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Important ! Private Domain Registration

There are total 145,050,552 domain on the time of publishing this post in all across the world. Every big or small firm is having website these days because having online presence have become must these days.

Almost 90,000 domains are getting registered in a single day and number is increasing every day.

When a business or an individual registers a domain name for their website, the registration includes several areas that contain personal information.

The owner of the website, including their name and phone number, is published in to the WHOIS directory that is the equivalent to a phone book for the Internet. The registration also includes physical addresses for anyone involved in the website. The public want to know who to contact if there is a problem and who is responsible for the technical side of the site.

All of this information is public information that can be accessed by any number of people, including telemarketers and those who will try to trick you into renewing your domain through their services. This type of activity is usually used to steal you away from your current domain company. The sale of your telephone number and address opens you up to become the target of relentless telemarketing.

The domain registration company must provide the owner’s information to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) where that information is then compiled into the WHOIS directory. The domain registration company can use a proxy to mask your name and address if you choose private domain registration upon the purchase of your domain. This is a way for your registration company to keep your information out of the public eye, while continuing to meet their obligations to ICANN to provide registration information that is public. Until ICANN changes the way they provide the information to the public, the use of a proxy is the only way to keep your information from data mining companies.

How this will help?

Having private domain registration will keep your data safe and your identity will not be accessible for the outer world.
  1. No one can check the number of domains registered at your name.
  2. You will be safe from hacking attempts.
  3. No person can sell anything to you after getting your mail address from WHOIS database.
  4. You have secured websites.

And there are many more benefits to have this type of domain registration.

Final Words.

If you are managing many websites and want to have safe and secure online presence the this is recommended for you.
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