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Look In To | 10 Fact About New CEO of Apple

Steve Jobs resigned from the post of CEO of the Apple Company, the only thought in mind right now among many of us, even a guy like me who haven’t ever used any product of Apple searched for the reasons behind his resignation though all in vain but the world seems enthusiastic about the word Apple. The Company has a very big name in the market and the world wants to know about the new CEO of Apple company, so here I am providing you with some exciting and interesting facts about Tim Cook, The new CEO of Apple.

10). A Very Private Person

Tim Cook is a much classified person; here are a few of his traits that will tell us about him. He is a soft spoken person, very enthusiastic and a person with an easygoing nature. He is not bold and sociable he loves to remain in his own world; he doesn’t wants to be the head news of The Times and wants to do things without getting much appreciation from co workers and other officials of the company. In short he is personality who loves to keep things confidential.

#9). A Fan Himself

Just like all others he is a person who has his likes and dislikes. He is a big fan of Football and some other specific sports. He is a very big fan of AUBURN football team and admires them very much, his passion for football make us believe that, he is a very simple person who loves to do simple and ordinary things

#8). Loves Working and Sending Emails Early in the Morning

Vice versa of us, we like to fresh the mind before going to office by working out or having a jog in a cool morning breeze. The CEO of apple does things differently he loves to send emails early in the morning before going to office, you would be eager to know how early it is. It is not late by 0430 hours. This is how he starts his day.

Smart people are never perfect, and therefore mistakes are just a part of the game. The truly effective leaders however can overcome these shortcomings and still achieve the goals they set. Shaping the ideology of leaders starts with proper mentorship and focus, like you can receive with a masters of organizational leadership

#7). A Fitness Enthusiast

Since now all of you have the idea that new CEO of apple is quite a unique and inimitable personality very different from all other company leaders. But he also finds time for himself; his routine includes a gym workout in order to shape his body. He is also a fitness enthusiast and other than workout in the gym he loves to participate in outdoor activities such as biking and hiking.

#6). Temporary CEO for Apple, A Couple of Times

If we talk about the experience of Mr. Tim for the job of CEO then there is no better than him. He has been a CEO in many occasions for the Apple Company when Mr. Steve Jobs was seriously ill and needed a series of medical attention, during this time he displayed marvelous leadership skills and for him this job is not a new job, he knows how to get the things done with perfection and ease.

#5). IBM and Compaq Product

He has a versatile experience of working with other companies like IBM, Compaq which are being known as the competitors of Apple. Where ever he worked he holds a record of being a diligent worker

#4). Educational Highlights

He completed Industrial Engineering in the year 1982 from a very renowned University “The Auburn University” then later received his MBA from Duke University’s Fugua School of Business in 1988.

#3). His Natural Heritage

He was born and raised in the city of Alabama, Robertsdale but he came from a very simple family where his father’s profession is a shipyard employee while his mother is a full time homemaker.

#2). Independently Hardworking

He may have not received the luxuries of life while he was young, which could be attributed for his mild nature and simplicity. Yet he has gathered all the rewards because of his prudence and reliable nature. In fact, he is one of the biggest contributors to the achievements that Apple had in the past, where even Mr. Jobs believed in him.

#1). 13 Years for Timothy

He has been a competent member of the Apple Company and has been serving if for over 13 years and now he has been welcomed to take the lead and make Apple Company shoot up in the air and reach the heights of glory and success with a lightning speed. He is Timothy D. Cook also known as Tim Cook.

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