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A Smartphone App Can Detect Earthquakes

Want to know about the inception of destruction? Here’s your chance, with a smartphone app that detects earthquakes.

iShake is a free app designed to detect seismic activity. It utilizes the accelerometer that every smartphone has. This particular mechanism in your phone tells your display to respond when you tilt your phone to the side. The researchers experimented with an iPhone, they compared its accelerometer to an authentic earthquake sensor. It turned out that the iPhone could detect earthquakes at a magnitude of 5 or greater when near the epicenter. It’s expected that they will be able to detect smaller earthquakes sooner.

OK, I know what you’re thinking – why the heck would I need an app to tell me there’s an earthquake going on? I mean it’s an earthquake – you can feel it. Well, the idea is that if the app is installed in enough people’s phone emergency responders could get a clearer picture of the damage and the epicenter. By collecting ground motion intensity parameters during the earthquake, an accurate portrayal of the damage effects of an earthquake can be provided.

Talking about Facebook iPad App

Multiple statements are coming from different sites regarding official facebook iPad application. Everyone is expecting for new iPad application. MG Siegler found the app code hidden inside the face book’s iPhone.

MG Siegler said that he accessed new iPhone app with the help of Facebook iPhone code. Well! It is not confirmed that what features Apple has added into new iPad application but he revealed some of its details on design and interface.

According to Mr. Siegler, new Facebook iPad application is really a wonderful device. It offers menu system located in left side that you have not seen in Company’s official iPhone application. It is full large screen app that is available on Apple tablet.

Moreover, photo viewing feature is great and highly optimized. Facebook photo seems natural and gives full resemblance that you see in built-in photo viewer on the iPad. Coding used to build new application is HTML5 and web programming language.

From above description, we can expect for new official facebook iPad in coming few months but still it is unclear that the news are correct or wrong. Company knows well what it is going to release in coming weeks.

Founder of facebook and chief executive said recently that the Company has planned to release new products in coming days. This statement also gives us a hope that iPad app would be one of them.

Automatic Link – The Smart Monitoring App For Your Car

We have devices that can help us to monitor our health, daily paces, calorie intake etc, and allowing us easy access to the information anywhere, anytime. Now, don’t you wish that there is something similar to this concept but for your car? It can help you to monitor your car and provide information on your driving routine (and even improve it.

Setting Up Automatic Link

It is real easy to set up, just plug in Automatic Link to the car’s on-board computer and pair it with the app on your smartphone.

The Automatic Link dongle is attached to the car’s on-board computer (OBD-II port) which is the port where mechanics use to check cars. It is usually below the steering wheel.

The dongle uses Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy to connect and transmit data to your smartphone, and drivers can continue to use their smartphones for other means.

Data Collection

While driving, when drivers waste fuel through actions such as rough breaking, speeding and rapid acceleration there will be a subtle audio reminding the drivers of their actions. At home or at the office, users can check the app for a detailed weekly roundup covering locations they have driven to and how much fuel was used.

Crash Alert (Beta)

Although still in the beta phase, Automatic Link can send a crash alert to family or loved ones,as well as to request for help with the driver’s name, crash location and vehicle description. This works via the accelerometer which can detect many types of crashes.

Automatic Link can also work as a personal mechanic. When the ‘check engine’ lights up users will be alerted with a push notification. An ‘Engine Trouble Codes’ will be assigned and possible solutions (as well as nearby mechanics) for it will be suggested.

Parking Location Logged

Lastly, with Automatic Link you will never forget where you parked your car! There is no need to do a manual check in as the app will remember the location of your car. And if you are sharing your car, allows you to share the location of the parked car.

To Order

Automatic Link is currently available for pre-order at $69.95, and is only available in the U.S right now. Rest assured the creators are working hard to make this service available in other countries. There are no extra subscription fees to use the service, and the creator estimates that Automatic Link will probably use around 5MB of data per month.

For now, the Automatic Link app supports iPhone 4S/5 and the following Android phones:

  • Motorola Droid – RAZR MAXX , RAZR M
  • HTC – Thunderbolt
  • Samsung Galaxy – S II, S III, Note I & II, Nexus
  • Google (LG) – Nexus

Will It Work With My Car?

Automatic Link can work with almost every gasoline car sold in the U.S. since 1996 which is the year all cars are installed with the OBD-II port. During the pre-order you can choose your car brand and model, and check to see if it is supported for your car before making a purchase.
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