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How To Avoid Web Design Mistakes | Quicktips

Every web designer tries to design an effective website, without making any mistake. But, it is not at all mandatory that all the trials give effective results.

Some websites exists on the internet which has lots of mistakes or errors in it and these errors distract the users from the site.

Some of the common errors which designers make and due to which the users distract from the website are:

1. Unpleasant color combination

2. Too large and too small texts

3. Loading of web pages takes time

4. Pop-up windows

5. Failure in opening of external links in new browsers

Every business owner develops the website of his company with the main motive to earn profit by attracting the visitors towards their site.

In other words, they develop the website to build the reputation and credibility of the company.

To build the reputation and credibility of the company, it is necessary that, the web designer must design the website which enhances the user experience.

A visitor should feel comfortable, when he/she visits your website and he will feel comfortable only when your website is attractive and informative.

This will insists the visitor to visit your site again and again for getting updated information or more information regarding the same topic.

Described below are some of the common errors which a designer makes while designing the website. 

Unpleasant Color Combinations

The websites which have appealing designs and decent color combinations are enjoyed by most of the users.

Therefore, a designer must not make use of ugly color combinations; instead they must use decent colors, which give soothing affect to the eyes.

For example. The black text with the white background gives soothing affect to the eyes and if you want to make it more attractive then you can add graphics, which will give more colorful appearance to the web page.

Too Large and Too Small Texts

It is the one of the most common mistakes which the designers make. The designers either use very small texts or very large texts on the web site.

It is true that, the use of small texts will give you the opportunity to insert a lot of information on the site, but at the same time use of small texts makes it difficult for the visitors to see or read the content, especially on the high resolution screen.

On the other hand, there are few sites, which uses too large texts, this makes the website unattractive and becomes a curse for the users using low resolution screen like 800X600 pixels.

The solution for this problem is that, you, yourself should check the text by sitting few meters away from the screen. You should be able to read the text comfortably.
Time taken for loading a web page

Every visitor clicks on the website with the hope that the website will load quickly and he will be able to see or get the information for which he is searching for.

But the designers make this mistake by adding heavy graphics or large number of graphics, which makes the loading of the page slower.

And the visitor doesn’t have the patience or the time to wait for the site to get open and that visitor skips from the website.

Therefore, it is one of the greatest problem due to which the businesses lose their online visitors. Therefore, a designer must optimize the images before placing it on the website, so that it loads much faster.

Pop Up Windows

The occurrence of the pop up windows on the site irritates and frustrates the users. The users close these windows frustratingly.

Pop up windows infect your website and give it a low quality appearance.

As a good designer, you must think that you are making the site for the user and you must see his comfortability.
Links Get Fail to Open in New Tabs

External links which don’t open in new tab, gives a very bad experience to the user. As these links enable the users to simply go to the new page without losing the previous page.

The appearance of website must be appealing to the user eyes. Therefore, web designers should design a website without any errors or mistakes and must check it before making it live on the web server.

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