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Tips | Becoming A More Consistent Blogger

One of the hardest things to do as a blogger, is to remain consistent throughout. When I first began blogging back in 2009 I was firing out posts after posts on a daily basis. As time went on that frequency dropped back, and these days I’m taking a much more of a relaxed attitude towards creating content and writing only a few times per week, which means I get to focus more on quality rather than quantity.

Regardless whether you blog once a week or multiple times per week, becoming a more consistent blogger requires a lot of hard work and some carefully devised strategies. Here are 5 of these strategies to help you towards becoming a more consistent blogger.

How to Become a More Consistent Blogger

1. Create a list of post topic ideas

If you’re passionate about the main topic you blog about, i.e. Technology or making money online etc, you should never run out of post ideas. Having said that it’s always a good idea to have a list of post ideas at hand to pick from.

Thankfully most of us will have a Smartphone of some kind, so if you’re out and about and think of something cool to add to your list of post ideas; you can use your Smartphone to do it. A notebook and pen will do the job just the same.

Personally I usually come up with post ideas whilst I’m driving somewhere, as I’m thinking about my blog and usually what to write about next, or if I’m listening to a podcast presentation, an idea will spin off into my head and I’ll need to write it down, but since I’m driving this is impossible, so I’ll use my iPhone’s Siri function to add my idea to my memo.

So strategy number one: Create a list of post topic ideas.

2. Create ‘series type’ posts

A small misconception with blogging is thinking that you have to write everything about a particular topic in a single post. That’s not true at all; you can actually break your content down into mini series or parts.

I do believe long pillar posts are good, but why would anyone sit and read a 2,500 word long post, I certainly wouldn’t, people that consume content on the web are usually ‘on the go’ these days (consuming content on mobile devices), so keep some of your posts short and sweet, and consider creating mini series type posts instead of long ones.

3. Have a well organized ‘blogging editorial schedule’

Creating a ‘blogging schedule’ is essential if you want to become a more consistent blogger for sure. Use a calendar (Google Calendar is perfect) to plan out and schedule your posts for going live throughout the week. If you plan to write three times per week and post Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, ensure that you fill your calendar with what ever posts you have available for going live on these days.

4. Use a variety of post formats

One of my favorite things to do is to vary post formats. Varying post formats always provides something fresh and new for your readers to read. Here is a list of post formats and structure you might want to consider using.

  • Top 10 lists
  • ‘How to’ posts
  • Case studies
  • Series posts
  • Podcast with show notes
  • Video posts
  • Review posts
  • Cornerstone content posts
  • Blog contests
  • Interviews
  • News type posts

5. Outsource to experts

Lastly but not least, when you really don’t have anything to schedule in your calendar or you’re planning to be away from your blog for a while (like Abhi ), get some help from other neighboring bloggers in your niche, which is why building relationships is important in blogging.

Guest posts are a great addition for adding frequent fresh content to your blog. Moreover it’s also a great way to add content that offers a totally ‘different perspective’ on certain topics.

So there it is troops, 5 simple strategies for helping you achieve the status of becoming a more consistent blogger, and as always I’d love to gear your thoughts on my suggestions. Leave me a comment below.

Until next time, keep working hard! 

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