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Build Blogging Relations

Blogging, a wonderful word that everyone is having on their mind. Now a days Blogging is no longer a mysterious word for the upcoming generation. Almost all web surfers interact daily with web blogs. And guess what most of the Internet is built on Blogs. Basically blog is the backbone of Internet with Google as Heart. Blogs and Blogger can be found anywhere on the Internet. Suppose you searched a term on Google say “Trends in Technology”, its 99.9% probability that the page you will open will be a technology blog. And not even the simple text blogs there is more craze of Video blogging now days. Well that’s not what we are talking about its off topic.

Before that let’s talk about their importance. Now a days, According to choice of many youngsters, most of them want to be an Entrepreneur. Even I’m a young Blogger and I want to do something on my own. For being an Entrepreneur the Blogging is choice of many as it is full of lot of fame as well as money. So everyone is becoming Blogger without knowing the right thing and reasons behind it and thus we all are facing a non-sense competition. I’m saying this competition because Google prefers the new generated web-pages in their index.

Hundreds of Blogs start everyday but who cares. No one even take a look at them and think practically that how is it possible for a reader to read all the web blogs of different owners with different ideas. At this point the relations and contacts come in play.

Suppose you are a very familiar face in different Blogging communities and a newbie guy started blogging and doing well. Now a situation comes that you both ranked in the search engine on the first page and you have good relations and contacts then its a human tendency to reach to that person whom they know. A good relation definitely gives a great impact on Blogging. Trust me guys these relations are neither easy to create nor easy to maintain. Well some of you will have contradictory feedback on this statement but its true guys.

So instead of going too long, let me coming to the point.

How to Build Blogging Relations -

Increase Interaction on Facebook -

Facebook is the home of 500 million users. Almost all Bloggers use Facebook to remain connected with their fellow Bloggers and to promote their new products or articles. Being active and participating in discussion is one of the best way to build Blogging relations. Join the active Blogging communities and participate in discussions. Reply to each and every comment in the discussion. But make sure that participate only in those discussions about which you have complete knowledge. Because incomplete knowledge will unnaturally degrade your grade in the community.

Do Comment on Niche related Blogs -

Commenting is another one of the best way to build relations. As everyone now a days have comment luv plugins on their blogs that is actually a good thing. Whenever you left a comment you actually give a URL of your latest content to the world. Commenting indicates that you are a daily reader of the specific Blogger and that makes the Blogger to check out your Blog which in turn builds a perfect relation.

Don’t Hesitate to Follow on Google+ and Twitter -

Some Bloggers think that they should only have followers on their Twitter and G+ account. Maximum Bloggers don’t want to follow. This act is just like two forces are acting on backward directions resulting in net zero gain. Following on Twitter and G+ doesn’t means that you are degrading yourself in front of world. You are just creating a link with other person. Did you ever think Why Facebook have 500 million users? Just because Facebook has “Add Friend” option instead of “Follow me”. So stop thinking and change your point of view Bloggers.

Well these were some common but must know techniques to build relations in Blogging. I would suggest you to stop wasting time on watching stupid pictures or status on Facebook. Better you take participate in discussions to build contacts and gain knowledge.

I prefer commenting on other blogs and following Bloggers on Twitter to build relations. What do you prefer?

5 Ways to Build Values for your Blog

One of the most important characteristic of a successful blogger is that they know who they are, what they want, what they believe in, and what they stand for in blog-o-sphere. Most newbie bloggers are confused about their goals, values, ideas, and what they can stand for in the blogging community, and that is the more reason why they find it difficult to accomplish their blogging dream. -


To be frank, life is the ability to leave from the inside-out. The value you created for your blog makes it what it’s today, and the look of your blog solely depend on the value inside of you. The greater clarity you have regarding your blog, the more precise, and effective the possible outcome of the blog.

Thinking of target with concentric rings: You can imagine your blog value, personality, and authority by thinking of targeting concentric ring. Your blog value, personality, and authority is made up of FIVE good rings which begins with the value you place on your blog as the topmost priority, and radiating outwardly as a result of good job you have done on your blog to the next circle which I will call your RELEF.

Below are crucial ways to create value for you blog.

1. Your blog value determine people believe

If your blog is valued by you, definite; you will do everything within your reaches to make it the best by posting quality contents, building quality backlinks through guest blogging, comment, and some forums that allow dofollow.

2. Belief

Some bloggers don’t believe in themselves that they can do it without been tutored for months/year(s) by an expert. Gone are those days when I was in the university, either I attends lecture or not I will have to read on my own rigorously without anybody putting me through, though it may not be easy but try to confide in your innate ability. I chose blogging because I love what the internet offers as the second largest community after the planet earth. Believing in yourself will give you the courage to accomplish your blogging dream and will enable you to set a precise target with a specific time.

3. Expectation

Blogging is like a computer; garbage in, garbage out, and there is no gimmick about that. The more you determined, the more your zeal increases, and the more consistence you are determines what the later tale of your blogging career will offer. Like my secondary school tutor said and I quote “No manner will fall from heaven”. Yes! And it works in blog-o-sphere. Write down what you want to accomplish, and work to leave for it, and not leave to work for it.

4. Altitude

Your level in blog-o-sphere is determined by your outward manifestation or reflection of the charisma you are carrying in you. The level of the value you place on what you are doing, belief, and the expected outcome, is determined by your altitude in the community. For instance, if you belief blogging is a community that needs talented men and women and you are not one, then you need to make yourself one. And before you know what is happening, your service will be honor in the community.

5. Action

Action speaks louder than voice so they say; the action you take toward your blog will determine the level. You cannot only add value to your blog by thinking and writing down what you want to accomplish with a credible action, and if you are the type that procrastinate it is high time you put and to it and take action.

Final word: What you achieve in blog-o-sphere is a result of your inner mind which reflects itself in your action.

Fast Way To Build Your Email List (Quicktips )

There are many bloggers out there that struggle hard to make money off their blogs while there are other bloggers that are enjoying big bucks, the main source of income of those most successful bloggers is the email opt in list. How did they achieve that success?

They simply write great content that impresses the blog readers, then readers subscribe to theiremail opt in list for more great content, but how do they make money off their email opt in list? Do you want to know how to make money from your email opt in list?

Of course you want. In this post I would like to share with you some gold advises to build a successful email list that actually converts.

I know there are some bloggers that have started before an email opt in list but failed to make money through it, by reading the rest of this post you will learn how to reanimate your failed venture, so keep reading ..

6 Tips To Build Your Email Opt in List Fast

1) Convert readers into subscribers to your email opt in list

Just launching your email opt in list would not make you money immediately, before expecting any money off your opt in list you have to put some articles on your blog, your email marketing success is based on your article’s quality, if the posts you publish are pretty impressive and useful your readers would not mind to subscribe to your email opt in list.

Write content and keep driving traffic to your blog to emphasize your readers on your mailing list. Now you have huge traffic from your mailing list is that enough ? Not yet let’s move to the next tip.

2) Get your readers trust

This is the most important thing when it comes to building a successful email list, if your readers and subscribers don’t trust on you then they will not purchase any products which you promote. Here are some few tips to earn your readers trust.

3) Do webinars

This is the most powerful way yet to gain your readers trust. Webinars allows you to get in front of your audience, your readers will feel like they are talking to a close friend and they will surely start to trust you.

In the webinar you just record yourself talking and all your audience is watching you in real-time, it feels like having them in your room.

GoTo Webinar is the best webinar service ever but it’s quite expensive but I think Ustream is an awesome alternative there also some other free alternatives.

4) Show income proofs to your readers

If you want to make your readers believe you and trust your advises you have to show the some income proofs, so they can believe that you actually make money and you are not just promoting your stuff.

Well it’s very important to get your readers trust, without this last one you can’t get any sales from your email list.

5) Create an enticing free incentive gift

If you want to increase your email opt in list subscriber then you have to consider adding a worthy gift for the people who subscribes to your email list. Create an irresistible gift that will force your readers to subscribe then enjoy an increase in the amount of subscribers.

6) Include ”Tell a friend” option

If you want your posts get shared via your email opt in list newsletter you have to make sure that ”tell a friend” option is included, you must include that button, so your subscribers could easily share your content with their friends.


I’ve shared some tips that will surely help you to set up and build an email opt in list that will make you lots of money based on the quality of your content and how much traffic you drive to it.

When it comes to monetization in my opinion affiliate products are the best monetization method to make money off your email list.

Now tell us in the comment section.

Do you have an email list?

Do you generate a passive income from it?

Please share with us your point of views if you have any queries the comment section should be enough to resolve your inquiry.

Find Out - Easy Way To Build Your Own Online Store

E-commerce is becoming a big online industry, making many people wanting to start their own online store to sell their goods. Even physical stores are taking it to the Web for brand exposure, extending a digital arm into the world of online commerce. Not a fan of codes? It’s fine because you can fall back on tools like Goodsie, to do all the coding for you to have your very own online store.

Getting Started

Goodsie makes it really easy to start up your online store. All that is needed is a store name, an email, your name and a password. After entering all your details for your store you are presented with a flat UI dashboard to manage your newly created store.

One of the main parts of managing an online store is of course, adding and managing the products you want to sell. Apart from having fields for description, titles and price, Goodsie also has some rare features in their product manager such as SKU, an option used to keep track of all your profit margins, and not to mention the ability to add extras like wrapping, color, etc.

Styling Your Store

Nowadays the style of your store is pretty important. The Goodsie store designer is as simple as can be. You can customize the page layouts, backgrounds, colors, fonts and effect, or add your custom logo for the site. There are also design features for products and details, but with all these ‘customization’, there is a problem.

One of the few, or perhaps its greatest weakness is that Goodsie does not allow those that are able to dig into designing full layouts to even touch the default design. In the long run, Goodsie will lose an overwhelming number of tech-savvy store owners.

The Little Extras

But when it comes to the extras, Goodsie makes up for it, going a bit further than other e-commerce services with awesome and useful extra features.

The extra features of Goodsie starts with its statistic dashboard that gives you all of the information that you need from your store including the amount of visitors, actions from the visitors, average time spent on the store, common actions, searches, links to your store, countries and sources of the traffic.

Last but not least we have two other extra features which is the ability to use coupons for your online store and products being sold and the ability to accept credit cards using Stripe Payments.

Up to 55% of shoppers want multiple payment options and will abandon their cart if the option is not there to pay by the channels they are most comfortable with. Thus having Stripe integrated into your store is a big plus compared to other services


Goodsie has two plans, Standard, which is $15/month and Premium which is $40/Month. The premium account can give you a few more features. Let’s take a look at what the premium account can give you:

  • Inventory email notifications
  • Insightful sales analytics
  • Targeted email marketing system
  • Multiple user accounts and permissions
  • Shipping label solutions by ShipStation

Personally, I believe that the premium account is overpriced.

Should You Try It?

Here’s a summary of the good and the bad of Goodsie.


  • Simple and easy-to-use dashboard.
  • Ability to accept multiple payment options using Stripe.
  • Coupon Codes feature.
  • The extra details within the product information. (e.g. gift wrapping, colors)

  • The site styles may be a bit too simple for some people.
  • The account plans are on the pricier side.
  • There is no ‘free’ account type.


Goodsie has some useful and unique features but if you are looking for really awesome design, you may find it lacking in that aspect. I’m hoping that there will be improvements in this area, hoping that Goodsie will eventually allow designers to play and experiment with the design side of things.

For the most part, I recommend Goodsie for storekeepers that are looking for a simple easy to use e-commerce service especially, for those that are just starting out in online business and ecommerce.

Build A Full-Feature ‘Solidify’ Prototype Just With Clicks

Ever need to visualize an idea and go beyond a wireframe for a website or application? Knowing if your interface is easy to understand can be tough. Traditional methods of user testing can be disorganized and frustrating. To speed up the process and make interface ideas come alive, trySolidify.


Solidify brings prototyping to the next level, and goes beyond simple wireframing by bringing to you features like link building, a built-in screen editor, feedback pages and forms for feedback from clients or team members, pick-your-audience options, easily collect demographics, app and website settings and more.

Getting Started With Solidify

Once you have created your account and signed in, you will be prompted by a "Create new Prototype" screen. Click to create a new prototype, then go into the setup of your new prototype.

You will start by uploading the screens of your website or app into Solidify. Choose whether the prototype and/or screen is for consumption from a desktop or mobile device like an iPad or a Nexus 10.


Prototype Links

One of the most important key features to Solidify is the feature to add links to elements of your screens of your prototypes. Any user can easily add a link by clicking and dragging over the element and setting your link options to dictate where you want that link to lead to, and more.


You can easily set who you want to allow to see the links and elements of your screens and pages by choosing your audience type between users and member types.


When you are done with setting up your prototype screens the next thing you will most likely want to do is get feedback on your prototypes. Feedback is almost as easy to set up.


When setting up feedback for your prototype you will have three options:

  • No feedback: Doesn’t allow the reviewer to leave any kind of feedback but still allows functionality
  • Page and Overall: This feedback option allows for open feedback for each individual page and overall feedback at the end
  • Directive Feedback: Create a series of directives or instructions, then record metrics and get feedback on each directive.

Complete Analytics

Another great and useful feature of Solidify is that it comes with built-in Analytics for your prototype. You can easily view who checked out your prototype, the feedback they left (if any), the average time they spent on each individual page, average time on the entire prototype and my favorite of them all, a click-flow video showing how they used it and what they did.


When viewing your prototype and tester analytics it even shows each individual person that visited and tested your prototype even if they are not registered as your team member or as a member of Solidify itself.

Pricing And Accounts

The account pricing for Solidify is simple and reasonably priced. For the Basic Plan, it is $19/month, for the Plus Plan, it is $49/month. There is also a very limited free account. You can view all their pricing plans here.


  • Great design and organized step by step instructions to setup the perfect prototype.
  • Full with complete analytics including video support.
  • Add team members and clients to your account.
  • Reasonable account pricing. One account, one bill, multiple services!
  • Prototype building made easy.
  • Screen builder with multiple features.


  • No account connection to outside storage services like Google Drive, Box and Dropbox.
  • Mobile support, small scale.
  • No notification bar.


Solidify brings to me and hopefully you, a great and new experience that no other service like provides. It has great features, step by step setup, feedback, tester and visitor analytics full with video, great link builder, privacy settings and a bunch more useful features.
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