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Duplicate Content Checker Tools

Google and Bing/Yahoo are not fans of people who copy content. This is because copying the work of another person without their permission is an infringement of their copyright. Google and Bing/Yahoo do not have the time to check to see who has permission to use some content and who does not, so they class most forms of duplication as bad (except for legitimate sharing). Google have also made it clear that they do not like duplicate content because it does not offer any use for the user. Copying the content of another person is no better than changing the front cover of a book and publishing it again. 

What Google would like to avoid is a situation when people search for something, they look at the first result and read it, and then look at the second search result and see that it is the same as the first. If this started happening on a regular basis then people would start using other search engines to find their results. That is why Google has a very low tolerance for duplicate content. Here are ten online tools you can use to check for online content, but they are in no particular order.


From the world of uncreative tool naming comes “Similar-page-checker” allows you to see how closely your pages are similar to the pages of others. It scores you with a percentage on how similar your content is to another person’s.


This is a plagiarism detector that allows you to run duplication checks online. It is a tool that uses an algorithm to check the words on your website against the words on another website. If they match in a certain pattern (or a lot) then it will alert you to the possible duplication.


Another tool with an uninspired name, this tool will check your content to see if it has been copied online. It is good at checking files other than web pages, such as documents files.


This will show you any issues it thinks you have with duplication and runs a duplication analysis. It shows you corrections and penalties for copying.


This is another web paged duplication checker that focuses on large chunks of text. It runs a duplication check by searching for similar content line by line. You can scan a page of your website and see if anyone has copied it.


This is a plagiarism checker that will highlight if your website has any duplicate content or not. You run the duplicate checker and if another website has similar content to you then it will tell you and give you an idea of how much has been copied.

The Google search engine itself

This can check your content for you, just copy and paste a line or two into the search engine. You may get numerous results so try putting portions in quotation marks. You can check every three or four lines to see if another person has copied you.


This tool will allow you to check your website for plagiarism. You can run five free searches online to check to see if your web pages have been copied online by someone else. This tool also comes with other features. You can copy and paste some text into a box and run a check to see if it has been copied online. Or you can run a check on numerous documents to see if it has been copied. You can also set up a copySentry to alert you if your web content has suddenly been copied by another person.

The Yahoo/Bing search engine itself

You can do with Yahoo/Bing what you can do with Google. Every few lines you can take a bit of text and put it into the search engine. If you pick parts of the text that do not have punctuation then you may have more luck. If your words have been coped verbatim, then there is a chance that a search engine will show you it.


This is actually a free tool that you can use to avoid a bit of plagiarism. You can check your web content with that of other websites. The limitation with this is that the website and web content has to have been crawled by Google, although this is the case with a lot of plagiarism tools.

How to Make Your Blog Search Engine Friendly

Everybody is becoming internet marketer in one way or the other either by blogging, promoting affiliated products and all the like as internet is becoming the second largest society on the planet earth, and there are trying to make their blog search engine friendly in a wrong way for the sake gaining search engine popularity.

If however you have been struggling with how to make your blog search engine friendly, the below tips am about to unfold could be what is required of you to make your blog search engine friendly, and make your blog post indexed on time by most search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. 

1. Consider you blog title and URL
Many professional bloggers like John Chow, Matt Cutt, etc. don’t consider this is a blogging priority because they are professional but as a beginner, this is very crucial.

Your blog title and URL must contain some of your blog keywords, because it the best way to have a say over what your blog is ranked for.

2. Write quality content consistently
Writing quality content often is equal to last long blog traffic (LLBT). All search engine love something fresh, new and innovative.

The more fresh content you write on your blog either for search engine or your blog visitors, the more you get your blog indexed with the right keyword for a start, and this will stand as a chance for you to have constant blog traffic over the time even when you are on holiday, your blog quality content with rich keyword will do the traffic job on your behalf.

3. Blog category and keywords
Note that, if your blog is to be optimized for keywords, that will be what people will be search for, it is wise to categorize your blog content under your blog respective keywords.

The more you make your blog post familiar with your blog keywords categories, the better the rank in search engine.

For instance, if your blog is all about blogging, then, you are expected to have categories like, making money blogging, how to start a blog, blogging template, blogging tips, and all the like.

4. Post tag
Don’t just create blog categories without making use of them. Before hitting the publish button, make sure you tag each post to their respective categories and keywords that you are targeting your blog post to be ranked for, and this will motivate readers to find their ways on time when reading your blog post.

5. Constant ping
I love this aspect so much, this helps you to keep search engine inform that your blog has a new update.

Although there are many ping site that you may use and here are the best three I love using whenever I publish an article on my blog and you too can try them.

They are;

6. Blog backlink
There are ways of getting blog quality backlink like engaging in forum activities, submitting your blog to blog directories, engage in blog comment, guest blogging, and even paid backlink.

But the best of all that are worth placing priority on are forum, comment, and guest blogging if your writing skill is above average you can give guest blogging a trial.

Reason why I suggested those three backlink sources is just because Google search engine doesn’t frown eye on them because they are considered genuine way of building blog backlinks else search engine may consider you blog backlink as spam and you may be a victim of Google penguin either now or future which will have negative effect on your blog most especially on your blog traffic and search engine ranking.

Although, all the above steps may be somehow difficult and unattainable on time, but doing them the best way you can do them will definitely increase your blog search engine visibility.

The Importance Of Good Content

They say that content is the “currency” and “soul” of the web. But if you spend more time on the internet, you would come across websites with poor, non-compelling and non-persuasive content.

Writing a website copy is without a doubt, a tough and time-consuming task but remember that it reflects the company’s reputation. So, in order for your business to succeed online, here’s why credible content matters the most.

Reader Engagement
Useful content will let you engage people, make them move, spark their interest and solve their problems. This will help you establish your expertise online and create an impression of your knowledge. With so much competition on the internet, quality content will always stand out from the rest.

Creates a Buzz in Social Media
Social media is necessary in online business because it has a broad reach, comes at a low-cost and is an effective marketing strategy. Say twitter for example — the very simple act of users tweeting a post from your page will increase your site’s visibility. So when people find your content appealing, expect a lot of “shares” and “likes” on different social media platforms.

Loyal Readers Converted to Potential Customers
As an online entrepreneur, always aim for loyal readers. To do this, observe how your competitors are doing, find out their weaknesses and you will know what kind of information to disseminate. Loyal readers seek effective, compelling and unique copy. Therefore, produce an attention-grabbing content and stay ahead of your competitors.

When loyal readers frequently visit your site and leave comments and queries, you are slowly converting them to potential customers. Constantly add new and useful content and you will see a spike in the number of your customers in no time.

Gain Customers’ Trust
Now that you already have customers, you NEED to gain their trust to keep them. This is hard especially when you do it online. It is quick and easy to showcase your products or services on your website but difficult to let customers purchase them. Hence, offer valuable content and show to people that you know what you are talking about.

Deliver compelling content and people will understand that you have a deeper commitment. This separates you from brands that are merely selling “stuff.” Good content will let you form a personal connection with your customers and help you become someone they want to do business with. Also, provide a user friendly website with the help of a reputable web design company to increase your customer’s trust.

Attract Search Engines
If you regularly publish valuable content, you attract and “teach” search engines spiders to crawl more to your page. Make this a habit and they will become your site’s regular visitors and will help improve your website’s Google ranking. Don’t forget the support of website designs firms – they aid you in outdoing your competitors with a good web design.

Links are very crucial. When people find your content useful, they will link to your articles and you get extra links in the process. This will give more traffic to your site and increase its rank on search engines. Deliver credible content and expect more links in return.

Coming up with great content could be done in different methods but never forget that a clear and persuasive web copy is the most vital component for your website. If you continually provide quality content and have a professional website design, your business will thrive and succeed in the long run.
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