drinks. They also contribute to the headcount that you’ll need to take into consideration when renting a hall. The bigger the hall, the bigger the cost. It’s best to resign yourself now to the idea that you’re going to have to make some tough choices when deciding the final guest list. Invite the people most close to you.

Buy an iPod
With DJ costs being what they are, it makes sense to just program a playlist and have one of your friends keep an eye on the iPod if changes need to be made. Honestly, you’d save yourself a ton of money if you opted not to hire someone to encourage all of your guests to form a conga line. Let them form their own conga line. Besides, don’t you want all of the music to be what you and your spouse like?

Give Your Mailman a Break
By all means, find a business that can set you up with creative “save the dates” that you can send out to your guests. Let them really display your personality. But then, that’s it. There’s no need to follow up with an elaborate invitation. They cost money and people already know when the wedding is. If you break tradition on this one, you’ll save yourself some cash. Save the dates are much more modern and they can break the style rules when it comes to sending an invitation.

Those are just some tips to follow for having a great, cheap wedding. Food and drink are a major expense, so your best bet is to just shop around. See if a local restaurant that you like will do it for cheap. With some research and some footwork, you’ll have a memorable wedding that doesn't break the bank.

Info | Creative Family Portraits You Can Shoot

Of all the memories we all hold on to, the ones we never learn to let go of are those of our family. They are the people who are there for you from Day 1, there by your side through your cuts and bruises, trials and triumphs. But there comes a day when we have to be independent, stand on our own two feet and move out of the nest, either for studies or for work or to build our own family.

Before leaving, why not make an awesome family portrait that will remind everyone that they are always in your heart.

                                         (Image Source: HANNA MAC)

While the regular family portrait is probably good enough, you certainly want to do something that is out of the ordinary, one that will easily crack a smile when it is looked at, or one that even nana will proudly show off to her bingo buddies.

To inspire you to make really special family portraits, we have prepared awesome family portraits shot by photographers with an intriguing view of things. If you are the kind who never says no to family, you’ll probably enjoy this post as much as I did making it.

Bold Family Portrait. Isn’t this family portrait too badass? Brace yourself, the request for your photo studio’s name from your friends and relatives are coming. (Image Source: Chris Nicholas, Matt Power, Becki Peckham)

Bri, Joel & Indy. I’m amazed at how an impression could drastically change by just holding the photo frame in non-traditional way, and Kevin N. Murphy executed the idea perfectly. 

(Image Source: Kevin N. Murphy)

Coming Soon. Wanna take a family portrait even though the blessed one is still in the womb? A clever combination of vector shape and vibrant typography will do! (Image Source: HANNA MAC

Composite Family Portrait. A magic trick performed by Erick Christian! This is the portrait that will make visitors keep asking you how did you do it, whenever they visit. (Image Source: Erik Christian Photography)

FAMILY. Family, a word that describes the most precious thing in the world. (Image Source:Marianne Wiest Photography)

Family Dog. This is a fun way to put the family pet into the picture. Well, it’s funny for everyone except dad, I guess. (Image Source: Jonne Seijdel)

Family Gallery. A father holding a portrait of mother holding a portrait of daughter, I just love this inception-inspired trick! (Image Source: Jaroslav Francisko)

Family of Dark Side. Spice up generic poses with iconic masks and be boring no more. The Dark Side has never looked so warm. (Image Source: Kessler Fotos)

Family Ties. You just want to stare at this photo and think about how genuinely beautiful this idea is. It’s a must-shoot for the family! (Image Source: Beco G. Photography)

Happy Feet. It doesn’t require clear faces to make the portrait lovely, just a lovely family and their feet! (Image Source: Lumoid)

Mommy, Daddy, Me and Little Sister. Kisses all around for the family. (Image Source: WNCY)

My Family and I. They all sure look alike, and the progression emphasizes their similarities.(Image Source: Martin Bennett)

Our Family Portrait. Remember to take your camera into the family portrait as well; to most of us photographers, we treat it like a son anyways! The scene, the idea, I enjoy everything Capa12 has taken in this photo. (Image Source: Capa12)

Shadow Family. Well-placed sandals, a puddle of water, the right amount of light and there you have it, a reflection of your family portrait. (Image Source: FLIGRAFIE PHOTOGRAPHY)

The Combs Family. If you can hold your children tight, then this is the most fun memory you can shoot in a portrait! (Image Source: Kelsey J Gibbs Photography)


Creative family portraits take longer to set up than regular ones, but you will be surprised with how the outcome will always put you in a good mood no matter when you revisit them. It sometimes even serves as the catalyst for you to save any severed relationships you have with your family.

That said, here’s a heartfelt thanks to all photographers that dedicate so much of their time to photograph and demonstrate how inspiring a family portrait can be.

Time for sharing! Have you ever done a cool portrait with your family before? What’s your favorite among these showcased pieces? Share with us!

Origami – Great Media-Sharing Service For The Family

Family moments are worth sharing, preserving and writing about. Sharing pictures, videos and moments with family usually means, for the average person, sitting down and sharing the memories through a digital camera or mobile phone, but there is a much easier way. Let me introduce to you Origami.

Not to be confused with photo and media storage services like Picturelife or Dropbox, Origami brings to you a new approach to sharing memories through media with your family memb

Getting Started With Origami

To get started with Origami is an easy and simple process, in fact, it is one of the easiest and fastest registration processes I have seen in a long time. Signing up register you a free trial account.

Once your account is all set up and ready to go you can now easily invite all your family members to all your favorite moments and memories. After that, everyone can post media, which will be neatly organized into a stylish family timeline.

Adding Photos And Other Media

You can connect your Origami account with your other cloud storage storage and photo-sharing services like Facebook, Picasa, Flickr, Smugmug, Drive and Dropbox. This obviously makes it a breeze to add photos, videos, slideshows and whole albums.

Other Noteworthy Features

Request Content And Moments

Ever wondered what Uncle Sal was like growing up, and what great moments he had? You can even request content and moments from family members that are registered with your family in Origami. It will be like a virtual family gathering where everyone can join in on an occasion from a past or recent event.

Sharing Media

The team behind Origami makes it easy to upload and share media with a “sticky” sidebar that stays with you while navigating around the app. Simply choose the appropriate type of media you would like to upload and follow the steps.

Sharing With Outside Family And Friends

You might come across a time when you want to share your memories and moments with people outside of your family circle in Origami. The app makes it simple to share like this, simply click “Share Album” or “Share Moments” under the content titles to email the link or contact them via Facebook and Twitter.


Origami has an amazing price and only one account type, $5/Month or $50/Year (which saves you $10). When you upgrade, you get:
  • A custom domain name for your family. (For example, or
  • Unlimited storage
  • Unlimited phone and email support

  • Mobile support for iOS and Android devices
  • Stylish and organized timeline of events, moments, pictures, videos etc
  • Invite family members with multiple accounts and social networks
  • Share pictures and memories with people not using Origami (Like friends, co-workers and non-relatives)
  • Custom domain names, unlimited space and great support with a cheap $5/Month plan
  • Invite as many family members as you wish
  • Request media and moments from other family members
  • Great notifications including to your mobile phone, email and Facebook
  • Rich, stylish and simple to use design

  • No feature for searching existing family members
  • No account links to Skydrive or
  • No individual family profiles
  • No account signup with Facebook or Twitter support
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