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Increase Your Business Sales with Social Brand

With competition in the business world growing fiercer all the time, how can a company rise to the top, get attention, and increase their business sales?

Making a profit in a thriving market can be hard, promotion and marketing can be tough jobs, especially when it comes to bringing in new customers and bringing up profits.

We bring to you a few ways your business can improve their bottom line, through various methods businesses can make more money and increase their brand awareness quickly.


Giving something away for nothing is a tried-and-true business tactic.

People love getting something for free, and if it’s something that gets them talking and remembering your company, so much the better.

It doesn’t stop at widgets or trinkets — free shipping and free product support are just two ways that a business can build customer loyalty (and sales).

In addition, a business can potentially market themselves better by sending out products with their brand on it, clothing has proved to be a great tactic and people wear this every day and remember who they are wearing.

Not only does all this benefit business sales but it can draw people in to want a job with your company; saving costs on not having to use external recruiters.


Do you want to keep your customers coming back? Reward them for doing business with you!

A great example of this is Adagio Tea’s “cups” rewards program. Customers earn points for buying tea, recommending the company to others, or even mentioning it online and the points can eventually be cashed in for discounts on future purchases.

A tactic like this gets customers talking, engages them with your product, and rewards them for doing business with you — guaranteeing they’ll be back.

Vouchers and discount coupons are also great ways of offering a reward to the loyal customers, make sure you offer these with every purchase, it will put you ahead of the game.

Customer Engagement

To find out what your customers really want, talk to them. Communication is a basic lesson that a lot of businesses tend to forget.

Get on social media platforms online like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn and start spreading the word about your business.

Does your company have job vacancies? Post them on social media sites and get people talking. In the modern age, customers dislike being directly “sold” to, but open up a dialog with them and they will respond.

Going Viral

Some of the most successful commercials and ad promotions on the internet are those that barely mention their products at all.

A video, infographic, or other piece of material that entertains and starts conversations that link on can be a great promotional tool.

If you’re lucky, it may spread like wildfire and get people sharing and driving profits directly to your door.


Car and truck signage, business cards, brochures, email newsletters, your company’s website, even public art can all be terrific promotional tools.

Does your company already have a main website?

If not, consider creating a new one immediately, devoted to whatever it is you want to promote, and drive traffic towards it via social media and online marketing.

Use innovative outdoor advertising like QR codes on billboards or promotional posters — they will make customers curious and make it easy to drive traffic to your website.

Give Back

Doing things for the community is a great way to increase your reputation and build customer loyalty.

Give to charities, sponsor special events, or even create instructional materials (like videos) to help others.

Customers will respond to a genuine attempt to give back to the community.

The future is demanding that businesses give back, keep up with the trends and do not fall behind.

Do your research and create new initiatives on your findings that will benefit your business portfolio and benefit your customers; this is where the actual profit grows.

Image courtesy of nuttakit at

Business Entrepreneurs Style with iPhone 5

The iPhone 5’s highly sophisticated design includes the advanced iOS system. Its features have been upgraded to reach all the needs of professionals. It has been elevated in many areas, like the speed, Google maps, appearance, screen, camera and battery life. The apps for business are increasing in demand by the day.

Uses of iPhone 5 for business entrepreneurs:

Rapid fast: The iPhone 5 has much improved internet speeds on 3G and 4G networks. It’s the fastest when compared with all the other new generation phones. This helps you to accomplish and merge your business deals faster. Its rapid fastness allows the entrepreneurs to make quick decisions within their organizations.

Handy: The iPhone 5 weights about 110- 112 grams, but one doesn’t feel this. It’s so convenient to carry. It’s thinner than its predecessor and is equipped with an A6 processor. It’s easier and comfortable to sketch and text using your thumb, whilst holding it in one hand. Though it is only light, it is sturdy enough to withstand time.

Jabbing design: Though the shape of the iPhone 5 doesn’t differ much, the enhancements are noticeable. The metal backing textures of the iPhone is more elusive. Apart from the delicacy, the new larger, goblet touch screen is much more receptive. The face time HD camera is precise and flawless and the rear cam looks more refined. This helps to capture the business cards accurately.

Long-lasting Charge: The battery of the iPhone5 is designed to be slim and the battery life has been significantly improved when compared to the other products of apple. This helps entrepreneurs in having uninterrupted work.

Interesting Apps: IPhone5 is famous for its plentiful apps. The business apps for the iPhone are outstanding.

Social Networking: The world’s best and famous social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter are free apps for iPhone. Apart from them, iPhone introduces Path, Flipboard and Pinterest into the social networking realm. They help in building the brand awareness of the business. It’s simple to market any product by creating a fan page. As the number of likes increases, so does the profit. It’s all about advertising the merchandise.

Food spotting: This app navigates people in new directions. It spots out the restaurants, hotels and food corners present in all the places within any city. This app for iPhone 5 is beneficial for the professionals who often travel.

Evernote: It is an easy-to-use app that helps you to stay organised with your meetings, ideas and to improve the output of your business. It lets you make notes on stuff related to the home or firm, creates a to-do list, voice remainders etc.

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Using Google Places for Business For Your Blog

As site owners and bloggers it’s very important for us to make sure that we are always improving our own online reputations and those of our sites. A blog or any business’ online reputation is often influenced by how well it optimizes the web and social platforms available. There are countless factors that come into play such as creating search engine-friendly content, smoothing out a webpage’s back-end coding structure, and appearing in guest blogs. However, it is important to note for small, hometown businesses that what is online is just as important as word of mouth marketing.

As mobile gains an edge, search engines are pushing for local, location-based results for queries. This way, users are able to utilize on board apps for tracking down a storefront, finding contact info and calling directly from a page, and checking out online reviews. One of the best ways to optimize for this market is to play up Google+ Local and Places.

The Place for Business
Google Places is a way to add business listings to search queries. More likely than not, any given business will already show up in one aspect or another. But like with any other Web-based marketing tactic, it is important for you to take complete control of how people find and view your company. First, Places has companies provide accurate contact information before entering a verification process.

Businesses also have the opportunity to register for AdWords directly through Place’s Business Bungalow, or control panel. AdWords is a pay-per-click service that can help a company’s inorganic search results by pulling up a listing in a query. You’re able to target demographics and adapt keywords to changing markets, but business’ will find these campaigns expensive without natural, organic search results power.

Check out Brand’s Command Center to see how they build a network of positive reviews and incoming news and links to their customers. Even if you aren't looking to improve your branding or online reputation through paid services, the chart below will still give you a good idea of how you can surround yourself and your blogs with positive articles and link building around your sites. Integrating new content, search engine tracking, knowing when/where your band is mentioned and continually building new incoming links are all great ways to improve your brand/blog awareness online.

Local Focal Points
Google+ Local is more of a social media platform than a listing service. However, every scrap of exposure helps in the long run. By creating a business page/profile, you are able to circle up with industry-related companies and connect with consumers just like you would on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. However, unlike these other social media platforms, Local is Google-friendly. When an everyday user queries a search for a clothing store in their area, for example, results with Local tie-ins increases the chance of upping page rankings. But as mentioned before, it is important for companies to cover all of their bases instead of counting on one service rather than another.

The Rule of Two
For almost every enterprise out there, it is helpful to register both Local profiles and Place listings. The more control you have over your own brand’s positive online exposure the better. In essence, both platforms allow companies to share business NAP info (as in name, address, and phone numbers), company images, comments, and reviews. According to Search Engine Watch, the most important feature out of the two are Google Map listings, an advantage even Web-based businesses can use by adding URLs and consumer ratings.

Whether you are an online blog, personal brand or a land based local business, be sure to take advantage of all the link building and branding opportunities you have at hand to better improve your reach and reputation online.

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