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Instagram Can Ruin your Appetite

Friends who obsessively post photos of their meals can negatively impact your appetite, a new study finds.

A new study reveals a surprising way that sites such as Instagram and Pinterest can ruin your meal: looking at too many photos of food can make eating less enjoyable, researchers said.

Researchers from Brigham Young University in Utah claim that a friend's obsession with posting meals on Instagram or Pinterest can spoil your appetite "by making you feel like you've already experienced eating that food," the researchers wrote.

"In a way, you're becoming tired of that taste without even eating the food," said study coauthor and marketing professor Ryan Elder. "It's sensory boredom -- you've kind of moved on. You don't want that taste experience anymore."

The researchers recruited 232 subjects to view and rate photographs of food. In one experiment, half of the participants viewed 60 pictures of sweet treats, such as cake and chocolates, while the other half looked at 60 pictures of salty snacks, such as chips, pretzels, and fries. After rating each picture based on how appetizing that food appeared, participants finished the experiment by eating peanuts and then rating how much they enjoyed the snack.

Subjects who had viewed the salty foods ended up enjoying the peanuts less, even though they had never looked at photos of peanuts, just at other salty foods, while the same effect didn't occur among those who had viewed the images of sweets.

"If you want to enjoy your food consumption experience, avoid looking at too many pictures of food," said coauthor Jeff Larson, also a marketing professor. "Even I felt a little sick to my stomach during the study after looking at all the sweet pictures we had."

Then again, Larson adds that if you have a weakness for a certain unhealthy food and want to prevent yourself from eating too much of it, you may want to look at more pictures of that food.

"You do have to look at a decent number of pictures to get these effects," Elder added. "It's not like if you look at something two or three times you'll get that satiated effect."

Their findings, announced October 3, are published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology.

Attention! Sponsored Posts Can Ruin Your Blog Completely

No one can deny the fact that most of the bloggers including you and me are attracted to the sponsored posts. And if those posts are found to be very much similar to the content that is being produced on your blog then we tend to accept them.

We don’t look after the things such as backlink that will be pointed through this blog post and how it can ruin your blog completely.

I do check my Facebook account a lot and I’m always wondering how one can accept any type of blog posts just for the sake of earning few dollars.

Well, there are reasons and I’ve been through the same phase. That’s why I’m sure that I can convince you to stop accepting certain sponsored posts.

I think it’s time to talk about the facts. It’s time to talk about how sponsored posts can ruin your blog.

So, let’s first talk about the type of sponsored posts that are good and bad.

There are two types in which a sponsored posts can be categorized i.e., Good and bad.

Good sponsored posts are those which are talking about the subject deeply. They are certainly the one who are written for the purpose of building network and trust. Also, they don’t really link back to spam website. Usually, they will put a backlink to their company website.

On the other hand, bad sponsored blog posts are those which are not well-formatted. Those posts are written for the sole purpose of putting some spam or casino website.

Remember, linking back to the casino websites will affect your blog’s search engine ranking. So, you better shouldn’t accept the sponsored posts which are linking back to casino website.

Reasons Why Bloggers Accept Sponsored Posts

It’s important to get to the roots to find out why bloggers are accepting sponsored posts.
Quick Cash

This is the real reason and in fact I would say the most important one. Everyone wants to earn money from blogging however not each of them succeeds in earning.

So, they start thinking that this is the best way of earning the money. However, if you accept irrelevant backlinks on your blog, you’ll definitely be penalized sooner or later.

Well, I don’t feel that there is any other reason except the one that I’ve mentioned. If there is any, do let me know via comments.

Now, coming back to our original topic of discussion.

How Sponsored Posts Can Ruin Your Blog Completely
Poor Quality Article

You need to pay an extra attention to the quality of these posts. Generally, the advertiser tends to provide low quality blog posts because that’s easy to produce.

In fact, some advertisers go ahead and provide spun article which might have grammatical mistakes.

Readers? Don’t you care about them anymore?

Did you forget that you started your blog to help out others? That’s when you started having readership around your blog.

Well, then it doesn’t sound good to force them to read sponsored post which poorly written or which is totally unrelated to the topics that you’ve been covering.

If that sponsored post is not adding value to your blog, it’s totally useless to have one.

Selling links?

Well, you’re definitely selling backlink if the advertiser is asking for a link back to their site. And according to the terms and conditions by various companies such as Google, this is illegal.

If it is found out that you’re selling links, your blog’s page-rank will be ripped off. You may even lose search engine ranking.

Low quality backlink

I know that I’ve just talked about the fact that selling link is illegal however I know that there are thousand other bloggers who simply ignore it. So, I decided to include this section of low quality backlink.

What I mean by low quality backlink is the quality of the website that is being linked through the blog post.

If the website is found to have spam content that would certainly put your ranking down.

Is it worthy?

Well, there is a slight line between accepting good and bad sponsored posts.

  • When you decide to accept such type of blog posts, you need to take care of things such as –
  • Will it affect my blog’s search engine ranking?
  • Will it affect my position that I’ve been able to create in the minds of my readers?
  • Is the content really worth posting?
  • Is it adding value to your blog?

What are your thoughts on accepting sponsored posts? How do you go after them?

Feel free to add your opinion in the comments below.

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