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Tutorial | How to make money with Blogging

With a bigger focus on fresh, new ideas online, many people are deciding to enter the internet arena as writers, or bloggers, in order to generate income by publishing their well-opinionated voice through a series of posts and self-written articles.

A few years ago, making money off blogging was unheard of. Blogs were simply threads of trivial information floating in cyberspace. Not until bloggers learned how to package their work and brand themselves did blogs become a popular, viable source of information.

Over the years, popular bloggers (vloggers too) have been able to generate a substantial income pipeline by attracting readers (viewers) through relevant content and landing endorsement deals and advertising opportunities.

If you’re a blogger, and have yet to generate a stream of income, you may be asking yourself what exactly needs to be done to make your blog a monetary success. Here are a few easy and creative ways you can begin hyping up your blog, building your personal brand and increasing viewership in order to generate some green.

Be Niche
If you have a blog, understand that you can’t be sporadic with your content. For example, covering everything from sports, movies and product reviews. Good blogs attract niche, or specific, audiences. If you’re going to write about sports, make sure it’s all about sports. However, even sports can be too general! An article on advises bloggers to be hyper-focused when picking out subjects for your blog. So instead of focusing on all sports, why not focus on sports in East Coast? Or college sports? Or even just hockey? Just remember, the secret to finding an audience and building viewership centers around finding your niche.

Be Relevant
Once you decide on a focus, remember to live and breathe this particular subject. If you have a movie blog, watch as many films as you can. Stay current with new releases. Know your stuff! This is why, it’s highly suggested for bloggers to choose a focus in which they’re experts. Also, remember not to clutter your pages with too much written content. Rich Gorman, professional marketer, suggests that the best web pages have an equal balance of content and space.

Sell Ad Space
One of the major forms of revenue for bloggers comes through ad space. Once you’ve found your niche, appealed to your audience and generating a decent following, you can begin auctioning space. Most bloggers usually use Google’s AdSense because of its simplicity. Basically, Google acts as a middleman between advertisers and bloggers, placing monthly ads without further effort by bloggers. Most of the time, ad prices will go up as viewership increases, making it an excellent way to generate decent revenue. So expect a monthly check from Google!

Branding and Merchandising
Your blog needs to have a solid identity, definitely something visually appealing to your viewers. Depending on the caliber of your content and your relationship with your audience, your viewers will want to promote your brand in their daily lives, especially if you’re trending. Take advantage of this! Sites like offer bloggers merchandising packages to stamp their brands and logos on everything from t-shirts to bumpers stickers! Don’t be afraid to sell to your viewers!

Making cash from your blog can be quite easy if you know what to do, however, remember that results depend on the caliber of content and creativity and the amount of time you dedicate your blog. If you want quality results, you have to offer quality entertainment.

How to Make Your Blog Search Engine Friendly

Everybody is becoming internet marketer in one way or the other either by blogging, promoting affiliated products and all the like as internet is becoming the second largest society on the planet earth, and there are trying to make their blog search engine friendly in a wrong way for the sake gaining search engine popularity.

If however you have been struggling with how to make your blog search engine friendly, the below tips am about to unfold could be what is required of you to make your blog search engine friendly, and make your blog post indexed on time by most search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. 

1. Consider you blog title and URL
Many professional bloggers like John Chow, Matt Cutt, etc. don’t consider this is a blogging priority because they are professional but as a beginner, this is very crucial.

Your blog title and URL must contain some of your blog keywords, because it the best way to have a say over what your blog is ranked for.

2. Write quality content consistently
Writing quality content often is equal to last long blog traffic (LLBT). All search engine love something fresh, new and innovative.

The more fresh content you write on your blog either for search engine or your blog visitors, the more you get your blog indexed with the right keyword for a start, and this will stand as a chance for you to have constant blog traffic over the time even when you are on holiday, your blog quality content with rich keyword will do the traffic job on your behalf.

3. Blog category and keywords
Note that, if your blog is to be optimized for keywords, that will be what people will be search for, it is wise to categorize your blog content under your blog respective keywords.

The more you make your blog post familiar with your blog keywords categories, the better the rank in search engine.

For instance, if your blog is all about blogging, then, you are expected to have categories like, making money blogging, how to start a blog, blogging template, blogging tips, and all the like.

4. Post tag
Don’t just create blog categories without making use of them. Before hitting the publish button, make sure you tag each post to their respective categories and keywords that you are targeting your blog post to be ranked for, and this will motivate readers to find their ways on time when reading your blog post.

5. Constant ping
I love this aspect so much, this helps you to keep search engine inform that your blog has a new update.

Although there are many ping site that you may use and here are the best three I love using whenever I publish an article on my blog and you too can try them.

They are;

6. Blog backlink
There are ways of getting blog quality backlink like engaging in forum activities, submitting your blog to blog directories, engage in blog comment, guest blogging, and even paid backlink.

But the best of all that are worth placing priority on are forum, comment, and guest blogging if your writing skill is above average you can give guest blogging a trial.

Reason why I suggested those three backlink sources is just because Google search engine doesn’t frown eye on them because they are considered genuine way of building blog backlinks else search engine may consider you blog backlink as spam and you may be a victim of Google penguin either now or future which will have negative effect on your blog most especially on your blog traffic and search engine ranking.

Although, all the above steps may be somehow difficult and unattainable on time, but doing them the best way you can do them will definitely increase your blog search engine visibility.

30 Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Blog

Are you looking to increase traffic to your website? There are many ways to increase traffic to your website. Majority of people believe the only way to driving traffic will cost them money. There are different methods of driving traffic that you pay for, and the majority of them are free. Increasing traffic to your business, website, or blog is the key to building a larger audience. I have enlisted in this post the top ways to increase traffic your website. The benefit of increasing your traffic is to improve visibility, ranking, and increase revenue.

Boost your web traffic

1. Write Articles is one of the most powerful ways to generate traffic for your website. Here is a list of free article sites that I personally use at the given moment.
2. Commenting on blogs is another great strategy for generating traffic. When leaving a comment on someone else website make sure the site is relevant to your niche. Other things to take in consideration for your comment to be approve is to provided content, be respectful, and know what your talking about.

3. Social bookmarking is another source for building traffic. Here are my favorite social bookmarking sites.
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
  • Facebook
  • Google +
  • MySpace
  • StumbleUpon
  • Reddit
  • Delicious
  • Digg
  • Tweetmeme
  • Fark
  • Slashdot
  • Friendfeed
  • Clipmarks
  • Newsvine
  • LiveJournal
  • Meet Up
  • Orkut
  • MyLife
  • Ning
  • Tagged
  • Deviant Art
4. Facebook Fan Page is a tool to drive traffic to your website. Creating a Facebook Fan page is very easy process and free.

5. Facebook ads are a popular method of buying traffic for your site. Facebook ads provide targeted, demographic, and direct traffic.

6. YouTube is a free marketing channel that everyone should use to drive traffic to their websites. Did you know YouTube is the second largest search engine? YouTube is a free online tool we should be using for online marketing.

7. Referral Program is a great way to drive traffic through the word of mouth. Offer your potential customers a discount if they refer your services to their friends.

8. Facebook groups are a great way to promote your blog post to boost your traffic. I join other Facebook groups with relevant topics and start posting my blogs. I get tons of free traffic using Facebook groups.

9. Join a forum group to boost traffic to your site. In the forum group your able to post or answer questions. In a forum group, you can easily become an expert on your field and built credibility. 

They are forum sites for all types of niches. Here are a couple of forum groups I have using in the past and still use.

Top Forums for SEO
10. Ebay is a great source to drive traffic to your website. Ebay currently has over 60 million customers. How do you generate traffic from Ebay? All you need to do is create a good About Me Page in your Ebay account. In the about me, page Ebay allows to promote your website.

11. Newspaper Ads is another tool to drive traffic to your site. Contact your local newspaper and place an ad.

12. Search Engine Optimization is a terrific way to drive organic traffic. Make sure to optimize your site by taking advantage of keywords and excellent content.

13. Backlinks area great for search engine optimization and driving organic traffic. If your looking to buying high quality backlinks there are many companies where they can be purchase. Here are a couple of companies I have bought backlinks.
14. Guest posting will help grow your brand and is a popular option to drive traffic. I have included a link with various sites with high ranking that allow guest posting.

15. Investing in E-mail listing will help your website drive tons of traffic. I have enlisted some of the organizations that provide E-mail listing services for a reasonable price.
  • Aweber
  • Get Response
  • Mail Chimp
  • Constant Contact
  • Campaigner
  • Benchmark Email
  • IContact
  • Campaign Monitor
  • Jango Mail
  • Boomerang
  • Ezine Director
  • Jango Mail
16. Free E-book is another way to drive traffic to your site. The e-book is a free incentive for customers to return to your site and add promotional links inside the book. There are many ways to create an e-book for a low cost. I have enlisted a couple of sites to buy or hire someone to create an e-book.
  • Freelancer
  • Fiverr
  • Fastcinco
There are also companies that allow buying private label rights. These companies let you buy the e-book and let you change the title, content, author info, and even sell them and keep every penny.
17. Clickbank helps promote your product and increases your website traffic. Majority of the traffic will be from affiliate marketers. Affiliate marketers sign up to promote your product sending traffic to your website.

18. Flickr is a free tool to drive traffic to your site. Anyone that uses an image through your Flickr account has to give an image credit which will drive free traffic your site.

19. Create a blog and drive traffic to your website.

20. Sign up for answer websites. The answer websites are a place where people place questions about specific niches who are trying to find an answer. Becoming the expert at the answer websites will drive free traffic to your site. I have enlisted some of the sites you can sign up for free to drive organic traffic.
21. Use Podcasting to drive traffic to your website. Podcasting is one of the newest crazes over the Internet. Podcasting is continually growing daily, and its a great way to get your website traffic.

22. RSS Feeds on your website will also help promote traffic. The RSS Feeds are one of the most powerful traffic driving tools a blogger can use to create backlinks and rank higher in the search engines. Feedburner allows blog owners to create and manage their RSS Feeds.

23. Web 2.0 Sites have huge traffic and are a great way to drive free organic traffic. I have enlisted some of my favorite Web 2.0 Sites.
24. Email Signature. All of your emails should have your website address in the bottom.

25. Business Cards are another great form of getting free traffic. Provide everyone you meet with a business card with your website address. I have enlisted some of the top sites to buy business cards.
  • Vista Print
  • 123 Print
  • Zazzle
  • Businesscards 24
  • Go Print
  • Juke Box
  • Overnight Prints
  • Print Runner
  • Uprinting
26. Search Engine Directory. Increase your visibility by adding your website to search engine directory. I have compose of the top search engines to add your website.
  • Yahoo
  • Google
  • Bing
  • DMOZ
  • Alta Vista
  • Go
  • Hotbot
  • Galazy
  • Lycos
  • Alexa Internet
27. Place ads on Micro Websites. Using micro websites to drive hoards of targeted traffic to your website. Here are my favorite micro websites.
  • Fiverr
  • Yooker
  • Fascinco
  • Tenbux
  • Zeerk
  • Gigbucks
  • Dealerr
  • Gighour
  • Taskarmy
  • Zeerk
  • Mturk
28. Advertise on outsourcing sites. Offer your product or services to different countries. I have enlisted my favorite outsourcing companies.
  • Freelancer
  • Odesk
  • Elance
29. Create an interactive community in your blog. Adding a blog comment field on your website will allow for everyone to join the conversation. In return make sure to respond to everyone comment Google loves interaction. 

30. Sign up for free Gravator account. Every time you leave a comment on blogs your picture and website address will automatically appear.
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